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Everything posted by HuggyU2

  1. This is one of those that you will need to create "a first". It will take persistence.
  2. You, my friend, are insightful. You haven't seen the POWER of the dark side. Screw the flight pay. You don't know what you're missing. No Sir,... you just need to imagine being terrified at 55 knots. Or negative 4G's. Or inverted on a straight-and-level pass at 200' AGL. I was bored in my '77 Corolla... until I learned to DRIVE it. Yes. And I respect the hell out of those that have the drive to actually build/create. Those are the type of people that also give back. Can't wait to see you at a fly-in, Brother!! And Reno is next month. Beers are on me. And you know what? That lifestyle will impact the relationship you have with your kids. And wife. And it will be very positive. Good on you, good Sir. Ah... silly, silly, Grasshopper. Give up your love of such things as golf, motorcycles, golf, cars, golf, and... did I mention golf? These things were created by Lucifer to steer you away from your Aviation Destiny. Well,... keep the fast car. But only if it doesn't keep you out of more aviation. Being able to drive to your 60 mph aircraft in a car that can do 165 mph is kinda worthwhile. I think. This makes no sense. Whether you rent or buy Item #2, you simply need to do it. As for Items #1 and #3, I have no advice to offer. A quotable quote. The first girl I kissed wasn't much of a kisser. Neither were the next three. Thankfully, I didn't give up before I met #5. Some airplanes just don't respond well to inputs. It might not be a problem with "that type of airplane", but rather with "that particular airplane". I remember my first Extra 300 flight in 1996: indescribable. And now... with 110+ different aircraft in my logbook... I'm happy to say that I'm over 25% of the way to my goal. They are truly, unique experiences. Not to mention the amazing people I have met along the way. I should have written a book. Awesome thread, jspace.
  3. 1111, Let me ask you one question. I'm an airline pilot. Let's suppose I show up to fly... in my uniform... for my company... and we take off. At level off, the seatbelt sign goes off and I begin to talk on the microphone: "Ladies and gentlemen... from the flight deck... welcome to yada, yada,... seat belt sign is off... yada, yada.... And by the way, folks, I want to tell you what I think about the current political climate in the USA, and discuss my views on the whole LGBTQ scene going on..." What do you think my airline should do to me if I decided to do that? Assuming they didn't ground me or fire me, what if I did that every flight? When Kaepernick puts on the uniform, he is there the perform for his team and represent the NFL. That's it. Play your silly game to the highest level you can. You're an employee,. Execute your job. CK's actions... on the job, and in his company uniform... are disgraceful to the company (NFL) and he should be disciplined. However, Goodell was too weak to do anything, and his "company" let him run amok. If CK wants to run his mouth and give his views when he isn't working, he has that right like anyone else. I'm not sure he really can, since he comes across as not too articulate, and not very well read. While he probably has a diploma, I seriously doubt he really developed his intellect during his college years. But while his is in the uniform of an NFL team, he represents that business. He isn't there to make "statements". Play your silly game, go home, takeoff the uniform, and then call your press conference. Yet another reason I'm glad I gave up watching NFL football in 1992.
  4. Kaepernick's parents must be so proud.
  5. The insanity continues. "The free-agent quarterback will have his own exhibit at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, according to the Twitter feed, @BlackToLive." https://sports.yahoo.com/colin-kaepernick-exhibit-national-museum-african-american-history-culture-160414439.html And yet Justice Clarence Thomas isn't recognized by this federally-funded museum?
  6. I don't get it. I'll ask my fighter pilot buds to explain it. I guess it's like U-2 pilots talking about data links, tube food, and shitting in the space suit: it only entertains our group.
  7. The 99th RS is having their Centennial 24-26 August. While not a "reunion", we figure we will make it one anyways, since a lot of Alumni are coming to the event. Details at www.99RSevents.com If you didn't get the email through the U-2 network today, you can contact me and I'll get you the additional info. Most of you have my direct contact info. If not, send me a p.m. with your info, and I'll call.
  8. No... k1313 is engaging in discourse with you. That's what you want, is it not? And, yes, we understand navy is your first choice: we are asking our questions to help understand why since your rationale seems to be founded on a loose foundation. Do you want us to state "Yes it appears you have thought this through thoroughly. You should go navy." ? Or do you want our input?
  9. Judgesmails, I"m assuming you're "flyguy" on the other forum. Good on you for asking there AND here. That's smart. On the other forum, you stated the navy had better bases. From a pilot perspective, I disagree. But everyone has different tastes. Since I"m assuming you are looking to go fixed wing, could you give examples of why you think that? You also state you like the "Navy culture" better. Since you've never been in the military, how do you know the culture? Maybe you were prior enlisted? You like the Navy's shorter pilot commitment. For AF pilots, it is 10 years + 1 year of pilot training. For Navy, I believe it is 8 years from your winging... but pilot training and the additional stuff the Navy puts you at about 10 years. Is that significant to you? You stated that the Navy "flies more impressive aircraft" than the USAF. Again, I respect your opinion, but could you elaborate on that? For me, the USAF has a much broader and unique collection of fixed-wing aircraft.
  10. I'm glad you enjoyed it... but wow. The only time I've really thought of SOS in the past decade is seeing this thread. I've had some great TDY's, and none of them were at Maxwell. Certainly not a reflection on you, but the fact that this was the best long-TDY in your career is indicative of "what's wrong with the Air Force".
  11. The man I am today was forged by my time in SOS.
  12. Brabus/Azimuth: Yes, I understand that. There are plenty of ways to get specific pilot (and nav) communities more flying experience, using dual-qualification. And to save resources at the same time. As with anything complex in flying, it isn't a "one size fits all". But because it will not work in some scenarios does not mean one should throw out the baby with the bathwater.
  13. I seem to recall that young SAC co-pilots were dual qualified (until Gen Loh foolishly killed the ACE Program in 1994). As crazy as it sounds, these 25 year olds were flying all over the CONUS... in pairs... and sometimes in supersonic jets. Does being dual-qual'd really need to be so difficult???
  14. Glad to see MOB's jet get the Syrian flag on it. I figured someone with rank my find it "offensive", and stop that from happening.
  15. Well... it's only been a year. At least you can come down the road with a sign that says "Danger: EXTREMELY Dangerous Turn!!" BTW, I personally know 3 pilots that have gone off the road there. I swear... Beale has the worst gate setup I've seen.
  16. I can't believe I bailed, but I'm out this year. Should be a great time... as usual.
  17. I'd say he was justified. Fuck AT&T.
  18. There are a set number of classes. If there is a lull in hiring, a class may go unfilled.
  19. Whether they leave the USAF at the 11, 15, 20 or 28 year point, 80% of the people saying this will eventually fly for the airlines. Enjoy your time in UPT. If you don't, you only have yourself to blame.
  20. A U-2 leadership-related article from JQ Public. https://www.jqpublicblog.com/id-follow-guy/ Beale currently has... at least in my opinion... a great leadership lineup, all the way from the U-2 DO's up to the Wing CC. They've had great people in great spots over the years, but it's been a while since ALL of the positions were as good as they are now. The recent major upgrade to the 9 RW/CV slot completes the team. The previous 1 RS and 99 RS commanders were excellent, and the two new commanders (including Lt Col Nussbaum) are top-shelf choices.
  21. I believe you'll get about 20-25 hours in the T-6. It's all with an IP, so you should be able to log all of it.
  22. I really don't remember the details, but I've met at least two Navy S-3 NFO's (WSO's) that parlayed their NFO time into something relevant and were hired by a Regional airline. If I can recall who it is that knows them, I'll see if I can get the details and post it. I also know a Tomcat NFO that is a pilot for a Major airline. I'll have to ask him how he got his time, since the Tomcat didn't have a stick in the RCP. If you have your FAA PPL, I believe you can log it. Hacker? I figure you might know the answer on this one better than me.
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