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Everything posted by Danger41

  1. Upvoted for 2x 777 maintenance.
  2. From the cheap seats, if I ever go down, please come get me ASAFP! I don’t care if you’re AF, Army, Italian, or Bernie Sanders. I’ll be the guy curled up in the fetal position weeping softly.
  3. Hydrazine considerations? I know that stuff is nasty as hell but how would that affect CFR?
  4. He probably did coke off of some hookers ass at Tailhook back in the day so he didn’t see the problem.
  5. Never walk away from a thread on a heater.
  6. Down voted for 777 maintenance. And I started this, btw. You can at least throw a couple percent my way.
  7. Down voted for 777 maintenance.
  8. Hopefully you put yourself in for a bunch of awards.
  9. Well this took an interesting turn. Thanks for your candor, Pawnman.
  10. The spirit of being an exec may be grooming and such, but let’s be honest that it has morphed into a way to reward certain guys for their administrative skills. Additionally, look at a rack and stack and see where the wing execs fall. You honestly think that the best a Wing has to offer goes there because that’s where they belong? It has totally become a box to check if you want to be successful in the Air Force’s eyes. *Break Break* Hypothetical question for the masses and Pawnman. With your revelation that you have been in your same wing forever and have been submitting yourself for awards every quarter, do you think your “P” allocation had anything to do with that? From a completely outside and neutral source, if I saw a guy doing that, I would think he was a douche. Your reasoning makes sense, but do you think that is an unintended consequence?
  11. Maybe having kids has sapped my energy or something, but I can’t imagine giving as much of a shit about anything that he seems to care about everything.
  12. You could look at AFSOC AC/MC-130 or HC/EC-130 and stay in ACC if you are just trying to avoid the iron triad.
  13. You can take Patches and get them sewn onto helmet bags on base or wherever you get uniform alterations done. If you have a motivated LPA, you can get all sorts of good swag. However, that seems to be few and far between these days. Visor covers are the closest thing I’ve seen to helmet art and those are alive and well.
  14. Definitely valid points and instead of championing the cause of the airmen versus video game coder, I’ll concede the point.
  15. In that case, don’t disqualify yourself from flying fighters because of your on perceived weaknesses. The things that got you offered a job flying heavies will probably translate to getting hired flying fighters (aka you’re probably a good dude). I’ve never flown heavies, but there’s plenty of boring flying in all types of jets. Plenty of exciting flying too. The daily training lines in fighters are more exciting than pilot pro in heavies, but downrange is plenty of sitting on some sort of orbit waiting for something to happen in anything.
  16. I’ll go to Google and tell them I’m a Weapons School graduate and want them to hire me. Think they’ll give a shit about that? What about a PJ? I doubt they’d care about his MFF qual or dive bubble. I’m not saying CCAF is the same as WIC or anything else, but everything in the military isn’t just a a way to pad your civilian resume. And if I worked at Google and some kid that had served honorably in the military for several years and did some professional development like CCAF along the way, I’d be very interested in that person as a candidate vice some guy that’s fresh out of college that knows how to smoke weed and exist through 4 years.
  17. If they get the right people and don’t use WIC as simply a discriminator on a PRF, I think it’s a great idea. I am biased about WIC (black border), but I’m also smart enough to know that the acquisitions folks will make more of an impact on our national security as a whole than I ever will. If they do it right, it could really make a big difference in how the AF does business. If not, then meh, close up shop and we’ll get back to inefficient business as usual.
  18. You’re not the only one trying to get promoted. This place is like 21 Jump Street where Channing Tatum’s character laughs and says “he’s trying, what a nerd!” Do what you gotta do and set yourself up for success. Personal note: There’s no way I’m doing ACSC in correspondence. Or residence either, for that matter.
  19. “#1/10 Archaeological Enablers! Efforts directed Dr Jones expedition to recover priceless hanging garden planter. Send to secret warehouse full of treasure soonest!”
  20. The only problem with this is compare how good an F-15E of F-16 unit is at air to air mission sets compared to an F-15C unit. Same with those multi-role fighters compared to A-10’s at CAS. Or any multi-role unit compared to a single role. This cycle works for those SOF units because the missions at their core (with notable exceptions like AFO, etc) are the same regardless of the environment. Get to a compound, secure it, take care of business and get out. Not so for multi-role assets used across the spectrum of conflict. This is why you need units (CAF or SOF) that handle the missions we are doing with VEO and let big blue train for the big fight. I can’t imagine how hard it would be in a Strike Eagle unit to train for the variety of air to air METLs, then all the air to ground stuff across the spectrum from CAS to AI, and then be expected to be ready for a VEO deployment or maybe to defend Taiwan.
  21. I talked to some of the Kelly Viper guys and they said the PTN studs there did great. I’m sure you could talk to another IP in the squadron who thinks those millennial cucks are worthless, but that was the info I got.
  22. Looks like a typical recovery into Bagram to me.
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