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Everything posted by Vertigo

  1. The food bank down the road is free... Yet somehow it is also managed. Imagine that! Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App! The definition of free isn't just limited to money. Fyi. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  2. If immigration was free, but still managed so that new immigrants are paying their load then your arguments would be invalid. But I guess you're to lazy to think about other ways of doing business. "You MIGHT commit a crime some time in the future" is a shit awful excuse. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App! The u.s. is privately owned? If so, by whom? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  3. Really? Really? ... really? Do you not know how D.C. works? Those with the money and power use that money and power to change the rules to keep them in the money and power and to limit others ability to gain that money and power. Do you not know that the head of the FCC was a lobbyist for the cable industry prior to current his current gig? Where do you think he'll go back to work once these cable (read internet providers) companies get their legislation passed and his tenure is over? edit: I accidentally a word
  4. Keeping borders closed restricts human freedom. Restrictions on the right to migrate are only moral if there is clear evidence of very bad consequences. Even then it could be questionable. What are you defending by keeping an immigrant from entering? Undue pressure on your culture? Wage protection from a more competitive foreigner? If it's pressure on your culture, does that mean you have the right to keep blacks out of your white neighborhood as well? If it's wage protection does that mean you can keep a younger competitor willing to work for less from attending a job interview by any means possible? Or is it just because it's the law and the state has the right to enforce its laws? Where does the state get those rights? From its citizens, correct? The government cannot have any rights that its citizens do not possess. And no citizen has the right to deny immigrants access across a border, or do we? If yes, does that mean I can restrict you from entering my state? After all you're not a citizen of my state, or my city, or my neighborhood. If we as individuals don't have the right to close borders, then how can the state have that right? Or perhaps you think U.S. citizens collectively own the land which makes our nation. And through the democratic process we've transferred part of the ownership to the government. Does that do the trick? Well no. There is plenty of land in the U.S. owned by foreigners and foreign entities that do not get to vote and therefor have no say in that democratic process that transfers ownership to the government. And if the government does own the land, that means they could decide who you can invite over to your next BBQ, or your Superbowl party and that's just absurd.
  5. Love the comment section. People getting all excited about the possibility of killing another human being for crossing an imaginary line on the ground.
  6. Tried to watch it... damn tornado warnings and local news channels cutting in to give weather updates fucked it up so I was only able to get bits and pieces of the story. Gotta love the bag of potatoes that was sitting on the bottom row far left.
  7. Luckily common sense has since prevailed. The manwas given a warning in lieu of the fine, was allowed back on VA property, and has his job back.
  8. I respect that Michael Bay took a story about mutant turtles doing martial arts in multicolored bandanas and said "not stupid enough".
  9. Apparently TL;DR = Too long, didn't read Meaning your post was way too long to put in the effort to read it.
  10. Probably less than you would imagine. The advertising and captive consumer this company is garnering is worth selling at a ridiculously low price. Get someone hooked on your product, they get home and start asking their local retailer to sell it... smart idea for a company trying to get in with the Monster/Red Bull big boys.
  11. Handing out and you choosing to get on of your own free will are two different things. I was never issued Rip-its on any of my deployments. I was, however, given the option to make a decision like an adult and decide for myself if this was something I wanted to ingest. This is no different than Bloomberg banning large sodas in NY. Idiotic. Just for the record, Pitbull blueberry-pomegranate energy drinks were 10x better than Rip-its; if you could find them.
  12. I transferred mine to the spousal unit to get her BSN. It's already paying dividends.
  13. Just give your CC a heads up. I know a ANG E4 that got engaged to an ARNG O3 and she got some paperwork for not informing her leadership about the relationship.
  14. Not even close. While not trying to be rude, this statement shows you have no real idea as to what is driving the costs of medical care.
  15. Some hot chicks down there too! That's where I met my wife.
  16. In a nutshell- yes. For the guard the FAM has their hands in a lot of things. Everything from approving MCRs to making sure their areas have the right MICT checklists loaded.
  17. We weren't allowed to schedule RUTAs past Jan 15th... but that was rescinded this week,
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