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Everything posted by BashiChuni

  1. choose your fighter. i'd take the russian.
  2. "fooled by the narrative" like the narrative that the ukranian 2023 offensive disastrously failed? that russia has momentum and is advancing? what narrative are you presenting...are you saying Ukraine is winning and everything is fine? because that's not the facts at this moment. you guys have this idea that sprinkling magical money into this conflict will generate an auto win for Ukraine. all i'm saying is that will not happen. why does that make me a "russian propaganda agent"? there are actual FACTS presented in the Duran podcast...not political platitudes being espoused by western politicians...one who finds himself in a election cycle.
  3. hmmmm i seem to remember people like you and the western media calling anyone who didn't question the COVID narrative guilty of peddling "fake news" and "misinformation" hell if you're against the latest Ukranian spending package one finds themselves labeled "pro-russian" and "anti-democracy". the facts on the battlefield and the analysis done by the Duran podcast match up. if that's considered Russian "fake news" then you're no better than Baghdad Bob.
  4. https://www.businessinsider.com/us-considers-deploying-more-military-advisers-to-ukraine-russia-2024-4 US considering sending more "advisors" to Ukraine? gee, where have we heard that before? how'd that work out for us last time?
  5. the duran podcast has been FAR more accurate about what is happening in Ukraine than any western media outlet. david sacks was recently a guest on their podcast. are you calling david sacks a russian shrill? hardly. the truth will eventually come out (like COVID) and you will be shown to be a fool. hell you haven't even listened to any of the podcast! just parroting what you have found online that suits your narrative.
  6. ah yes the "you don't agree with my view point so you are russian propaganda" view. very persuasive! david sacks. known KGB agent.
  7. Downvote all you want nsplayer. Facts don’t care about your feelings
  8. The Duran podcast. Highly recommend
  9. what direction is it going in now? we can all want ukraine to win, that doesn't change the facts on the battlefield. nor the calculus to make a victory happen. ukraine can only defeat russia with direct NATO intervention.
  10. two points: 1. they are not blunting anything 2. they are not stopping russian advances. russia is clearly advancing, capturing territory, and clearly winning this war. and they will win regardless of how much money/ammo we give them.
  11. hmm strange i was able to see it without a subscription. BL: the math doesnt add up i.e. we can produce about 5-10% of required ammunition
  12. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/12/opinion/jd-vance-ukraine.html excellent article
  13. GC was an amazing boss and leader
  14. im not referencing him specifically. i'm saying generally. clearly there is big tech censorship. thats proven and not conspiracy. i'm saying if big tech will censor a person, why is it hard to believe massive investment banks wouldn't influence elections?
  15. if big tech censors individual facebook posts and youtube videos you don't think the most powerful and wealthy corporations in the world would put their finger on the scale of a presidential election for the most powerful office in human history? it's not a conspiracy theory. you're just incredibly naive and totally plugged into the system.
  16. i would like to thank you for proving my point about post WWII foreign policy being a disaster. we constantly do what you just described above to "allies". i'm not sure why anyone is surprised we're doing it to ukraine. and yes, i do argue that we should stop feeding
  17. CH you're a reasonable poster on here. do you honestly think ukraine could defeat russia on the battlefield with unlimited weaponry?
  18. im tired of the 1930 germany comparisons. putin has shown zero interest in conquering europe. all talk of russia marching to paris if we dont stop them at ukraine is total fear mongering.
  19. because ukraine has NEVER been a US national security concern. we have never and will never care about ukraine. it's apples to oranges.
  20. they have not been starved of the weaponry. you could give ukraine 600b and it wouldn't matter. it's a numbers game. russia has far more men to fight ukraine. and the russian industrial base is ramping up to full speed. russian army is 15% larger now than when the war began. some of you guys need to brush up on your history about how the russian bear conducts war. let me repeat: there is ZERO chance ukraine will win this war. it's a losing proposition. what we SHOULD be doing is working towards a negotiated settlement.
  21. i'm seeing a familiar trend of the west focusing on small tactical victories and missing the major strategic loss. great they shot down a bomber. but that won't prevent them from losing the war. it's amazing that such professionally educated officers can't grasp ukraine is losing. badly. and they have zero chance of beating russia.
  22. none of the clinton/obama tree democrats...and certainly none of the john bolton/pompeo republicans. which significantly narrows the list. the problem is the bureaucrats promote each other...it truly is entrenched. the professional political class has really fucked up what our country was meant to be.
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