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tac airlifter

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Everything posted by tac airlifter

  1. Gents, I’m one year out from terminal/available date. Been reading the various forums and building my SA. Cargo seems like the best fit for my life circumstances, but appears difficult to land. Should I just blast applications to everyone ASAP or is it worth trying for my top picks first? I don’t want to turn someone down while waiting for a call from a top pick, only to not be selected and have passed on my lower ranked choices.
  2. Copy— you’re acknowledging the tool you advocate does not produce the results you desire, but you want the tool used anyway to produce the results you desire despite second order effects with collateral impacts. Makes perfect sense, you have a promising career in government. To answer your question: all of those people are following SECDEF orders. But at the JCS level they can have a conversation which would be inappropriate for other entities you listed. If I were JCS I’d have the balls to say: we’re losing more personnel to this mandate than the virus. Recommend we cease mandates, and treat religious objections to vaccine same way we treat conscientious objectors: find a way they can continue service. Here are my specific recommendations….. By the way, that is the logic I sent my boss. But we’ve decided to go full adversarial instead of empathetic, with predictable results. End state: we are weaker not stronger, and more divided as a country and military than ever. Congratulations.
  3. How do you justify mandatory vaccination as the solution to this problem when ships that are 100% vaccinated are being taken out by mass illness?
  4. I am not. There’s a whole different Air Force out there. It’s motherhood just like tanking is for you: enabling movement to target. What if your yo-yo plan was landing on a blacked out dirt strip to drive your own fuel truck to FARP, and the better you do it the quicker you return to a TIC? Not so silly anymore. that’s an extreme example, although valid. Mostly it’s to move luggage pallets quicker!
  5. I send guys to get all manner of licenses before we deploy- forklift, 10k truck, etc. We go to austere locations and it’s been a huge help to have this capability organic to our unit. That said, I empathize with the overall sentiment that line instructor pilots are tired of being forced to add non-flying responsibilities to their duties in order to cover for an organization unable to generate sufficient support. It’s true, the AF sucks at helping you. If you extend your ADSC, expect more of the same. Posture future plans accordingly.
  6. Agreed— I did the EKG & O2 test for RTFS but my smell/taste took months. It’s still only ~60% normal. I’ve never heard of a smell test to get off DNIF. that said, Med group has been very challenging with their internal inability to communicate & standardize.
  7. https://www.newsweek.com/netherlands-vaccination-booster-coronavirus-covid-shot-1664296 Netherlands planning up to 6 booster shots by 2023. Insanity is an addiction for these people. Shame on anyone who is willing to force injections for theater.
  8. I had someone in a similar situation, and I just assigned him an alternate duty location (his wife’s hospital), and had him check in with me periodically. It met the legal requirements.
  9. Happy to talk via DM if desired, however I have expressed the extent of what I want to express in public.
  10. Indeed this discussion has come to a screeching halt, although I now understand why so many are contemptible of those seeking a religious accommodation: turns out you’re contemptible of religion itself. Makes perfect sense. Freedom of religion is one of the basic tenants our country was founded upon. Enshrined in the US Constitution. As military officers, we take an oath to defend the constitution. Personally I’d feel like a fraud if I swore to defend a concept I thought was inherently bogus. As a fellow officer, I am puzzled at those who ostensibly serve to protect the constitution yet distain and despise its core aspects. But ok, your beliefs don’t have to make sense to me. 🇺🇸 However as a Christian I do understand being despised for Christ: he promised exactly this. So now conversation comes to a halt and the religious among us each must pray and determine where to draw the line. “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” John 15:18.
  11. The order is in direct conflict with science, and only serves to further support the narrative that government policies are unfair and unscientific.
  12. A paycheck that keeps his family fed. Tough situation for anyone to be in. Do you think our military is stronger or weaker now that we’ve forced our members to do this?
  13. That link says households with vaccinated people spread C19 at 25%, and unvaccinated households at 38%. That’s only a 13% difference. Add to that observation there was no discussion of how severe symptoms were (if any at all), and it’s quite clear this is not a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Frankly it’s not a pandemic at all, COVID is over as a threat. Now we’re talking about mandatory boosters? This is insane.
  14. As someone who has never flown a T-38 please educate me: what is the DLO of form takeoff & landing?
  15. This one. The rest of their vaccines are real vaccines, against genuinely threatening issues, with significantly more research and no political taint. We even elected to have my daughter receive the HPV vaccine which is questionable for some, but it was our choice and it met my risk reward threshold. given all that, consider how disingenuous it is to label me an anti-VAXXER if I don’t unquestioningly comply with mandates surrounding this vaccine. For children, the cure has been worse than the disease. I’m speaking here not just of the vaccine but more importantly of the forced isolation, school lockdowns, school masking, no friendships, blunted development, etc. The same experts who championed those practices are now forcing a vaccine while hiding the scientific data for 55 years.
  16. Actually I do a lot of things with my son more risky than driving: shooting, weight lifting, ocean swimming. I do those things on purpose because I am raising him to be an eagle, not a chicken. And I am with him and able to mitigate the risk while I teach him. Said another way, I take calculated and controlled risks when required in order to achieve desired benefits. I do not play Russian roulette. I do not take risk for its own sake. I understand your viewpoint from a mathematical perspective, but from a leadership perspective unnecessary risk is extremely irresponsible. There’s enough information in the public domain for me to conclude that mandatory vaccination of all children is child abuse.
  17. “This article is terrible” is true if you were looking for a well researched scientific study. However if you are merely documenting a fact that is not widely documented elsewhere, then the article is helpful because it adds information to our evolving understanding of the situation we’re in. There could be many reasons the cause of deaths has increased, and I’m glad the article did not speculate. Vaccines or isolation, I don’t know. But since children are not at massive risk of contracting and dying from this disease, why are we even taking a risk with them? You are “willing to wager,” but I’m not. I’m unwilling to have my children receive a vaccine that could harm them without proof the situation demands that risk. As it is, our society is being too aggressive with the vaccination campaign. I am also uncomfortable that the entire media and government conglomerate seems to be pounding the same message and preventing debate: the vaccines are safe and effective. But there’s enough information to have me question if that is true always for all people under all circumstances. The blanket nature of these pronouncements and policies gives me a lot of pause because there are people with unique situations. Covid is not smallpox or the plague, and we can’t let the cure be worse than the disease. This article merely adds an avenue to further that discussion.
  18. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/uk-sees-44-increase-in-child-deaths-after-jab-rollout-for-young-teens-data-shows/ it’s unbelievable to me that anyone would vaccinate their children given the uncertainty surrounding safety.
  19. Sorry, no one has adequately explained why my son should die for Ukraine or Taiwan. If those countries are absorbed into their respective aggressors, is anyone in the US less safe in a quantifiable way? “Defender of the global commons” is insufficient rationale unless it translates to an actual threat to US personnel. Now if you want to start some shit with China because of the US Fentanyl crisis or C19 I’m game to hear you out, but we should probably have a real intel assessment first.
  20. The same highside analysis that predicted Afghanistan wouldn’t fall in 24 hours? You can plan whatever you want, if leader ship is paralyzed with indecision you still lose.
  21. When Afghanistan fell in such a shameful fashion, it became obvious our nation wouldn’t do anything about Taiwan or Ukraine either.
  22. I know there are some petty and small minded commanders who justify your apprehension, and that’s unfortunate. I believe crossflow (assuming it’s the members choice) is ultimately in the best interest of the Air Force because people do better when they want to be somewhere. I recommend simply talking to your boss and functional. It is a risk, but embrace that risk and be bold. Here are approaches that will resonate with your CC: 1. In what circumstances would you support a cross flow out of our community? 2. I desire to cross flow into xxx program because I think that type of service is suited to my skills. What can I do to receive your endorsement? Item one allows you to grasp the perspective from their viewpoint. The goal is information gathering so you can manage expectations and strategize your next approach. Item two keeps the focus on mission and how you can better serve. What organization wouldn’t want people to serve in ways which best match their personalities and skills? Keep it professional, but don’t be afraid to ask direct questions. I’ve worked a lot of these; here are some observations: you have to be good at your current platform. Not “ok” and not just good in your mind. Be in the top 25% strat-wise, but also be actually good at your mission. Both your commander and functional must agree, as well as the gaining functional (meaning, you need to know their pipeline throughout capacity, what that does to your timing). Keep a professional attitude and be up front to your commander. “Up front” doesn’t mean you have to accept the dictate of your commander if they are the rare petty breed discussed earlier: you can simply tell that person “I’m going to continue to try everything I can to move into XX community.” But those are rare. More often I see members trying to be sneaky and play people against each other and end up getting sideways with their commander. Not a good spot to be, the commander is extremely influential in this process but not solely determinative. Also it matters how you leave your last community to your gaining commander. My final recommendation is have a specific platform in mind. Commanders are busy and so are functionals, they aren’t going fishing for you. Have something specific you want and do your homework on the timing, both your own personal timing (PDE, TOS, upgrades, etc.) and the general timing of new FTU. “I want to do something different but I don’t know what” is going to get you white jets. Big picture: be professional, straightforward about your desires and rationale, and be very good at your existing job. That is how you best position yourself; then luck in timing will hit your plan and who knows what happens. Good luck, I wish you the best.
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