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Everything posted by Techsan

  1. I don't ever use AF Portal, but I recently heard that there is a way to add HARM to your workspace. That way you can see all of your AFORMS stuff (ground/flying events/hours). Does anyone know if this is true or not? If so, how do you add it to your portal workspace? Thanks, Techsan
  2. You just have to laugh at dudes like the one in the first story. I have a similar story to Herk Driver's. When I was a casual LT @ Eglin, I was walking from my car to the finance building. I happened to pass a 1Lt that was wearing his blues, and as I passed I said "How's it goin'?". After passing each other, he then stopped me and said "Excuse me, you should probably salute officers that outrank you." I was quick to reply by saying "I'm sorry I thought you were a LT." He then proceeded to tell me that he was a 1ST Lt, not a 2nd Lt. I then snapped to attention and popped him a salute, with a sarcastic "Sorry, SIR". What a tool. These people demanding respect and salutes from other Lt's really crack me up. Most of them obviously have a self esteem problem.
  3. Cool seeing Lt Col (now Col) Merrill getting into the Raptor. I was in his pit during a high aspect BFM sortie @ Eglin...when I was casual. Good guy. I just can't remember his callsign.
  4. This whole thread makes me laugh everytime. We SERIOUSLY need some pics!!!!
  5. Techsan


    As a former C-21 guy, I used it from time to time, seeing that I was flying a civilian LJ 35. The only thing I would use it for was to see what the fuel burn would be for a particular leg, if I had no access to a .mil computer. Even then, it was only to get ballpark numbers. Officially, we used ACFP for flight planning.
  6. In going to My Controls, and viewing my profile, I cannot change my screen name. I clicked on just about everything, and still no luck. I've haven't been drinking yet today, so I don't think that is the problem either. Any chance someone can help a brother out? Thanks.
  7. You mean you can't get a jack and coke out there? Last time I was there was in 2003, and it was on the menu. It was just the travel size and they would pour it for you...how nice of them.
  8. I'm not quite sure. I know that at Flight Options, Gulfstream Captains start out at $100k/yr. Then eventually up to around $115k/yr. I imagine you'd have to fly for a non-fractional in order to make $180k/yr.
  9. Not an 89th expert, however I do know that C37's @ MacDill are part of the 310th AS (6th AMW). I was also talking to a Maj type who flys C37s out of MacDill and he told me that in the near future they will be looking to take more and more senior Captains. I think they want to fill the squadron with a few hard charging CGOs...some young blood.
  10. Techsan

    Jungle Juice

    Sounds almost like Bourbon St "Hand grenade". Those certainly can tear a brotha up.
  11. Techsan

    HUD tapes

    In order to put it on his myspace page. Chicks dig fighter pilots.
  12. Techsan

    Jungle Juice

    The cherries, limes, apples, and oranges could possibly violate man law. The only way it does not violate man law is if your party contains more women than men. You don't want to have a sausage-fest AND fruity drinks.
  13. Budget cuts? If they are looking to save a little cash, why don't they cut a few of those good-for-nothing copilot rides they had, and leave to team rides. Damn those good deal police!! I never got a team sortie either.
  14. I'm all about the cup being half empty. BTW, slacker130, my eyes are strangely drawn to your avatar. Milk anyone?
  15. They have Shiner pretty much everywhere, including here in CA.
  16. It is midphase, I just wanted to see if anyone would catch it. gtyj98 & stiffler get a gold star.
  17. Contact was probably the toughest...mostly because it was your very first checkride in pilot training. If you could get past your nerves, you'd most likely do fine. I was lucky to get a really nice IP for my contact checkride. Out in the MOA, we were given a traffic call by MOA monitor and the IP said that he found the traffic first, I would bust. However, he said if I found the traffic first, I would pass. We both never saw the traffic. He ended up giving me a 0E, which was a little shocking to me. Then I busted my next checkride...yippee! My favorite evaluator saying...."My hands are tied." Yeah, whatever.
  18. Here's my 2nd attempt at the poll. I've always been curious just how common checkride busts are with dudes that have been flying for awhile. Thanks for voting! Cowboy
  19. Officially, they are saying it was the pilot. RIP
  20. Techsan


    I am an American Airman. I do MPF's & Finance's job for them (DTS) Swishing in my grape-smuggler AF PT gear, 3 beer limit is my greatest fear.
  21. I like to climb at 3000+ fpm, that way everyone's TCAS will get a TA, with the eventual RA. Technique only. BTW, I hate it when guys say technique only. I also hate it when guys say..."To piggy back on what ____ said..."
  22. I agree to that as well. He was my ROTC commander back in 98...@ Texas Tech. I clearly remember this one day when I was driving home and saw him running through the campus, which was a normal occurance. However, as most days go in West TX, the wind had to be blowing close to 60 knots that day...and he was running directly into the wind. Again, badass.
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