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Everything posted by BashiChuni

  1. Wacko loons on all sides....NAACP included.
  2. every time you post i get more and more confused
  3. Just read the report. Any updates on the pilot?
  4. I don't know anything about the AT can you elaborate why it's superior?
  5. Sounds like a shit bag maybe too harsh... just my snap judgement knowing no facts...
  6. A good U-28 CSO is worth their weight in gold
  7. I had a great time at SOS. 7 hour days, booze, golf...it was awesome. Then again I didn't volunteer for the commanders think tank
  8. i identify as the mother fcking man
  9. Jesus h c gender identification? What a great society we've become.
  10. F the system go reserves + airlines
  11. for what its worth i have multiple friends who recently moved out of navarre for destin....they are much happier. but they are young married couples with no kids. id say if you have kids navarre is great (minus the daily rush hour traffic) no kids? come east of base
  12. in a perfect world sure that'd be nice. it's not attainable though. barbus made my point much more eloquently. and it's not one dude nor one data point. regardless it's a moot point cause it ain't gonna happen.
  13. i'm intimately familiar with the MQ-9 mission set i'd argue you can't plug and play an MQ-9 pilot into an A-10 cockpit...tell him to go do CAS...and get the same return
  14. alright ill be the asshole...i don't think dual qual RPA/light attack makes sense GENERALLY (key word GENERALLY) the pilots sent from UPT direct-> RPA are not your top sticks...i'll just leave it at that throwing that dude into a dual qual to fly light attack would be asking for trouble when he's splitting his time on a robot. light attack ain't flying from point A to point B...CAS deserves specialists not generalists and not guys fcking off half the time just so they can "fly in a cockpit" the guys i've encountered in their post-RPA duties are 70-30 not sharp/low aviation SA-descent stick good SA. that's just my experience. the talent isn't there for dual qual. hurt feelings RPA guys flame away! and +1 for moving RPA bases to cool locations...too bad congress will get in the way.
  15. you won't buy me a beer cause i'll be too rich rolling around in that airline money son
  16. Duck you sound like an abused child every time you post. I'm cynical too but god damn....I feel bad for you dude.
  17. But as your hand flying your ILS who is getting ATIS?!
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