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Everything posted by TreeA10

  1. The soft bigotry of low expectations.
  2. From Jon Turley. Claims that HAVE NOT been made from the Biden Camp: 1. This is not Hunter Bidens computer. 2. These are not Hunter Bidens emails and pictures. 3. This is defamation. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/hunter-biden-computer-facebook-trump-censorship-scandal-jonathan-turley
  3. A couple weeks ago, someone asked about airlines carrying cargo. I wish I knew what the break even was. My last two flights: DFW -LHR, 777-300, 400lbs (derringer pistol parts) going and 28K coming back. DFW-ICN, 777-200, 0 (zip, nothing, nada) going and 48K coming back. It was a different experience in a good way with no flight attendants and no passengers.
  4. If someone submitted a plan that required Congress to hold spending (including debt payment) to what the treasury takes in and could hold Congress to that agreement, I'd would be onboard at taking a look at raising taxes to get the fiscal house in order. Unfortunately, the power to tax/borrow and spend, i.e. the power to reward donors/voters and punish those that your donors/voters don't like, is a power Congress is unlikely to give up.
  5. Politics have been polarized for some time. Who was the last Republican Presidential Candidate that the media and Democrats, but I repeat myself, called a Nazi? Say they were going to starve old people? Trump didn't start that, it's been going on for a while. Trump decided not to go along to get along and refused to accept the usual spiel from Democrats and their media mouthpieces. Blaming it on Trump is failing to look at the historical record.
  6. If you will recall the Democrat primary, Crazy Bernie was leading the pack. Knowing that most of American would not accept his radical ideas, pressure was applied to lesser candidates to drop out and throw their support behind the person deemed not as crazy, a.k.a. Sleepy Joe. Getting Obama and Crazy Bernie's support required Sleepy Joe to bring in Harris as VP, another radical, to garner their endorsement. The radicals are still there and using Biden as a hand puppet and place holder until he dies or is deemed mentally incompetent which might occur on or about February 2021.
  7. That boat anchor fuselage is a result of the B model. I had the opportunity to see the engine with it's gearbox that connects to the driveshaft that connects to and turns the lift fan and it's one ungainly large piece of machinery that has to be stuffed into the fuselage. And that didn't include the actuators and crap for the lift fan doors. RAND did a study and said building 3 separate aircraft would have been cheaper.
  8. What's this metal in the skin thing? How does that come about during the aircraft jettison process?
  9. Now you've gone done it now by calling me Corn Pop. Come on, man, what's wrong with you?
  10. The MOST BASIC part of being an aviator is composed of two parts: A) Takeoff and B) Landing. Lots of other stuff can happen in-between those two events but you have to be able to master those two if you want to take the very expensive war machine and refuel, rearm, and go kill more bad guys and break their stuff. How a $400,000 helmet slapped onto the noggin of an "experienced" IP flying a $176 Million dollar machine landing VF "friggin" R on a huge a$$ piece of concrete can screw that up resulting in destruction of said cosmic aircraft shows a tremendous lack of proficiency and/or training in basic flying skills. Just absolutely stupid for that to happen.
  11. Waiting for someone to call someone else a lying dog faced pony soldier and then it's game on.
  12. The most basic aviation skill after takeoff is landing the jet. I guess the $400,000+ helmet just isn't adequate to make that happen.
  13. The sun hits the Earth with 173,000 trillion watts of solar power every day which is 10,000 times what humans use and somehow we are causing a change? I'd give the global cooling/warming/climate change crowd more credibility if just one of their predictions had come true over the past 40 years. You would think with perfect hindsight at least one climate model would be accurate.
  14. TreeA10

    Gun Talk

    I'm now searching for concealed carry holsters for a compact and subcompact pistol. So, how do you carry (IWB, appendix, small of back) and what holster do you like?
  15. Not sure if the report is still out there but a Confidential report discussing the defense of Taiwan with every F-22 we own got released online. The report used Chinese basing options and aircraft availability vs US basing options which was minimal with tankers required. When the balloon goes up and the fight starts, the report assumed 100% Pk (hardly likely) of US missiles and, guess what, you run out of missiles with hordes still inbound. Admittedly, the US Navy was not included nor other fighter types but the report does a good job with the argument of quality vs quantity and confirms the old Soviet argument of "quantity has a quality of it's own."
  16. Yes, we are carrying cargo but I've not paying attention except for my last flight which was back from Paris. We had 24Klbs and someone said we needed 28Klbs to break even but I can't verify that. I'm flying a cargo only flight later this month to London and next month to Incheon so we'll see how those look.
  17. Last 6 flights I flew between DFW-Narita or DFW-Paris, max passenger load was 43, min load was 20.
  18. The journalistic track record using the last 3 years isn't a good one. How many stories based on "anonymous" sources turned out to be a total fabrication? News networks and journalists banged the RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA drum for how many years interviewing how many sources (Schiff, Clapper, Brennan come to mind) and were told "We have proof" and, yet, no interest in finding out why they were lied to, and more importantly, why they lied to the American people over and over again. Oddly enough, they didn't lie to Congress but not a wisp of interest as to why. Journalists have not done themselves any favors over the last couple years so it's hard to put much stock in their reportage.
  19. Thanks for a walk down bad memory lane. I had 3 Kuwaiti students. Every day was a WTF experience. Lost one in the invasion. Those guys came here with enormous cultural and language barriers and proved anything can be done if you throw enough money at the problem.
  20. They must have forgot that Coast Guard tankers are painted white and orange. It's a common error.
  21. I guess this is another way of getting folks through the program. During my days as a T-38 IP and everyone flew the T-38 (Get off my lawn!!!), we had a kid that required 7 extra rides to get through his T-38 Contact Check. (Funniest write-up: XXX landed on speed and scared himself.) This guy ended up with @20 extra rides in the program and got through. Someone really, really wanted for him to get through the program.
  22. What happens when this person gets to a squadron and finds that the majority of the squadron is genetically different? Going to ask for help or going to wait for the squadron demographics to change? You have to fight with what you have where you find the fight not what you wish you had and where you wish you were. I admit getting through the program is a foot in the door, which is great, but the education in UPT is more than just stick and rudder activation.
  23. TreeA10

    Gun Talk

    We went with the G43 ($379) for her. Where did you buy the 8 round magazine? I've have found a couple sources online and wondering about the quality of the product. Can't say I've bought any guns for a while when we went to Weatherford, TX to a place called Gibsons Hardware. Admittedly it was a Saturday afternoon and that place was amazingly busy with quite the crowd milling around the firearms section. In 30-40 minutes I was there, I watched them sell 6 or so handguns. No 9mm for sale unless you purchased a gun. The wife took the .40 Sig out and shot with a friend of ours that will be teaching the carry class. He took us out to his range to shoot. She easily qual'd shooting but still isn't comfortable handling the gun and is smart enough to admit it and ask questions. I ordered some snap caps to allow her to practice loading and misfire clearing.
  24. TreeA10

    Gun Talk

    I've been the asker of that question but in regard to shoes. Okay, found a Blue Label Glock dealer and leaning towards the 43 for the wife. 26 is similar but a double stack so it's also possible. Maybe a 19 for me. Any idea if any of these guns are convertible to .22 for economical practice? At current prices, .50 cents per trigger pull can get expensive quick and I'm encouraging the spouse to get a lot of range time initially. Gun safes and home storage? I've got nothing now and have 6 or so long guns and a couple shotguns and a little ammo. So, basically woefully unprepared for the zombie apocalypse or a Saturday night stay in Portland. What do you guys recommend for safe keeping and storage?
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