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Everything posted by di1630

  1. I'm just not so sure we can't do the F-35s job better with newer stealthier weapons we've developed in the past 15 years. 4th gen fighters have been on a leash for decades now (ref losses during the gw1) vs any country that can afford good SAMs, this "need" isn't new (which is why we should have bought more -22s) Everyone talks China....not gonna happen. Russia...not gonna happen. I'm willing to bet even without the F-35 our existing 18 B-2s/tomahawks and 180 F-22s could fit the bill day 1-3 vs any other defenses. I think the WW3 "we need 1k+ F-35 scenario) is pretty far fetched given today's geo political situation. I know us and our allies will get it. I just have a lot of doubts on how useful it really will fit with our strategy and real needs.
  2. Th problem when it takes 20 years from design to IOC is a lot changes in the works and technology. Hell when the F-22 initial design rolled out in 1986, the Aim-120 was still 6 yrs out, top gun was number 1 at the box office and we were going to be dogfighting 5th gen Russian fighters with thrust vectoring....now we use it against ISIS lobbing SDBs. My question is really what role the F-35 fills in future warfare other than costly supplementing of superior role focused aircraft. A/A king is the F-22 supplemented with 15C's, CAS king is the A-10 with F-16s, 15E's doing well also. Seems future AI is probably going to go the way of stealth UCAVs and cruise missiles. So where can the JSF fill a role and excel? I really wish we had bought more F-22s and block 60 vipers.
  3. Anyone out there trying to capitalize on these low oil prices. I just sunk some $$ into a variety of ETFs and stocks that are down about 50% on the year. Wondering if others were doing the same and if so, where. I looked at ETFs: USO, BNO, DBO, OIL and for stocks, NE, AXAS
  4. Question: I get my bonus payment each June. If I'm on a 365 to a tax free zone, will that payment be tax free as well? I seem to remember hearing the bonus was taxed a bit differently for the year. Thanks
  5. YGBFSM. I saw the posts and had to look back to see what great deal this person got. You could not pay me enough to do that gig. In fact, I'd pay my salary not to do it. Teaching worthless stuff at a worthless school to go to another worthless school so I can compete to be a micromanaged sq/cc. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  6. You should get a Brown official passport. Your rip should have the info on it. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  7. Why do people work so hard to try and spend a year of their life wasted at a silly USAF school? Are people doing it just to guarantee LTC or is it like a paid vacation from the real AF? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  8. Really? You wan't to judge workload and responsibility by OPR bullets? There are exaggerations, lies, damn lies, exaggerated damn lies and if you keep going a ways you'll get to OPR bullets. Led 50 troops in intense combat environment = put together shoeclerk sports day. Worked with multi billion dollar asset = stocked snack bar for satellite technicians Top junior officer in my sq = only officer in sq Etc etc etc Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  9. Calm down people, nobody is looking for anything that violates Opsec. Simple CRM tasks, should not be hard to discuss. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  10. For those of us not savvy...what are the workloads/responsibilities for each member? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  11. Glad they got in the fight. USAF prediction: -DFC's in lieu of air medals -McKay Trophy frontrunner for penetrating highly contested ISIS airspace narrowly defeating AK-47 gunfire. -Confirmed status as #1 A/G platform in aviation history finally displacing the B-1 of the coveted role. -Added to the list of USAF CAS (defined as any A/G mission/recon) proven aircraft but outdated and in urgent need of replacement by the F-35.
  12. Great commercial, should get some people to sign up thinking the USAF is about doing cool things, flying cool jets and full of cool people....I remember seeing that type of thing 10 yrs ago....now I realize the difference between propaganda and the real world. Well, back to my CBT.
  13. Well, we've come full circle. I think a few things can be said. 90% of the time, any aircraft that has CAS as a sub-sub-sub mission will suffice in Afghanistan. When shit hits the fan, its is best to have the guys who do it for a living flying an aircraft built for CAS. Again, doesn't matter, USAF leadership has sold its soul to the F-35 and that bill will be paid with CAS capability and blood in the future.
  14. I understand how the Army views USAF CAS platforms, and since I spent many years training with JTACS and Army dudes, I understand that they make mistakes, I know pilots make tons of mistakes and is why we train so meticulously to mitigate those things. I stand by it...THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE OCCURRED especially in current Afghanistan. As for night, Afghanistan CAS is easier at night....well, when you can look outside that is. Here is a few things an A-10 can do to mitigate a B-1 cannot, correct me if I misunderstand 1. Look outside at night to see IR strobes/pointer 2. have two jets/look angles/pods 3. throw down a low CDE weapon (rx/gun) first to mark/verify There's more but its sad I've heard a few dudes say "See, it wasn't the B-1's fault"...bullshit, this should not have happened and is why we have and need dedicated CAS culture. But hell, like I said, the USAF has no problem claiming JV CAS is good enough. Frat happens, it should not. It is almost always the fault of the pilot/crew. This chain could have been broken and should have been. I do think that if an F-16/A-10/E model was there, this might not have happened.
  15. You mean doing CAS is more than just strapping a TGP to anything that flies? Quick, tell this to USAF leadership, oh too late, they could care less about CAS except when boasting stats. 5 people died, yeah that was months ago and they were Army guys so they won;t count against our yearly fatalities on ppt. Just tell the premier B-1 CAS crews they can't see IR strobes in the TGP and to keep doing the best they can. The Hog...pffft, we'll try to get it out of the picture next year again. An F-35 with the helmet would have seen the strobes. That's the solution...the F-35. Oh, and tell the Army guys to get their shit together...CAS is simply the Army telling the aircrew coordinates and having a bomb dropped on the grids...its not tough, any USAF plane can do it.
  16. Question: I am at contracted civilian school near a number of bases in the DC area but my orders show my unit in Arlington VA (not on a base). I am PCSing, do I need to stay on a base for TLE or since my orders have Arlington, can I stay at a more convenient hotel?
  17. I heard its only for a year or two with possibly having to go to Afghanistan. Truth?
  18. Can someone give some accurate details on the shenanigans? I'm not asking for names, just pictures of the chicks, types of booze and how many FAIPs ended up in AWACs. Emphasis on the photos.
  19. Heard Faips were F-ing students......truth? Same as always, only they got caught apparantly.
  20. SOFA question: I know in Korea for example non command sponsored dependents get SOFA but does anyone know in Europe if it is the same?
  21. Update: I asked my gaining rater for help in filing an appeal since the process has taken 90+ days already. He essentially told me that he didn't want to take a chance dealing with medical issues and within 12 hour canceled my assignment. Of course the only notice I got of the cancellation was an automated email. sidenote: The guy is a non rated Col and I felt as if I was talking to a person with 1/2 his brain (no kidding) IF ANYONE ON HERE EVER SEEKS MEDICAL ADVICE VOLUNTARILY....DO NOT!!!! My family got Q coded for a minor problem. The system is not designed to help you no matter what they say and decisions will be made by people who have never met you or your family or could give a Fck!! I went from dream assignment to probable f-'d in 12 hours for subjective opinion on a cured minor condition. Anyone is free to PM me if they need lessons learned or deals. Or if you have advice, I'm still working all angles I know.
  22. Ahh, the great part of this is my chain of command is Army which makes it even more fun since all my EFMP is done at a AF base. So far not one suspense has been met by the medical community....on either continent.
  23. So I have an OS assignment I am going on either accompanied/unaccompanied...one family member was given a "not recommended for OS travel" for a condition that has since been outgrown. We appealed, had full support of losing and gaining base medical only to be disapproved by MAJCOM for a condition that does't exist so 2/3 dependent are command sponsored. I was told no more appeals, tuition at overseas school is paid, there is no chance of recurrence so we are going without that dependent listed on orders. Can anyone add to my list of drawbacks/considerations. Its a remote location so the loss of base facilities is not a factor. 1. Travel for family member is not funded. 2. Need to enroll them in Tricare overseas standard 3. Need a visa 4. No travel per diem (TLA), less cola Anyone ever deal with this sort of cloosterfook?
  24. Today I used the MPF at a Marine base and was shocked. I honestly felt like I was in a different military. After weeks of dealing with inept, lazy USAF support personnel and civilians to PCS, I was utterly amazed at the difference in professionalism and work that I saw. I was not in uniform so no indication of rank. Makes me really think the USAF has a SEVERE culture problem (on the support side that is)
  25. I like Sprey but if it were up to him we'd have F-5's instead of F-15C's so he's off on a few points as he mostly thinks about A/A potential simply in terms of BFM capability. He's right on about the CAS potential but hey, all the F-35 has to do is outperform a B-1 for the USAF to call it the "best CAS platform ever". That being said, I have not heard one great thing about the F-35 from the people working the program or the pilots flying it other than the standard USAF push line on how great it will be (when we go to war with China) via ppt slides.
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