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Day Man

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Everything posted by Day Man

  1. shenanigans? http://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2012/03/ap-afghanistan-leon-panetta-secdef-plane-truck-crashes-on-runway-031412/
  2. M2...I think I saw you on an episode of Intervention.
  3. replace "god" with "the devil", and I can guarantee you there will be heads rolling...just because it's popular doesn't mean it's right.
  4. There's a lot of awesome about this picture.
  5. reminds me of a former sq/cc who handed out laminated business cards with a list of his "axioms" on it
  6. I don't see the problem here???
  7. Or training in progress.
  8. Seems like a large amount of AF personnel could make a bunch of money off this...
  9. I'm gonna win...by at least 13 beers.
  10. as rainman says, it depends. married, qual, etc?
  11. in before spoo/huggy show up with an "I told you so"
  12. 1st lesbian promotion = face time with FLOTUS
  13. Holy shit, people really talk like that? I thought it was just hollywood crap in Ocean's 11...
  14. STOs are a minority in the AF dude.
  15. With all the jackass-ery in the NFL (Vick, Moss, etc), it's nice to have a good dude in the limelight...I can think of a lot worse for kids to emulate these days.
  16. Thanks? The BO standard reply of agreement seems to be "2", or even "agreed." Both myself and 3holer thought your "uncool" was referring to my post. If you saw how much I could squat you wouldn't say that. Yes sir.
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