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Everything posted by Vertigo

  1. In other words, you're ok with a police state. Noted.
  2. And if no one is using that pathway, which was evident in the video as the officer said they were slowing vehicle traffic not pedestrian traffic, then this would not apply. I'm also pretty sure someone could walk around/through them. It didn't appear they were a large enough of a crowd or even that their intent was to prevent someone from using the pathway.
  3. Someone has to be the king of conspiracy theories. That's not accurate at all. His internet TV show has 300,000 subscribers. When he first started at Fox he was pulling in up to 3 million viewers and his last month on the station he had 1.6 million viewers. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/glenn-beck-tv-return-dish-theblaze-399928 http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/26/business/media/the-five-rises-on-fox-news-in-glenn-becks-shadow.html?_r=0
  4. I guess I could have been more clearer by stating Title 32 civilians, but since the question was posed about eliminating the ART program I guess I assumed people could have followed what I was saying. Next time I'll go a little slower for ya.
  5. They're not dual status like the ARTs are.
  6. Ironically the survey hit right as the furloughs started... more help to get rid of the Title 32s and make everyone AGR.
  7. The NDAA gave the SECDEF the authority to make these changes. The SECDEF never implemented. There has been no change to the travel categories.
  8. Since he was the President's body man at the time I believe the answer to your question would be- his job.
  9. Stupid buddhists need you to come over there and show them their own symbol. It's drawn both ways in buddhism.
  10. What does this symbol represent? Did you say it's the buddhist symbol for eternity that's been in use for 8000 years or did you think it represents the nazi party for the last 70 years? So is it a stretch or do you now agree that a political party has now adopted it as their symbol? You just contradicted yourself there.
  11. Exactly right. The length of the article being reported determines truth.
  12. Google image search the following phrase: tea party flags Tell me what 50-75% of the images come up as as you scroll down. Or better yet, go online shopping for Tea Party flags. http://www.gettysburgflag.com/TEA-Party.php http://www.sevenbros.com/index.php?cPath=95_313 http://www.flagsimporter.com/american/index.php/cName/tea-party-flags I know it's wiki- but still. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadsden_flag#Tea_Party_Movement_symbol
  13. IF it was a Tea Party flag (and some would argue it has become a de facto symbol of the tea party) the CITY cannot be seen as endorsing one party over any other party. The USAF is government property, thus our property, in your arguments. Should we remain neutral or should we be flying political party flags for whatever party is in control at the moment-thereby making it appear we are endorsing that party? So only religious people should have freedom in that aspect. Everyone else should have religion forced upon them. Noted.
  14. It's a city owned property. They didn't ban the flag from a private organization or residence. They banned it from ITS OWN PROPERTY- which they are allowed to do.
  15. Same. AT days up to 30, then ST for those that have hit 30 with good justification.
  16. That seems to be the general consensus here... good for the goose?
  17. And it also leads the hospitals. And the hospital argued, in a legal case, that a fetus is not a human. When they got press about the church back tracked and said "oh lets re-examine this before we get more bad press for being hypocites"
  18. That's what the Catholic Church argues in legal battles. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/01/25/catholic-hospital-legal-argument-fetus-not-legally-person-under-state-law/
  19. Taking moral cues from a book that allows slavery, stoning of people, bashing babies against rocks, rape, genocide, etc is just as absurd... or even more so. There’s a reason the Bible isn’t used as the code of law anymore. That was tried, and it led to hundreds of years of oppression and misery culminating in the Inquisition. That wasn’t an accident, an anomaly, or the fault of a less-evolved, less-knowledgeable culture. That’s the path the Bible leads to. Immorality.
  20. Yep, homosexual behavior is so abnormal and unnatural that it's only exhibited by 1500 different species of God's animals. I guess political pressure and gay activism affected those animals as well until it became normalized.
  21. Traditional values: like slavery, paying the father of a rape victim to make her your bride, segregation, etc etc. The Ku Klux Klan held traditional moral values. These are the people you are admiring. I don't need a book to tell me what's right or wrong. That's true morality. You rely on the threat of divine retribution and/or the possibility of reward in order to guide you to think what is right or wrong.
  22. No you're right. They were perfect in dealing with freedom and liberties. Just ask their employees, they loved being in chains.
  23. Embraces? Nah, more like indifference. I live my life, I let them live theirs as long as it's consensual and between adults. I'm sorry you feel your moral code dictates that you intervene in other people's lives to the point they have to adhere to your standards. It's sad you were born in this nation (I assume) yet Freedom and Liberty is a concept that is foreign to you
  24. I'm sorry I'm intolerant of your intolerance.
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