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Everything posted by disgruntledemployee

  1. In all seriousness, most of my class was late rated. Many went on to command, a few even at the wing level. So show up, kick ass, and chew your bubblegum, even if you run out of gum.
  2. My previous wish list last time they thought of bringing us back.
  3. Well then, when are the English coming back to reclaim your country? Or the Natives? Any Incas still around? Ooooh, crocodiles, since they came from dinosaurs.
  4. Fine, Putin is the best dude ever, such a big caring heart. He's Mr Wonderful and would give anyone the shirt off his back. All hail Perfect Putin, a true angel. He should get the Nobel Peace award. 🤑
  5. I'm sure both are capable of saying "bitch, please" in a debate. I say they go Thunderdome, no ref, two women enter, one woman leaves, the other via a stretcher. They can even shout policy one liners as they trade shots. The winner gets mad respect and shows the world they can kick ass.
  6. A big issue with that (underlined) is a large chunk of humans will see this, or have it shoved thru their Tiktok eyeballs, and adopt the forced opinion that the Ruskies are good. The US has a sizeable group of the dumb ones. Putin won the interview. How about Tucker take the tape, hand it over to the IC, and tell em to have at it, especially since Tucker was denied getting the WSJ released. Even better would have been if Tucker greeted him and gave him a Novichok handshake.
  7. Because he's an incoherent, bumbling old man? Sounds more damaging to his reelection campaign. I say the Special Counsel should release the interview for public view.
  8. Concur. Just wait for some rat infested buildings to get fined a ton, or a few thousand restaurants for not registering their "pets" and then start calling all those critters "undocumented."
  9. Does the AF really want a bunch of old salty dogs back in the Sq winning hearts and minds away from Big Blue?
  10. Those Archer seasons are all dreams. End of season 7 he ends up in a coma. Which gave the writers a super wide berth to make up some funny shit.
  11. Money. And a chance to get memed, made fun of, bullied online, and trash one's life. American Fighter Pilot lost control and spun out to sea after a cringy naming ceremony in the Sq bar and got canceled. IMO, by CSAF, but I have no evidence of such. Oh wait, this is on AFN? Well, its probably a new cast for "Don't shake your baby" PSAs and that super evil blonde girl that will make you leave your friends, stop going to school, and get you kicked off the team.... Ms Alcohol, aka, any girl.
  12. You do know he died when hs X plane disintegrated, right? The rest is a dream sequence. TG #3 will be like Archer, seasons 8-10.
  13. Link doesn't work, I was unable to Resume Episode; please fix.
  14. For you and anyone else walking in the Trump elephant train... Trump shit on your Constitution and wiped his ass with your American flag. Enjoy drinking his piss. And Biden is just as fucking dishonorable. PS. 3/4 of the tags I used when I created this thread over 7 years ago are still relevant, JFC.
  15. Not necessarily deflate their value, but set the value to whatever they want. A Points program is a company made currency.
  16. I studied stuff ahead of arriving to UPT. Our Det had a Tweet - 1 and I got a copy. The internet was really becoming a thing and AF pubs were posted on the line. Lastly, I called the local copy shop in Del Rio and asked them to make me a copy of everything they had on file for UPT and mail it. So I read a lot before showing up, plus I arrived to UPT a few weeks early. All this meant I could spend more time on chair flying, understanding the pattern, etc. and a little less on the GK/book stuff. Mind you having not gone thru UPT, some of the stuff didn't make sense, but I knew what to memorize. Someone else is flying, so listen in on the brief/debrief. Do stuff with other studs. It's not like a school dance where you're shy to ask someone on the dance floor.
  17. FAs should just issue a tool kit to everyone and asked them to fix the plane while in flight. Inflight entertainment will by youtube vids showing you how to do something, but with key parts missing in the video so you have no idea how they got the cover off. Anyone with spare parts leftover has to hand them off to the next pax taking that seat.
  18. I hope she makes it thru UPT just fine. I also hope she makes a profile on BODN and gives all you ninny nannies a shit ton of ball bustin'. If so, she wouldn't be the 1st pretty lady to fly well. Google it. There's the T-bird, Malachowski, Kim Campbell who landed a battle damaged A-10, and not to mention the scores of WASPs, a few of whom I met at while staying a few nights before Oshkosh at my in-law's neighbor's house. As for the media, the called her a Soldier. WTF, over?
  19. Not mine, but I always liked that this one got passed the censors. BTW, I found it on this cat's website, quite a robust collection: https://www.usafupt.com/ https://www.usafupt.com/id21.htm directly to the class patch section.
  20. One ring to rule them all, bwha ha ha ha ha ha ha....
  21. It's a Rorschach test cloud sticker. What you see is a projection of your psyche. So if rolled up by some chief/etc, and they claim it's stripper, counter with "its a white dragon kissing the earth and I got it at a Game of Thrones convention. I like dragons, don't you? And where do you get off saying my dragon is a stripper? And why do you hate strippers?" And walk away...
  22. Thanks for showing us your snakes, Biff.
  23. My time at DJ, the local Navy dudes ran a Ward Room, tent at 1st, then self funded/built a hard building. Open on Fri and Sat nights. Me and the guys would sip drinks, play corn hole, and bust chops. No drink limits, just a basic rule; behave. And most did behave, save for a P-3 dude that hit on some other unit's lady officer and got shown the door after a little physicality. P-3 unit was banned for a month. My boss asked if I went to the Ward Room. Yep, proudly. Got some work/networking done too. He mentioned something about drink limits and I mentioned the O-6 Scotch stash. We all behave and that's why it works. Our little gang had zero issues. Treat people like adults, they often behave like adults. Such a foreign idea to many higher ups.
  24. Oh wait, before I go... I see what you're saying, but I cannot vision it. Is that what you mean?
  25. And after his inspection, the General went to his office, opened the cabinet, poured 3 fingers of something smooth, stared out the window and wondered, "what the fuck is this world coming to?" and took a swig.
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