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Everything posted by SurelySerious

  1. That's what I read, which sounded wrong, so I tried to keep my jump to conclusions mat put away. I am curious, though.
  2. The Air Force is also subject to a bunch of stupid government contracting restrictions that Delta is not. Having to award so many contracts to small business or minority owned companies etc, instead of finding the best company to do the job and being able to actually hold them accountable.
  3. And the world looks just the same And history ain't changed
  4. Free Thought Under Siege Could be the Air Force, frankly.
  5. Go back and read; the original advice you're looking for is waiting to be provided if you want it. The OPR/PRF bs was a byproduct of a completely different branch of the discussion that you bit off on. Beerman Step 1: what do you want?
  6. My personal favorite is still the Air Force Birthday chow hall menu from an undisclosed location with the J-10.
  7. John Kennedy, conservative for US Senate...in a commercial on how powerful the US military is. Nice work.
  8. If looking for some reading recommendations and haven't seen it, Mattis has a few words on the matter: http://www.businessinsider.com/viral-james-mattis-email-reading-marines-2013-5
  9. Or any other AFI/pubs change, to include ones that would improve mission effectiveness or safety procedures. You know, the things we do when we fly, in the Air Force. Priorities.
  10. I'm sure there are many, but on a recent out-the-door-to-deployment speech, his message was roughly: "Don't f this up, my reputation depends on it." How did you get 4 stars? Oh, wait, apparently that CYA mentality is how. A far cry from a Patton ("You don't win by dying for your country, you do it by making the other poor bastard die for his" stuff) or Eisenhower ("I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle" stuff) in the leadership category.
  11. I'm going both, although a ton of the GSC problem is O-5 careerism bs.
  12. Forget the Millennium math problems, There ought to be a million dollar prize to stop that shit.
  13. Except communities are small and people can easily figure out who you're talking about. Far more "anonymous" than anonymous. Finally. Previously you just sounded like a butt hurt whiner, frankly. No, I'd agree these are not great, and things like "unsure how to work sensor" absolutely go back to a concern I listed previously, not studying tactics.
  14. One possible issue is that the further you have to be from the target at launch (e.g. due to threats), the larger sts your cruise missile physically needs to be, which affects a few factors from carriage on airframes to end-game against threats. If you have something that can push further in, it takes care of part of that problem.
  15. If you're going to publicly call some dude out for being a terrible pilot and having a terrible attitude, back it up. Otherwise, don't do it.
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