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Everything posted by TrainerModel

  1. I wonder if the Liberty on station did a barrel roll as a show of force. Seriously though, kick ass.
  2. This is great saturday afternoon viewing. Also, if you're a fan of comedy you'll recognize about 69 diff comedians in the vid. Not to mention great music.
  3. False, it was a public Facebook group where he was spouting his message to the world. Adios, idiot.
  4. also, whats up with the baby burn victim next to the ugly hag?
  5. I remember vaguely filling out this survey they did (only because my Behaviroal Sci instructor was heavily involved in this research). They said another unused metric they use in the survey is time the cadets take, comparing how long it took them to complete it from senior year as compared to in Basic. Essentially, you give some morality survey to a cadet 2 weeks away from graduation... you're going to get a lot of Christmas tree'd surveys.
  6. Do what thousands before you have. Just show up and work hard to kick ass. I don't know what else you're looking for
  7. Unfortunately this is looking like the best course of action. That said, I'm as glad as the 82nd dudes that the enemy was kind enough to dispose of themselves for us
  8. In other news, a FSS CC/Call topped the Turkey Shoot by amassing 69 light sabers in a circle jerk to cheer a quarterly award winner. Yes, I'm serious.
  9. Saw a kid at water survival, some enlisted back-ender geek, that had a huge glider silhouette tattoo across his entire back. Apparently he flew them in high school or something; looked like the gliders from the zoo.
  10. Fvck that dude, deep down inside I hope someone trolls him for saying such stupid shit.
  11. Good eye; watching CNN speculate on what happened was so painful I had to turn off the TV
  12. Speaking of WTF... I PCS'd/TDY enroute in Jun '11. I suspended my Directv till I was done with my TDYs/moved into where ever I would be living at my next base. So at my next base now and finally permantley moved in with a roomie from work who already has cable, so I call up Directv to go ahead and cancel my service and they say sure, but I owe 2 months of early cancellation fees because thats how long I had left on my contract when i suspended my account and PCS'd. I'm calling bullshit, I was planning on keeping Directv and only had to suspend/cancel my account because of a Military move. I was on the phone with them for 42min already today, talked to 3 different people and they're still giving me the run around. What magic words do I need to say so they don' make me pay some penalty? Anyone else have experience with the ass-pain of Directv?
  13. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/04/06/navy-jet-crashes-in-virginia/?hpt=hp_t1 Damn, reminds me of the Hornet mishap out in San Diego a few years back.
  14. Exactly, he was forced to do those things because of an unfair system
  15. British warships sunk by French Missiles, interesting times
  16. yo ho, yo ho, a pilot's life for me.
  17. I dont know shit about big blue acquisitions. But it seems that if you're the losing party, and and american company, you can throw a fit and absoulutley fvck over the whole process; trigger investigations, leave the AF hanging, and general buffoonery. Why does this keep happening? Is it just the fact that someone is upset an American company didn't get the contract and freaks out?
  18. Lancaster/Palmdale is the way to go unless you want to be living in something that looks like a trailer park in the desert. Not sure what your situation is but being in Palmdale/Lancaster leaves you about 1.1hr from LA and about 40min from your office at Edwards. Yea, its a long commute but its pretty standard for folks living out there.
  19. There's plenty of people who wouldn't want to fly as a pax on an automated plane, including me. Also, check out this awesome automated airliner:
  20. my bad, thought this said "booty hunters"
  21. Taliban demands Afghan trial for alleged shooter http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/18/world/asia/afghanistan-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 Is this bizarro world?
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