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Everything posted by brabus

  1. brabus

    Gun Talk

    Have any of you guys shot against stacked railroad ties as the sole backstop material? There are a lot of mixed opinions on the Internet, but many of these smell like 10% experience and 90% WOM. Looking for any experience-based info you guys might have. Big pic: I want to build a range on my land, but the dirt is pretty soft for heavy equipment at the moment (I think), so I was thinking about stacking ties as a somewhat temp backstop until the ground hardens a bit and I can use a FEL or track loader to build a more proper dirt berm.
  2. Shack. I wish that C-17 dude all the best and hope to see him kicking ass in the future, but for fucks sake what is the AF thinking; LIMEX program + this = huge WTF.
  3. we were rtb to Eglin that day and saw you guys land, solid work man. Too bad nobody got a pod on until after you were stopped, that would have been some good video to send over. Small world...
  4. Yep...and I'll be the asshole who says the unpalatable truth: upt studs are likely getting the long rehearsed BGC version from the few fighter pilots who are at UPT because they got "screwed." Things are much different than 5+ years ago, the fighter community cannot afford to send all but the lower performers to an ALFA tour (certainly not the case when I went through). And that's the pool of IPs studs are forming their opinions from/on. I only hope there are enough older reservists around who don't fall into this category, but I have a feeling that's not the case/they're part time, so exposure is limited with those guys. Caveat: I realize this is a general statement, not saying every single dude falls in this category, but you're lying to yourself if you don't think most fall into it, for the current time period at least.
  5. But has space not become such a vast and growing domain (much like air power in WW2), that it doesn't warrant it's own service? I think it's arguable the AF is not much different from the Army post-WW2 in wanting to keep a hold of all the toys, but doesn't have the capacity to use/develop those toys to their fullest capabilities. Thank god we became our own service, because in 2017 the Army still showcases daily how fucking retarded they are with the use of air power. I wouldn't be surprised to hear some space guys say the same thing about their current services. I say let them become their own service. The con is the asspain of joint coordination (by the way, coordinating space effects today is a metric asspain, so it's not like we're losing easy coord capes by shedding space), but the pros of better space capability/future ingenuity and taking that domain off the AF plate = more focus on AIR domain is more than worth it. I like the space nerds, they do great things, so this isn't flicking a booger, it's making all of us better/stronger in our true areas of expertise. And for fuck's sake, let's not be like the Army and act like we know best how to do everything...everyone stay in your lane and we'd be way better off as a military in general. FYI, that comment is not directed at the bros doing the J-O-B.
  6. Directed energy is the future - it's not far off time-wise and it's scary as hell. We do not have that market cornered either.
  7. Block 30s don't get it for a few years. I think the plan is to field concurrently (roughly) with SCU-11.
  8. The F-16 has been extended to 2045, so they need to SLEP more jets to meet that timeline requirement. It is not related to F35 delays, but I think there are at least a few people who realize 4th gen will be required for quite a long time due to the numbers of jets required in the inventory to meet all the COCOM and OPLAN requirements, combined with the reality of our total 5th gen numbers (e.g. There will never be enough to have a 5th gen only AF)
  9. Haven't experienced it personally yet, but it's about a 50/50 amongst the ARC bros I know. It seems to matter based on what orders you're on when AMEX does it's yearly check. If you happen to be on active orders during the check, fee is waived, if you're not on active orders, then you'll see a fee show up. That said, my plan is to not call AMEX at all and let it ride; if the fee shows up, I'm calling them and canceling my cards if they don't take it away. That line has worked for 3 guys I know. Edit: They waived one guy's fee and took away the other two's fee/canx'd the cards. So you really can't lose, at least based off this small sample size. The other ARTs I know just pay the fee because they think the benefits are worth it. Obviously the AGRs are unaffected.
  10. Well if a robot = an A/A kill, then I know multiple, unrecognized aces.
  11. Don't spend one second worrying about UPT until you start...Kenny's advice is solid! The right gouge will be there at the right time, so don't sweat it now.
  12. Couldn't have made it through phase 1/2 without it! Ha, the things you wish you could tell your 22 yr old self.
  13. Since you seem fairly hung up on education, let me educate you: pilots who decided to get their masters (a hard requirement for Major over most of my last 11 years) did so at night after their 12-14 hr work day that didn't include a single minute for a lunch break and most likely zero gym time. They also took their weekend time to complete, around likely going to work on the weekend for at least a few hours. See the difference? I'm all for an MSG airman working on furthering their education, but their primary job comes first and it is not acceptable to leave piles of work on the desk and bolt at the 8 hr point, leaving supported people hanging, often in shitty positions. Support function failure, even delayed orders and fucked up travel vouchers, may not lose a war, but they directly, negatively effect combat capability.
  14. When I asked this question recently to some bros, the consensus amongst guys who have been in the ARC for a while is you can keep your residence wherever if on active orders (i.e. AGR, on an extended period of MPA, etc.) If you are other than that, you must have residency/pay taxes in the state you predominantly reside/work in. Full time Tech in state x, well then you better pay taxes to state x. Part time guy in state x, but live/work civilIan job in state y, you pay taxes to state y (mostly). During the training pipeline/seasoning you're under active orders, so you can keep your residency where you want for the time being.
  15. Check out the AIB results for the Holloman mishap. RC: HAF cramming 10 lbs of shit into a 5 lb bag at the B-Course. There are several bullshit, laughable findings, but the blatantly obvious one to any aircrew is the fact HAF has "accepted the risk" and slashed the hell out of the syllabus while demanding students still do everything that was done in the past. This kind of stuff is the result. But not surprisingly, it was everyone else's fault other than big AF; apparently "accepting the risk" equals blaming anyone but themselves for mishaps. I hate to say this, but I don't think CH is wrong. AF management will be the RC, and good people will die due to their inability to actually lead.
  16. The A-10 is back to 2035+; the 15C is the new kid on the "near term" chopping block. Point: Shit changes all the time and will change 69 times before you're even done with UPT. Go for the job you want as it exist today; do not alter your decisions/goals based on hypotheticals or possibilities of what the future MIGHT be, because nobody, especially the dipshits running the AF, has a clue what 1 yr from now looks like, let alone 10+ yrs from now.
  17. Before you get the military involved AT ALL, go to a good chiropractor; one that will take an Xray of your back/neck, assess, and then make adjustments over a few visits. I've had pinched nerves before and a few jacked up discs. I'm a believer in chiropractors now, even though I scoffed them for years. A few visits is worth some money out of pocket. If you're not feeling better after 3-4 visits over the course of 3-4 weeks, then look into further options.
  18. Don't spend one more second of your time at Finance - do what Brick says, immediately. You've exhausted every avenue you can at your level, this is your SQ/CC's problem now.
  19. Keep minimal assets to sustain the CT mission (there is merit there), everyone else GTFO and immediately stop this nation building/FID bullshit. Whatever strategic reasons there are, they aren't worth the last 16 years and they won't be worth the next 16 years.
  20. Approved for the 2nd time. What a clown show.
  21. I'm 100% tracking capes and lims. It certainly is not a hell fire replacement, but I also don't have enough hands and feet to count the number of times I watched an R9 target something that was agr-20 wheelhouse. Or the number of times I've watched hell fire impact, dude runs away. The hell fire family is a great weapon, but the AGR-20 is no distant slouch. That said, I don't have much SA on the RW version. Clearly impact angle is far more limited when shot from RW than FW. As you said, this weapon is probably a far more significant capes increase for FW than RW.
  22. It has greatly caught on all the way to the service levels, and is significantly cheaper than every PGM we're using in the current fights (sans a nose plug GBU-38...but that weapon cannot do what the AGR-20 can). Again, not saying we should be paying $25K for a rocket, but it beats the $100K+ Hellfires we're also shooting at an asshole riding a horse, and provides a capability to bring a lot more low-CDE firepower to the fight vs. fighters showing up with only bombs and being useless in many situations. It may not be perfect, but for once we actually did something that surpassed spec, works well, is relatively cheap, and all in a fairly short timeframe for our typical acquisitions process.
  23. It's about the lowest cost PGM we got going for us so far. Not saying it's not overpriced like everything else, but what's cheaper and still has utility for the mission set nsplayr is talking about?
  24. It's demeaning? Tell that SNAP to quit whining and make corn and god help him if that beer fridge goes empty. I don't give a fuck what his rank or previous experience was. Guess as a Maj I should stop helping take out the trash, carry in beer from the car, and ocassionally make corn...yep that menial shit is beneath me! Unrelated, I Google AFPAK hands to see what this thing was, and it appears to be one of the worst deals out there. ~3 moves in 4 years, a year in one of the shittiest countries on this planet, and 4 years out of the tactical world. This is the furthest thing from "opportunity" I can imagine. Good luck Chang in bagging some poor bastard for this deal.
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