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Everything posted by Best-22

  1. At the end of the day, there was no existential threat or imminent military action aimed at Moscow that forced an invasion of Ukraine. Use as many false equivalencies or "what if" scenarios as you'd like, but nothing changes that fact. You want it to be one way, but it's the other way.
  2. I had a guy in my neighborhood growing up that was convinced all USPS/FedEx/USPS trucks were actually secret government spy vehicles. He would go out in the street with his camcorder and record himself calling the cops on the "spies" while yelling at them in his sweatpants and hitting the trucks with a baseball bat. Bashichuni and FLEA would tell you "well we have to consider his perspective that trucks are a red line in his neighborhood, receiving mail is provocative to him so it's your fault he attacks when you receive mail"
  3. Also, I'm seeing reporting that they have only committed 1/3 of the BTGs that were assembled at the border. If true, it seems they didn't learn from our experience in Vietnam; that once committed to military action it should be 100% effort and not an incremental ramping up of pressure. It seems Russia has likely failed its day 1/2 objectives and its slower than they'd like. I'm seeing parallels but this time we are on the other side and I'm hoping Ukraine can capitalize on it while the west continues to support logistically. Too early to draw any meaningful conclusions though IMO.
  4. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed pre-dawn fires just in time for daylight offensives? It wasnt what i was expecting, does anyone know enough about russian doctrine to say why that is? Are NVG/NODs less available to Russian units? Any other reason why they might be less comfortable than the US fighting at night? Or am I just way off and they actually are doing the bulk of their advance under darkness? OPSEC permitting in your replies of course
  5. I feel like what I'm reading from some of you is: "Russia is invading Ukraine, must be America's fault! If only we had given Russia more concessions.." I don't follow the logic. I understand I'm only capable of seeing this through an Americans eyes, but I can't see appeasement as a viable strategy. I'm honestly not convinced this is even about NATO at all. Ukraine joining isnt/wasn't imminent, and we already have NATO members at Russia's borders. My personal theory is this: Putin is motivated by his own regimes survival. A Russian speaking country (that Russia sees as in its sphere of influence) overthrowing their leadership and becoming a prosperous European style democracy could motivate dissenters within Russia, and that directly threatens Putin personally. He can't allow that, NATO membership or not. I'm happy to be wrong, but that's the only lens I can look at this through where Russias actions makes sense.
  6. If we're placing bets: It's going to be the air tractor. I'm just ignorant enough about this program to have total confidence.
  7. Plus it would be a gigantic waste of capability to use AFSOC CV-22's as a tanker. (In my opinion) 2 minor points: Cruise speed is about 90% that of a J model, and although it's not compatible with the -135 it can refuel from a KC-10 and probably the -46? Not that it matters, just fun facts. Just normal airplane wake turbulence in airplane mode.
  8. Do you guys think the armed overwatch aircraft (whatever it ends up being) could function as CAS asset somewhere between RW CAS and an A-10 or fighter tpye? Using RW tactics but adapted for the realities of fixed wing flight. Why or why not?
  9. If the schoolhouses are still as backed up as they were when I went through: Commission: 2015 enter active duty: 2016 complete UPT: 2017 complete initial qual In MDS: 2018 finish SERE, water survival, PCS etc.. then arrive at your first ops unit: 2019 and this hiring board wants 2 ship flight leads/aircraft commanders or better lol their hiring pool is probably still on house hunting leave
  10. I thought we didn't like toxic leaders on this board? Surely you can't all think that screaming at each other over the phone, and calling your peers idiots behind their back is how business gets done.. It seems to me she was already under multiple IG investigations and her throwing a temper tantrum was just the final straw. I honestly question your judgement if you perceive the people you work with to be so stupid, relative to yourself, that you have no other option than to yell at them. I've never had any contact with her though so if she was legitimately a good leader please let me know.
  11. I don’t see a -60 being any more survivable than the other airframes you listed is all I’m saying.
  12. Are you saying we need a new aircraft for these situations? Perhaps something with stealth?
  13. Which brand did you get? I’ve been issued 4 different brands in the last year and they all have different a different pocket layout, texture, fit etc. stretchy crotch/knee area pant design + combat shirt has been my favorite so far.
  14. Are you talking about SOF aviation or ground forces? You might be more in the dark than you realize, but I don’t want to assume since I don’t know you. You’re describing direct action but that’s only 1 of several well defined mission sets. I could shed some light on the aviation side, and if you teach me a little about the different multirole missions you allude to I can draw more accurate parallels. Then we all might have a better idea if the work up cycle could be applied to fighters.
  15. How would you support this position to a third party who thinks we are biased because we’re in the Air Force? Pure numbers based on flying hour cost, or by saying their skill set is too hard to replace? I dont necessarily disagree just trying to check my own biases.
  16. What happened at Erbil? Are you talking about the MC-12 thing?
  17. Well the CV-22 is the greatest airframe of all time so I'm not sure what else you need to know! But on a serious note there is a lot to say for general lifestyle, do you have more specific questions? The good news is you can still go to the osprey from any track, although cross training from other airframes seems to be becoming more rare. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk in a less public forum.
  18. The crew door being referenced on display at HRT.
  19. I’d like to add another glowing review for Marty and the team at trident. Just closed on a nice place in Navarre, FL. I’m a first time home buyer and I really appreciated how Marty patiently explained the process to me multiple times. I worked with Ashley G and despite working around the Christmas holiday season, she was easy too contact and it felt like we were perpetually ahead of schedule. The title company decided at the last minute that $1000 of closing costs should be paid by the buyer (me) instead of the seller. Ashley went to bat for me and pushed back saying the seller should pay without me even having to ask. When I said it was fine and I would pay it, Ashley felt that was unfair to me and gave me an extra $500 in lender credit to split the costs with me 50/50! Wow! I can’t imagine other companies would take care of their customers like that. Needless to say I’ll be recommending them to all my friends/coworkers. Thanks again Marty, you and your team are great!
  20. I'm at Kirtland right now for initial qual. I don't feel qualified to do a full write up, but I can let you know about training or find someone who has been around a while if you have any specific questions. For now this is the best I got with my limited knowledge: 1. Ops Tempo/Deployment -- I've heard its usually a pretty steady 1:2 dwell ratio 2. Lifestyle/ Family Stability -- I have no idea but its a tight community. 3. Community morale -- All of my experiences have been very positive! People love to come to work. 4. Advancements & Future of the airframe -- It takes a long time to upgrade to AC and then to IP and eventually flight lead. Understandably so in my opinion. 5. Preferred PCS locations -- Hurlburt. Which is convenient because its the command base so you will probably cycle through more than once. Other options are Cannon, and soon Japan and Germany.
  21. What a complete 180 from the "whats wrong with the air force" thread. Over there people are saying they are getting out because big Air Force and leadership treated them like shit while they were serving their ADSC. Now you are consciously making the decision to do the same with those under you? No wonder your community is begging for more pilots.
  22. Valid. I could have been more clear about what I meant. If the decision to pull guys from the MAF has already been made then we owe it to them and ourselves as a total force to train them properly. my opinion is that If it isn't worth sending a guy through nearly the entire phase 3 of UPT again, then it isn't worth trying to cross flow people in the first place. Pretending like the T-38 is anything more than vaguely familiar to a guy 4 years removed, is just setting them up for failure. Further, if we are doing it properly anyways, and we are hurting for pilots that bad, why not make previous T-38 time just preferred instead of mandatory. Reasonable?
  23. So what is the difference between being a fighter pilot and flying a fighter? Smells like the old "no true scotsman" logical fallacy to me. To to be clear though I agree our pilots are much higher quality. All I'm saying is if you give a dude the same training and he passes all the same check rides, he is no different than a late to rate dude direct from UPT. (I imagine being a wingman as a captain/major might be a little weird but it's not like it's never been done before) People who want to cross flow need to realize they are starting from the bottom again, but that doesn't mean they can't do the job. Additionally, no one should expect to be given a short cut. Including those that flew the T-38 in a past life, so why is that a requirement to cross flow?
  24. We're talking about cross flow from heavies. It sounds like we're saying the same thing, that even off you flew -38's in UPT if you spend 4 years off in heavy land you still need nearly the full up phase 3 to be on equal footing with the UPT direct folks. Give the T-1 guys the same training/spin up and you get the same product. As for your other point, I'm too lazy to quote everyone but in the last 2-3 pages I've read people say: "copilot experience won't mean anything when you get to fighters" (so you need T-38 experience? I agree) "companion trainer ops aren't the same or as good of training as UPT ops" (ok, I'll buy that) "T-38 faip experience means nothing when you get to the B-course" (meaning any extra experience in the T-38 beyond 6 months in UPT is all you need to be successful for your follow on? If so I agree) "when it comes to saudi's, graduating the T-38 doesn't mean anything about fighters" (T-38 doesnt = fighters? Got it) and now you say, in the same post: "C-17 guys who came back to Instruct weren't as good" (so now T-38 DOES = fighters?) dont throw your back out moving those goal posts.
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