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Everything posted by Danger41

  1. That’s Viper/Raptor standard turn circle entry! And if you’re not ready, it’s black-out city. YouTube F-16 GCAS. The Hornet doesn’t have an G limiter system, right?
  2. How the fuck does that not get promoted.
  3. Hahaha no. You predate that and fit well within the BAMF group from other jets.
  4. In the U-28, the community started with guys from all the various AF airplanes so the community is used to that. Having said that, in the last few years if someone came from a different aircraft, 90% of the time it was a booger flick from a different community and that person was a major drain on their squadron. Be in the 10% if you do switch, please.
  5. Damn, 19-06 out of EN with the Aluminum Overcast.
  6. Dang man. That’s a bummer. Sorry to hear that.
  7. Can confirm. Bad Elf via Bluetooth on foreflight works great.
  8. Can we at least learn the squadron and the history you’re referencing?
  9. Radio callsign only or also the name/patch of the squadron? I ask based on your heritage part.
  10. For all the young guys getting their first look at school, the best gouge I can give you is to be prepared to be really pissed off when you see some of the dweebs that make it over good bros.
  11. That was my thought. Those are assigned to SOF so this may be more of an OPCON/TACON thing than a capabilities thing.
  12. Only thing I didn’t like about that story was the amount of people speaking anonymously about the highly compartmented and classified programs that were (I assume) used. Otherwise, great use of Cyber Command and the authorities and employment model they have moved toward.
  13. I’ll play devils advocate here and ask that if the touch and go was so dorked up that you had to take the airplane on the runway and do a Bob Hoover style save to keep the jet from departing, could you not see that developing on short final/in the flare? If the student landed with a brake locked and the airplane snapped into the dirt or something, then I’d say you had no chance to prevent that. Given the info you presented, it’s definitely in “it depends” territory. Personally, it takes an unbelievable amount of buffonery to give a downgrade let alone a Q3, but I’ve seen extreme examples in the other direction. Sounds like you may have fallen under that side of the spectrum.
  14. What’s more American than that?
  15. We need to stand up a SECDEF retention task force.
  16. That’s really Q3-able? Damn, AMC keeps living up to the stereotype.
  17. Don’t worry about me. I’m a lost cause. Bashi on the other hand is the golden goose. I’ve personally witnessed him in the depths of a 36 hour hold-em binge down 2 grand end up making good profits through sheer force of will alone. Will and somehow making a rage bet on Minnesota vs New Orleans and winning compliments of the “Minneapolis Miracle”.
  18. Thanks, Panch. We’ve got a Vegas rejoin this weekend after WIC grad and I CANNOT overstate the 777 maintenance.
  19. It’s taking everything I have to not make a joke about a woman yelling at people for not being “correct enough” for her. But I’ve evolved.
  20. Glad to see the U-2 is starting up participation in WIC. I think the RQ-4 and them are going to be a part of the intel WPS. Anyone confirm?
  21. Did the MAF WUGs do well in the planning/execution of CF400? That’s the way to earn respect.
  22. I’ve never directly interacted with her, but several people whose opinions I trust have good things to say about her. I’m surprised to hear about a toxic climate.
  23. That is crazy. When I saw “disrespected subordinates” and “AFSOC General” I thought it was someone else... Also, if the IG is looking, I’ve never pencil whipped anything on my flights.
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