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Everything posted by SocialD

  1. No worries, back when we lost those two 38s w/in a week, we were down for a while. No big deal...they'll just roll graduation back as required (two months for my class). They threatened us with that too...never happened.
  2. WOW, this just amazes me! How can things get that screwed up?!? After two paychecks, and zero progress, I would have walked into the WG/CC office and explained my situation. Saw that happen once...holy crap did this piss some people off, but the problem got fixed immediately. Or he could have gone the other route and file an IG complaint....that tends to get peoples attention!
  3. Hah, this reminded me of a time the Deid when I was still an E. A fellow maintainer and I were in the beginning stages of getting Chiefed, when my flight chief (a MSgt) walks up and says to the Cheif "whatever you're bitching about doesn't matter, these boys are getting food so they can get back to catch their jets, move out of the way!" The look on that Chiefs face was hilarious. My flight chief was very old and very crusty (crewed jets in Vietnam), he was not worried, nor did he care about the ramifications. If you worked hard for him, he took care of you...we need more guys like him!
  4. Yup, sure would hate for big blue to have to admit that they are totally fucked on certain things...we all know that won't happen! There were two raptors flying today...
  5. From all the guys I've talked to, that have flown it, they would gladly give it back...they never wanted it anyway. That program seems to be a fuck job from the beginning! No need to apologize to me, I could give two shits about that plane. Other than the fact that is seems like a waste of $$$. Me give it back? Look, I'm kinda a big deal....but i'm not sure I have that kind of pull! I'll see what I can do!
  6. I know two dudes who were Captains before the even made it to the FTU! Also knew quite a few guys that made Capt while in the B-Course. These were all guys who had no previous jobs...extended time on casual, UPT delays (38 crashes), >400 days from UPT graduation to starting IFF, Hog wings cracking, Eagles breaking apart, Viper bulk heads cracking! Most took adavantage of the situation and finished their masters...all used their time wisely, took leave and partied their asses off! There were even a few guys who gave up their Viper/Hog assignments after being told their wait to start IFF would be >450 days...I think they went the the C-17 and KC-10.
  7. Why not? You bang enlisted chicks, then do your best to make sure no one finds out! edit: Might not be exactly what Rainman is talking about..
  8. Home: 0, 0, 1, 0 Desert: 1, 1, 1, 1 2!
  9. That's a new rumor! I've only heard the one about the ANG pushing for Super Hornets...
  10. Good example is the A-7! It clung to life in the Guard for quite a while before being sent to the boneyard! I think even the RTU and Weapons School(?) were all Guard. The B-1 was taken from the Guard back to AD, although the B-1 was never exclusively an ANG asset. But that is proof that the AD owns the Iron. That program should be toast! Total POS! The Block 30s are quickly approaching their drop dead date. The 40s/50s will cling to life for as long as it takes to get the 35s up and running on AD. Last rumor was as far out as 2030 for the Block 40s...longer for the 50s. Rainman, you of all people, should know that those charts can change rather quickly. What was the original date that the Hogs were supposed to be done?
  11. The same reason they pour millions into base renovations and then shut that base down the following year...
  12. Problem is, they won't have enough fighter pilots to fly them, and staff all the other taskings...RPA, MC-12, ALO, staff, etc.
  13. I should caveat my last post with the following... If you're a Guard guy and not keeping your resume up-to-date/pinging your contacts from time to time, you're probably fu#king up!
  14. Crap, you had me worried for a few seconds. But then I realized it's not a big deal, since the world is ending in 2012 anyway...
  15. Really? I can see them asking for your FTU paperwork (which was all I was asked for). I can't imagine our training shop caring to much about what some FAIP thought of my carrier qual. landings, in the tweet...
  16. Reason #89,958 that Yeager is a grade A douchepump! 2!
  17. IRT: Italian Radio Transmission WAS: Welcome aboard sailor LFALOW: Look for another line of work
  18. From talking with a friend (non-mil type) that saw it happen, it sounds as if he was chased through the landing...might be more to the story. Who knows what happened, i'm sure we'll be able to read all about it in our safety shops. Glad to hear the pilot is OK.
  19. Hah! I wouldn't throw your Friday (err Thursday, depending on your squadrons work week) shirts away just yet! These adjustments take time in the ANG. Hell, I have yet to even see a tan shirt.
  20. Does the squadron you're going to have an Alert det? Might be able to bridge the gap with some ADOS days. Last I heard, Fresno was looking for some help...
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