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Everything posted by Tank

  1. My flight didn't meet one weekly goal the entire time. Our last weeks goal was to have 100% graduate and we didn't even accomplish that! Flight ranking: 33/33
  2. If true, this is pathetic! http://www.ijreview.com/2014/08/168636-guess-president-vice-president-2-star-general-laid-rest/
  3. Tank


    If it's only money then send some my way....
  4. Big 3 on Dave Devine. We've started working with him on a VA buy in Florida and he has been more than helpful...
  5. VH1's "Dating Naked" - YGTBSM... http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/07/11/naked-dating-trailer/?hpt=hp_t4
  6. Fun international cities that I've partied in: St. John's, Canada Dubai, UAE Faro, Portugal Seoul, ROK Hong Kong Sydney, Australia Cities that are on my bucket list: Dublin, Ireland Bratislava, Slovakia Prague, Czech Bangkok, Thailand Moscow, Russia Rome, Italy
  7. I like stability... All of my investments are in mutual funds through USAA and BRK/B (Berkshire Hathaway B) stock.
  8. "Was it over when the Germans bombed pearl harbor? Hell No!!
  9. I play rugby but there is no fucking way I would ever participate in this... http://www.3news.co.nz/Video-Nude-Blacks-hold-off-tough-English-charge/tabid/415/articleID/348609/Default.aspx#ixzz34rgzsqRq http://www.thebacklot.com/naked-rugby-new-zealand-tops-england/06/2014/
  10. With all their pilot training in the C-172, C-208 and AT-6 possibly conducted in Jordan.
  11. My first salute was my best friend from high school who enlisted in the Army and eventually made the rank of SSG and a QRF Team Lead. We were best men in each other's wedding and pretty much inseparable. He was shot and killed trying to rescue the crew of a downed helicopter just east of Bagram in 2011.... http://projects.militarytimes.com/valor/army-staff-sgt-james-a-justice/6321584
  12. Early reports are that it was a B-1. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/06/10/nato-says-5-service-members-killed-in-afghanistan-attack/
  13. http://defense-update.com/20140501_jordan-equips-cn-235-gunship-apkws-2-75-guided-rockets.html Who's going to be at SOFEX this week?
  14. Make it like the AC-235...
  15. I'm from the Omaha area and just moved from Omaha where I was in the NE ANG, don't know much about the AD life in the RJ but ask if any questions on Omaha and/or surrounding areas.
  16. +1 Everything JS just said. Study and memorize the handouts and you'll do fine during the ground eval. As for the flight, he preps you for exactly what you are going to see during the flight eval. As for the examiner from Columbus, he is very big picture, just don't tie his hands on anything that he briefs before hand and you'll pass.
  17. True I've never used his "lodging" though. I figure that after spending thousands on some FAA ratings, I could fork over a couple hundred for a hotel....
  18. I would recommend Accessible Aviation at KGTR where I've received both my ATP and MEI. Crazy Carl Nuzzo might not be the most organized and you have to push him to stay on schedule but at least I was prepared and passed the ground evals and the flights.
  19. Giving up on Florida State University for the University of Alaska-Fairbanks? TRAITOR!!!!
  20. I PCS'd to an AETC base with less than 1 year left on my ADSC and never received a 3 year service commitment b/c I had already gone through PIT in my career. I got there in Feb, went to PIT from Mar-Jun and went on terminal in Jan. Contact the correct person at AFPC and anything can be waived....
  21. I spent considerable time in Fallujah during the spring of 2004 and that whole town can be turned into glass for all I care!
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