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Everything posted by Techsan

  1. First off, thats funny. Especially seeing who edited your post. If you are a co-pilot you probably won't be stateside for very long because we are super busy flying right now. After you finish initial training, you'll go on a fighter drag and a cargo run. After that, expect to deploy for 60 days. Stateside mission is pretty much limited to locals. You may do an occassional CONUS dual role (drag fighters/take cargo). Deployed missions--you'll take off heavy as a mofo and hold over desert landscaped territory offloading gas to those needing it. Expect to fly 7-12 hr sorties here. Make sure you bring something to read or listen to. 60 day deployments in Al Dhafra, UAE. As far a deployments go, its definitly not bad. Expect to go every 3-5 months as a co. Great community. There are only 4 active duty KC-10 squadron's in the AF, so you'll get to know a lot of guys/gals in the -10 community. Partying like the fighter side? Are you joking? We don't have roll-calls, but when you go on the road you can expect to drink plenty of adult beverages, if you like to do such a thing.
  2. I'll 2nd that. Here's to the sweaties!
  3. If you're thinking that Clovis isn't family-friendly, then you are wrong. Especially if you're saying that and haven't lived there. I lived there for almost 6 yrs as a kid, and can honestly say that didn't mind living there. You have to make an honest effort to get off the base and get involved in town. We knew several families that liked Clovis and a few that didn't. The ones that did like Clovis were the ones that lived off base and got involved (school/church/sports/etc). The ones that didn't were the ones that lived on base and never ventured into town. Are there better places in the country to raise a family? Sure. Are there worse places than Clovis? Sure. I can think of one right off the bat...Del Rio. I lived there too and can say there is much less opportunity there than Clovis. Like was stated above, every base is what you make of it. Hell, its not like you're living there for the rest of your life. Just a few years. As far as making comments to the effect of going to Iraq to avoid living in Clovis...not cool.
  4. Not only have I lived there for several years, I still have family that lives there and calls Clovis home. I think you need to re-phrase your response bro. If you have not lived there, you cannot truly talk shit about Clovis. Yes, there are much better places to live. The people there in East NM and West TX are seriously some of the nicest folks in the country...hands down. Clovis isn't as bad as it seems
  5. F that man. I wonder what their crosswind limits are? I can't imagine being one of the passengers riding on the left side of the airplane. I most definitly would've needed a clean pair of shorts.
  6. Biased opinion. Weren't you at Ramstein?
  7. Not a bad drop at all. BTW, Tizzle, here is how you spell: McGuire Hickam MacDill Offutt
  8. Good thing they made it out ok. I just saw an article this week in our base paper on B-2 pilots doing survival training out at Guam. Looks they got to log those beans a 2nd time.
  9. I was with the Gorillas before pilot training. So sad to hear the news.
  10. I think I'm going to be deploying right after going to SOS, so I'm thinking about bring the wife and kids with me to SOS. Anyone here do that? Pros/Cons? They may not stay the entire time, but maybe a few weeks. Thats all one can really take of Montgomery anyways. Thanks for the help, Techsan
  11. The AF photos are some of the best I've seen. Thanks for that Toro. Here's one for you that I took a couple months ago... Here's another I took...
  12. I flew in there once in the C-21. They obviously don't have contract gas, so plan on tankering some fuel. As long as the weather is nice, its not a real problem. The only thing we had to deal with in the -21 is with our pressurization system. Since our emergency pressurization kicks in around 9500' cabin alt, we have to turn off the auto pressurization and revert to manual. Not a big deal, just a little non standard. Before I left, I remember us being restricted from flying in there but can't quite remember why. It was a squadron-imposed restriction though. If you have time, swing by Eagle, CO. They have contract gas, super nice FBO, and they will give you free T-shirts and hats. Highly recommend!
  13. I've done that before, but not sure exactly how legit it is. My argument, like yours, is that I'm saving uncle sam the cash.
  14. It'll take more than just a 3 day diet to bring your 288 down to below 200. In addition to diet, you need to exercise at least 5x per week. I've had mine test the last 2 yrs, and its been right around 250. Thank God I already have my wings. So, if you're cholesterol is above 200, you won't pass your initial flying class 1? That seems kind of crazy.
  15. Techsan

    PIT Crash Pad

    Sparky- Your crash pad sounds a lot like the Q rooms at Ellington. Getting the Playboy channel in each room was key. Good luck in your ventures...sounds like a great place to stay. Hopefully dudes will respect the property.
  16. I lived there for several years as a kid, and I can definitely tell you that the NE part of town is where you want to live. Like it was said in the post above me, all of the stuff you need is along North Prince St...past Llano Estacado Blvd. You don't want to live in Portales...its a much smaller, older town and a longer drive to the base. Oh yeah, Clovis does has its fair share of crime, but what town doesn't? If you live in those areas, it will probably be a factor. If you live in the NE part of town, you are good to go. If anyone else has any specific questions, please feel free to PM me.
  17. I see why the AF is trying to save a few pennies with fuel conservation, but I think a lot have gone overboard with it. I don't have a problem taking a little extra gas for mom & the kids, but I always make sure to have a reason why. We're in our ASEV checkride window now, and during all of the jumped locals the AMC folks seem to be keying in on fuel conservation. Whats funny is that CENTAF/CAOC does not give a F$&@ about conservation...or so it seems.
  18. These are hilarious, we need to keep this thread alive! Here's my submission:
  19. You must go to the Viking. Do it, do it.
  20. One of my favorite pictures...
  21. I just got back from Christmas vacation visiting family in Texas. My wife and I loaded up the car with the kids to make the 20 hour drive. I couldn't get over how much people in CA suck at driving on highways! Do people not know that the left lane is for passing, not cruising. The speed limit on I-5 is 70, and I was only averaging 60 because of all the morons in the left lane. That has to be one of my biggest pet peaves on the road. I also recently flew commercially and couldn't get over just how rude the f-ing TSA security folks are. This one chick with tight ass pants, creating a muffintop-like effect with her love handles, told me "Take off your jacket!" Not, can you take your jacket off. Or, sir, can you please remove your jacket. I couldn't believe it! I then qualified for the advanced screening option where they proceeded to frisk me and empty out my whole carry on bag. I thought that if I used my mil ID that I may be able to bypass the additional screening harrassment. I'm just glad I don't fly commercially on a regular basis. Oh yeah, the airline mangaged to lose my luggage on the trip there. Sweet! Anybody else have any travel troubles this holiday season?
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