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Karl Hungus

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Everything posted by Karl Hungus

  1. He's referring to the folks who got RPAs out of UPT, and are hoping to fly something real someday.
  2. The only way that this stupidity will stop is to vote with your feet. I challenge folks to not be fucking pussies and put their money where their mouth is. Leave in droves and shit WILL change, but not a moment sooner.
  3. There won't be any meaningful changes to the PME/ masters nonsense until the AF separates non-rated and rated promotions. I'm not holding my breath.
  4. Once again, even the shittiest part of the guard is better than AD.
  5. Take away their wings and their FAA licenses and ban them from all guard units and blacklist them from Southwest and make an example of them so this doesn't happen again and send them to Clovis and won't someone think of the children? and promote me. //SIGNED// Modern Air Force "Leadership"
  6. You're an O-6, correct? You as much as anyone should know what's wrong with this organization by simply reading what's discussed on this forum. What do you plan on doing with the information gained? You've been on this forum for at least as long as I have. What changes, if any, have you made as a result of information gained from this website? Or are O-6s now as powerless as the rest of us to provide the needed changes? Not calling you out, honestly curious if our O-6s are now as castrated as many of our O-5 SQ/CCs are.
  7. Well said. I won't fault anyone for staying in, for whatever reason they stay in. I'm not going to be one of them, and I don't always understand why they make that decision, but I'm glad there are folks out there who do stay. I just wish those who do- the careerists, the ass-kissers, the good dudes, all of them- would value our diversity as well, and not label us as "not a team player" if we dare to pursue a different path than the one they know and love.
  8. He's saying that the -1 in the KC-10 refers extensively to the "First Officer" and "Captain" in duties, cockpit switches, etc etc. Mainly because the AF copied and pasted a large majority of it from the DC-10 manual. Most people don't give it a second thought. That said, I've never heard of someone in the -10 community refer to "copilots" as "first officers", or even "first pilots" for that matter.
  9. Haha thought the same thing. She looks awful upset at being taken down from a Desert 6 to a CONUS 2.
  10. Must be a U2-specific thing. None of the folks I know out there do this.
  11. They couldn't even get the year right. So you're telling me there's a chance...
  12. Those look great. Will share those with the booms I fly with to let them know the new standard I expect of them. You guys actually sanitize?
  13. 540k is indeed the max weight to refuel Hawgs in the -10. FWIW... most folks I know tend to try to get down to 190-200 KIAS when refueling Hawgs in the 17-19k MSL range. If that requires 0*/EXT or 5*/EXT or whatever, NBD. Most combat loaded Hawgs (OEF combat at least) can refuel in that range without needing a toboggan. If they need one, we offer one. Sometimes the Hawgs refuse and give it another try. Their call, we're there to help them. I've never seen or heard a -10 crew refuse to slow down, toboggan, give an extra 5k of gas, request a lower block, or fudge the confines of the anchor if it helps the Hawg or any receiver for that matter. If that's not the case, it needs to stop. Coronets are a bit different- fighters have to understand that in a non-VFR environment, we're a lot more cautious about altitudes and gas given. Usually not a big deal, but some fighter folks seem to have the mindset that we have a refinery on board. We'll give you every drop we can, but usually we can't go much past your fragged offload on a coronet without going below min fuel ourselves. We make a pretty shitty glider. The biggest issue we tend to run into is fighters who try to make their own contacts. Park the jet in the center of the envelope, and let the boom operator do the only part of their job that doesn't involve making us our chicken nuggets. This is all -10 specific. Can't speak to what the -135s do...
  14. Military docs, the supposed experts, are military docs for a reason. Most of the time it's not because of an extreme desire to serve their country...
  15. It seems I'm not the only one who uses the AF as a topic in most of my papers, and mostly as an example of how fucked up the organization is. Perhaps baseops.net could create a masters gouge section, where people post their papers and others can look them over and see if any previous research would be beneficial for their own assignments. This would be purely for reference use only, I'm not at all advocating that someone try to use all available shortcuts to try and ease the pain and hassle of getting a more or less worthless check-the-box masters degree. Yes, for reference use only. Cough cough.
  16. People aren't necessarily pissed that they're not being let out early and getting paid to do so... they're pissed that they were lied to and have now shown their cards. People can deny that that will be a player (the old "hopefully you have a good commander..." line), but it WILL be a player for a lot of people. A lot of this could have been avoided if they would have told the truth from day 1: rated folks with any meaningful ADSC remaining would have zero chance of getting approved VSP and are going to have zero chance of a RIF provided they don't have some egregious UCMJ violation. People would still be pissed at AD for the same things, but at least they wouldn't have shown their cards for no reason. The fact that the DoD/ Air Staff/ AFPC/ whoever didn't realize they'd get so many rated applications speaks volumes about how out of touch they are. Agreed. 600 does not equal 2500. Should the non-rated folks be terrified? Did the AF lie about the total # of officers it needs to get rid of as well? Will be interesting.
  17. There are tons of things, airlines or not, that the smart, talented, highly trained, highly educated, highly motivated, and highly pissed off pilot force can (and will) do that don't involve spending an extra instant more on active duty than they have to.
  18. Close the Air Force Academy and the Naval Academy. Have one United States Military Academy where graduates compete for whatever service/job they would like to enter. Expand ROTC programs and OTS. Have more folks entering the service without the "I've been brainwashed since I was 18 that if life isn't miserable then something is wrong" mentality. Have combined USAFA/USN/USMA football team kick Notre Dame's ass over and over again.
  19. Sorry, should have been more specific. KC-10s. We fly on Friday nights too. What are weekends again?
  20. We've had saturday/sunday sims for years. And now we have saturday/sunday locals as well. The only way to assure yourself (and your family) that you'll be around on the weekend is to be on leave or in PMCR.
  21. You can wear those black mesh boots. I don't remember anyone giving a shit about what boots you wore in the field. If they at least look like boots, you're good to go. You'll be wearing those overboot things during the winter anyway.
  22. Shack. But that would take real leadership, of which there is very, very little left.
  23. Flight Attendants who can't speak English and have terrible grammar are the biggest reason.
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