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Majestik Møøse

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Everything posted by Majestik Møøse

  1. Because they understand that military action and economic investment are tied together. I suppose it’s easier to arrange when the same guy is in charge of both. For some reason America has tended to use economic power and military power as two separate forces ever since the 60s. The places where we have wielded both at once tend to get better. If we go in without security - or worse provide security with no reason - we leave it a boondoggle. If we’re willing to set up factories and farms with wages that make the average Haitian dream of working there, then any military action to support that makes complete sense. Unfortunately that’s usually derided as “colonialism” because money is involved. So instead, we go in with only the military and some band-aid pallets of food in an attempt to convince the locals to believe in an idea, which will never work.
  2. You’ve both proven that you are mature enough to realize you’re on the same team and fighting is not the answer. The rest of us are not that mature and only ask that if you do end up fighting, please post a video.
  3. Dude, no. If other agencies and departments are at work, let them continue. Military involvement? Absolutely not. There is no end state, let the people sort it out.
  4. Military action is always tied to economics. Or at least it should be from a realism perspective. When we don’t tie them together as part of a combined objective, we fail. Our security action in Afghanistan had no synced economic effort, so no one (including us) had any financial incentive to see it through. Postwar Germany and Japan were successful because of massive economic investment tied to a permanent security presence. In a sort of reverse case, massive economic investment that isn’t backed up by military security will eventually fail, like when Iraq rolled into Kuwait uncontested. At that point, a military action by an outsider is needed to restore the previous situation, because our Allies didn’t want Kuwait’s oil to be controlled by Saddam. Nor did they want Saddam to conquer them also, which seemed like a legitimate threat in 1990. In Ukraine’s case, our European Allies don’t want Ukraine’s resources to be controlled by Russia, and a Russian expansion also seemed like a legitimate threat in 2021.
  5. When the Russians started buying back munitions from former customers because they have none left of their own, that was the end of their ability to win a war.
  6. There’s something to this. A unique combination of extreme comfortability and safety brought on by untold global wealth, combined with a brewing discontent due to lack of shared purpose.
  7. “Stillwater Regional Airport has briefed the offices of Sen. James Lankford, Sen. Jim Inhofe, the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission and the Federal Aviation Administration.” Not too far out of the realm of possibility. Trying to get some of that $1.7T spending bill that just passed? The airport has big growth aspirations and is planning to build a commercial terminal in 2024. Personally I’m rooting for the C-17 crew to show up guns blazing with facts.
  8. I’ve had to walk Airfield Managers through their own pubs to figure out weight bearing capacity twice. They no shit had no idea what their taxiways were good for. I’m guessing there’s a good chance the Stillwater manager thought he was ok until he wasn’t. Keep those emails, kids.
  9. That they need due to lack of trust in other services to be there when they need it. And they’re right, based on both history and one what other services will be forced to focus on. They Navy will support the ships needed to get them to disembarkation, then they’re on their own as the Navy’s attention wanes. The best jet for Marine Air maybe wouldn’t be an F-35B if everyone had a do-over, but it’s certainly better than a Harrier, and it’s theirs now.
  10. When’s the last time any of us has worked with Marine infantry at an LFE? I’m trying to remember the last time I worked with Marines at all in training; it was probably their C2 guys in a tent. When do you think the last time a Harrier or C-model Hornet squadron worked with other Marines? Rhetorical. When it comes to a MEF/MEB/MEU, the Marines are always the best option to support other Marines. I sure as shit wouldn’t trust my survival on another service showing up; we’re all too busy with our own activities. When the Navy has to choose between CAS and Carrier survival, or the Air Force has to choose between CAS and DCA and strike package size / regen rates and also Carrier survival, support for a thousand Marine infantry holding or advancing to an objective is going to get backburnered. Even the resupply from other services will have to be fought for at every instance, which is why a quarter of Marine expeditionary units is dedicated for logistics support, Hercs and all. They’re geared to survive by themselves for 30-60 days, because they’ll have to. It’s actually a pretty enviable setup, because it’s self-contained “joint” by nature and commanded by a guy that knows what he’s doing. Maybe Red can shed more light.
  11. The worst part is the scapegoating of great people like Beau Marks. We’re lucky to have him on our team.
  12. According to the Ottawa Citizen, the call sign was FAWG (“Fucked A Woman Gay”), bestowed on a pilot whose ex-girlfriend was in a lesbian relationship afterwards. According to his bio, he’s a patrol and cargo pilot.
  13. So…yes. Because if they didn’t fly fast sometimes, imagine how slow their brains would be then
  14. Companion trainers should be fast. Fast jets make brain fast. https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/video/take-a-seat-in-the-cockpit-of-nasa-s-t38-jet-1002459715572
  15. Guy behind the camera is this idiot neo-Nazi: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11469729/amp/Army-commends-composed-soldiers-restraint-against-neo-Nazi-Poland.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goyim_Defense_League Based on the ever-escalating nature of his stunts, I don’t see him being alive for much longer. There’s something about these guys, I swear they must be borderline suicidal before they decide to yolo on insane behavior to see how far they can get. Guarantee this dude was all out of options before he figured out how to livestream.
  16. None of the ARES promotional materials mention 50k’. They all say 40k’.
  17. CH about how many of these high-flying platforms would we need?
  18. True, but if your airplane is dependent on space to do it’s job you’re going to have a shitty time during the war.
  19. Worldview confirmed, there is no such thing as “over the horizon”, just increasingly smaller graze angles where the calculations don’t work anymore
  20. I’ll have to take your word for it, never ran a LOS plot that low. Edit: looking at the dozens of bizjets currently flying on ADS-B exchange (with zero extra military hardware), not one is flying above FL470. I’m not really buying the idea that a military version is going to get much above that, especially carrying RTB gas.
  21. I can’t think of a better way to kill 6-9 EWOs and ABMs. Bizjets will get fucked pretty quick by any weapon.
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