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Karl Hungus

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Everything posted by Karl Hungus

  1. Disagree. He sent the email out to AEW/ALL. He had the blessing of management. Somehow, the Emperor needs to be told he has no clothes, because apparently management either won't call out their own or genuinely believes in this nonsense. Not sure which is worse.
  2. Stop deleting their names. There's nothing of OPSEC concern in the email, so call these people out.
  3. This has been happening for quite a while. It will be interesting to see what happens after DoD gets rid of TA. How many people are going to burn their GI Bill or their own money on a bullshit worthless masters degree? Sadly, I'm guessing a lot. I'll be laughing, that's for sure.
  4. You'd be stunned at the deployed environment today. Most find it hard to find time for their nightly salsa dancing lessons between the CGOC bowling excursions and mosque tours downtown.
  5. http://www.af.mil/information/bios/bio.asp?bioID=13951 Balan R. Ayyar. We should stop referring to these people as "a certain WG/CC", etc on this site. If these people are going to create stupid bullshit policies, they need to be called out for it.
  6. I'm not just talking about mx. Ops is to blame too. This could have, and should have, been handled completely within house.
  7. Good thing they ran it up the chain right away. One team one fight. Or something.
  8. Or better yet, eliminate the bullshit taskers, eliminate the exec jobs, and let people focus on the job for which they were so expensively trained. Which we know will never happen in this sinking ship of an organization.
  9. There have been lots of suggestions, but they require a lot of work and significant financial investment on the AF's part. That's not the simple answer you're looking for, so you've dismissed the suggestions. What you're asking for simply isn't possible without some major improvements to the jets (RFIDs, accurate fuel counters, etc). If you (or the AF/DoD) really wanted to save fuel and money, you'd take a long hard look at the blank check AFCENT receives. Having 600k-900k pounds of extra, unspoken for gas and 6-9 extra tankers over the AOR at any given time is complete overkill. But that would require some tough decisions be made and some painful prioritizing of resources, things you and your comrades at the pentagon are unwilling to do.
  10. Are you really that surprised? The frauds that pass for "leadership" in this joke of an organization will throw you under the bus for pretty much anything these days. Take note, folks, when it's time to make important career decisions.
  11. Question for those competing for a coveted ACSC in-res slot: this sounds appealing to you? Not flying for a year and change so you and your family can live in shithole Montgomery for a year or so? That's really where you see yourself in your mid-30s? I don't get the appeal. I guess I'm missing something.
  12. Technique attempted several times. Chief still threw a tantrum to his O-6 buddy (note I didn't say "boss"), and then I still had to explain my actions (or rather, lack thereof) to my boss. A complete waste of time for all involved, all over something THAT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. In one instance a Chief physically attempted to remove a tab patch from my flight suit. I broke the silent treatment on that one, and told him to keep his fucking hands off of me. I know it's been several years since you've been AD, but I can't stress enough how bad it's gotten. Do you ever call out your friends (I assume you have friends that are 0-6s) still on AD and ask them WTF is wrong with them?
  13. It has absolutely nothing to do with safety, and everything to do with the appearance of safety. Appearances get you promoted. And if, against all odds, someone actually does get hit by a car, the careerist "leadership" can point to their stupid policies and say, "well I tried! Promote me!". This organization is completely fucked. Last one out don't forget to turn off the lights.
  14. An O-3 deployed for six months to the MC-12 is going to make between $7000-9000 a month, depending on BAH, flight pay, dependent status, etc. O-5s and O-6s are obviously going to make more. If you'd like to include health care, commissary benefits, whatever... fine. But the approx $17-18k a month that the Dynamic folks make? Not close. I can see the appeal for people who are guard bumming. If anything, my point is that the US taxpayer is paying a ridiculous amount of money to have contractors do the exact same job as the MC-12s (supposedly). Another example of why we are absolutely fucked as a country.
  15. Make way more money working as a civilian to do the same exact job as the MC-12 in the same location, for less than half the time deployed, without the active duty bullshit? Seems like a no brainer.
  16. ~$35k to fly a King Air out of OAKN or wherever for 60 days sounds like a great way to supplement your guard bumming. I'd be interested to see how much different their mission is as compared to the MC-12. I'm hoping it's vastly different and not a complete waste of taxpayer money.
  17. Have you seen the specs on the GATM upgrades? Half-assed to say the least.
  18. I'd be very hesitant to even do ROTC. I'd avoid anything that leads to active duty like the plague. Get your degree. Up to you how much debt you want to incur and how worthless your degree is. Try applying directly to a guard/ reserve unit that flies something you think you'd like to fly in a location you think you'd like to live. You'll be glad you stayed as far away from AD as possible.
  19. Is this in regards to TACC ops or the AOR? As you know, the biggest problems (and potential savings) are in the AOR. Until we see major changes over there, it's going to be tough to get people on board with the minor stuff.
  20. Things have indeed changed. They've gotten worse.
  21. It's not. I signed up to deploy and be away from home, knowing that that was part of the gig. It's about spending every free moment when you're not deployed working on shit that just doesn't matter... family be damned. Masters. Christmas parties. "Warrior" runs. ORIs that evaluate our deployment readiness... even though we've been deployed nonstop since 1991. It's about being treated like a child by people whose sole purpose in the AF seems to be to treat people like children. It's about the constant catering to the lowest common denominator, the prized leadership tool of, well, your friends and peers who decided to stay in. You say that these things are all ignorable and that we should do just that- ignore them. Ok, fine. I've seen what happens to the folks who refuse to wear Blues on Monday, who do their best to stiff-arm the bullshit masters, who never show up at the "Warrior" runs and other mandatory squadron/wing "fun" events, who tell the Chief to shove it when he has an aneurism over a patch or your sleeves, who focus solely on flying and being the best damn pilot in the squadron. They end up on the short list for a non-vol 365 or a one-way trip to Cannon. It's all good. I can play this game. But I don't have to like it, I don't have to agree with it, and I certainly don't have to try to spin it in a way that justifies the stupidity I see on a daily basis... and I'll take my services elsewhere when and if that opportunity presents itself.
  22. First thing I thought of when listening to dear Kenneth.
  23. Uh, what? Reserve and AD folks fly together all the time.
  24. Between folks palace chasing with 6-9 months remaining on their ADSC, the limited few who were approved VSP, and the first of the 10 year guys... there will be a bunch getting out this fall.
  25. They won't have a choice when the UPT ADSC goes to 15+ years.
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