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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. Humanitarian aid to Iran re-freezed. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/iran-barred-from-accessing-6-billion-released-by-u-s-for-humanitarian-aid-report-says/ar-AA1i6X03
  2. Russia launders propaganda through American news sources and people like Bfargin fall for it. Be careful where you get your news from people: https://www.csis.org/analysis/exploring-information-laundering-ecosystem-russian-case Claiming Russia is stronger now than before the war has the same energy as claiming the Earth is flat.
  3. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I really don't want to get into a back and forth internet thing. I just use the vote buttons.
  4. I don't agree with the premise that the US is somehow forcing the Ukrainians to fight for us. I'd point to Afghanistan as an example of the fact that we can't force anyone to fight for their own land if they don't fundamentally want to as a society. I'd also argue that stopping the Russian advance greatly benefits everyone who doesn't want to be tortured in a basement.. By all accounts, life under Russian occupation really sucks, that's why they are fighting against them. If we stop sending a few percentage points of our defense budget, putin gets rewarded, aggression is normalized (risk of China becoming more encouraged to act on their dozens of border disputes) and many more Ukrainians die. They will fight to the last inch of Ukraine whether we help them or not, I'd rather see Russia lose.
  5. Whoops, misspelled your name sorry. Didn't know you had another account
  6. In general I downvote bad faith arguments and people who exclusively post content that echoes Russian talking points. I don't bother engaging with gearpig or bashichuni, but I don't know you so I'll assume you're a reasonable person. I don't really have a lot free time to go in circles arguing on the internet. I appreciate the user's who take the time to counter the disinformation though and post things a little more grounded in reality. The last thing I downvoted for example: if you look at the authors other work it seems he only writes stories about how Ukraine has no chance and how the US shouldn't help Taiwan in a conflict. It seems that author would prefer the US lets Russia and China bully their neighbors while we sit at home on our hands. He's been posting with shaky logic and half truths since the start of the war about how Ukraine is doomed and we should just make concessions to Russia. It's very obvious that guy is pushing an agenda and is not an unbiased reliable source. To answer your question: I argue for a rules based international order, and supporting our allies.
  7. Did they specify how long the extra commitment is if you sign up early? Or is there options like 1, 3, 5 years and so on? Also if you sign up for 3 extra years and take the bonus 3 years early do you get 50,000 per year for 6 years, or only the first 3 years before you extra commitment even starts?
  8. What other flying gigs would you recommend? Airlines seem boring compared to what I do now.
  9. Is there a way to attach a breathalyzer to a keyboard like how they do in a car if you get caught drunk driving?
  10. So which technical degrees specifically are they rewarding? I know the memo said not to get one just to check a box but without more details that's what it looks like to me. Does ACSC count as a masters for these purposes or will you need a masters just to apply for ACSC in correspondence to then be able to apply for ACSC in residence to then have a chance at planning the Christmas party?
  11. Can you refurbish an F-35 after an ejection or is it automatically a complete write off?
  12. Possible announcement this week of patriot missile defense systems to Ukraine. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/13/politics/us-patriot-missile-defense-system-ukraine/index.html
  13. This is a dumb comment. The composite skin is very ballistically tolerant and the V-280 will probably be composite as well. The aircraft that got hit in south Sudan flew hundreds of miles after being effectively ambushed.
  14. I would do unspeakable things to have a mx availability rate equal to the PC-12.. I think MC-130J rates are possible from a tiltrotor, but probably not the V-22. AFSOC has a mod ongoing right now specifically to address reliability, and I'm really hoping that pumps up the utilization rate. Minor point, the Navy version is the "CMV-22" but I agree with your larger point that it needs to be much better than the V-22 for the Army's needs.
  15. Just fairly smooth level acceleration, it's no aircraft carrier catapult but it's respectable.
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