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Everything posted by brabus

  1. I was all in until this…I’ll see myself out. I feel that we’re fractured into free states and not free states. The physical movement of our population will continue to be driven by ideology, which isn’t a good thing, but it seems the only prudent thing at this point seeing how far down the drain we’ve found ourselves as a country.
  2. Seriously consider what Biff said. Honestly I think those of us who have been lucky enough to spend our entire careers flying are overall more happy than we would have been going to school/staff/touch and go flying assignment/back to school, etc. I’ve outflown the hell out of my friends who stayed AD and have been wrapped up in that path. Wouldn’t trade my experience for theirs for $10M bucks…I know that’s wholly subjective, but don’t believe the management hype that the “typical” AD career must look like the cycle I described above.
  3. I thought you didn’t get promoted because of the discovered midget fetish you have? That’s “unbecoming of an officer” (only if you get caught!)
  4. Fuck you and your misdemeanor governor. I wouldn’t change my carry habits at all if I was in NM.
  5. I remember in 2008 this was happening in a buddy’s UPT class with a chick. She got about 69 mulligans before finally being washed out. This bullshit has been going on well before the rise of the woke mob.
  6. Personally I wouldn’t kill yourself running the rat race. Be a good bro, work your ass off to become a solid IP, and let the chips fall where they may (and enjoy the thing I assume you did this all for - flying airplanes). Then get out ASAP and go to the guard.
  7. That sucks you got banned from Delta @Biff_T!
  8. brabus

    Gun Talk

    And when they gesture at my boat with a questioning look, I’ll say, “well sir, that’s my replacement boat, but I didn’t have money leftover for replacement guns.”
  9. brabus

    Gun Talk

    Fuck Liberty Safes on principle, but also no matter how I have my guns stored, the gov will get them in a “fuck your house up” style raid. Now the ones that aren’t in the house…good luck fuckers!
  10. Honestly who cares. Individuals can do whatever they want WRT masks, vax, etc. If anything, the masks serve as a high probable ID criteria for all the idiots out there who haven’t learned a damn thing in the last 3.69 years.
  11. More applicable today than anytime in our history.
  12. As you get more tattoos (potentially), keep in mind a lot of professional jobs will not want them visible. Tattoo sleeves are cool and all, until you go to the airlines later in life and you’re forced to assimilate with all those psychos who wear the long sleeve shirt!
  13. Who’s that jackass? Weird, seen tons of disagreements between white men, because they in fact do not think alike.
  14. “I didn’t do anything more than any other veteran out there that served this country,” she said. Well, she at least said one mostly true thing, but she could have just stopped talking after the word “anything.”
  15. The tattoo policy is fairly loose right now. Don’t get anything on your neck/face/hands and you’re fine. Kanji won’t be a problem.
  16. @cleared_hot Who’s mandating boosters?
  17. Sorry about your mom, but they did not prevent her from doing something. They didn’t approve financially covering that something. Completely invalid comparison to the UK situation.
  18. When do insurance companies say you don’t have a right to try something? This situation is not the same as saying “we won’t pay for X.” This is straight up the government telling someone they don’t get a say in the matter of their own life.
  19. You’re not missing anything. When will all the jackasses in this country actually learn how incredible valuable our liberty and freedoms are, and how they do not exist anywhere else on earth. Why do we fight leftist bullshit? Because we don’t want to live in a country who tells someone they’re not allowed to make health decisions for themselves (spoiler, our society/gov has already demonstrated the desire to do exactly that).
  20. brabus

    Gun Talk

    That’s crazy. I know plenty of people (and tons more according to word of mouth) that were sub 60. Maybe it’s your browser search history holding you back! Also, the NFA needs to die immediately.
  21. They’ve already done that. The bobs have been scrambling for years, grasping at any and all straws. They have no viable solution…other than retain enough dudes while producing approx 1000/yr. Congress and the DOD are unwilling to put real effort into retaining, so they just struggle like a fat kid at weight-loss camp to produce more (but less capable/greater limfacs early on).
  22. What’s funny is how incredibly ridiculous all their made up bios and claims are. I mean, why not just make up some believable shit and leave the ridiculous red flags out of it. You could just say I shot a bunch of AQ in Mosul while in the Army. But no, they have to then add on how they then joined the AF as a spec ops fighter pilot who fought aliens on the moon. I don’t get it.
  23. The sad part is that’s 100% accurate and not hyperbole in the slightest.
  24. Obviously she was a black SOF fighter pilot and flying whirly birds was just a cover for her real career. Probably actually resides in the 08s and is the primary SME (for everything) consultant for SECDEF. Stop being mean to such a hero guys! Also, can someone please go crash this event and publicly embarrass the shit out of they/them!
  25. The lack of the internet in 1969 makes this recent debacle acceptable? Lol, OK inspector Clouseau.
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