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Everything posted by TrainerModel

  1. If nothing else this might make a 1 star not feel pressured to find the MP as the main causal because it would be sacrilege to say the AF's newest, greatest, super pricey toy has some problems with it...still.
  2. http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/16/world/asia/afghanistan-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 Karazai is bitching again. He wants to "meet" with the shooter and for no reason at all, thinks we're lying to him about it being just one soldier. That dude is showing he's just like every other Afghan, not some savior of the "country"
  3. I have a friend, non-pilot, she went to one of these meetings at her base and said they discussed for the entire length of their meeting how to bring the CGO pilots from the base into their organization, come to their meetings/activities/parties etc. She said it went from that, to people saying all the pilots had all the fun and they needed to be like them, to devolving into calling all pilots lame and too cool to hang out with them and became a bitch session about how pilots think they're better than the "other CGOs on the front lines" She never went back.
  4. yea, your AFE is the way to go. What are you flying? Must be a rarity to wear them for you guys if you guys are using those things or don't have the battery pack screw-in weights
  5. Those Rand studies are like Doctorial Thesis, they're formulated off of data, then presented by writers to make a conclusion. They aren't absolutes, i mean, would you trust a computer that ran the simulated air war blindly and said "yep, thats exactly what will happen". The rand studies are basically that. Remember the whole "we will lose X number of Tankers in the Gulf War" I'm just saying, just because one report says one thing, and one says another, it doesn't mean either is true. We have less fighters than we did 10 years ago (does not equal) we will absolutely lose an air war to China Schwartz quibbling of "I can't really see what report that is from this distance...blah blah blah" was super embarrassing to watch though
  6. A Toast... Tough news for the community. Knew Justin, great dude.
  7. What a hottie. I just threw up in my mouth a little
  8. To be fair, in the cluster of AF acquisitions, the costs with this aren't that nauseating. Also, I bet this thing can still be pretty effective even if it can't 100% penetrate (sts) 38 stories of reinforced concrete
  9. Yea right, they're too good at what they do and are (relatively) cheap
  10. If you're expensive as shit and can't do you prescribed capes you deserve to be cut. (F-35)
  11. Unless you're in a Helo, why would you want to wear something heavier downrange? Multicam has become the new "cool" thing; all the cool cats started wearing it and now everyone and their mom want to. Like units trying to get it so they can feel like they're on the special side of things. If you're not needing to be camoflaged in your daily work, why wear it?
  12. ...uh i dont think you can really aileron roll a king air. It'd turn into an overbank, nose low, high speed dive recovery
  13. Yea, f*ck me right? I'm a p*ssy, for not wanting to put a prop-job thats at max gross with shit hanging off it and weird CG on its belly. If you think its a non-event do it, put it up on youtube and tell you sq/cc about this non-event. FIFY. Yea, we've all had that "that was luck/stupid" moments, but this is negligence.
  14. Really? If this happened those dudes are retards, they're not in their single-seat cockpit anymore or never were there in the first place. Crushing a dudes balls for busting flight discipline makes you a p*ssy now? Attitudes like that lead to: "Mishap crew...(insert 69 pages of an O-6 driven board)" & BUFF/C-17 Fireballs
  15. For your flt/cc to put your balls in once he finds something so stupid on your uniform
  16. I think we had good return on that program investment this past summer
  17. haha its quite possible i know said TIB from the zoo. Big dude? sts
  18. Wonder if this is any indication that the Air Force is straight up losing interest in this whole light-attack platform thing.
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