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Everything posted by Tonka

  1. :beer: :beer: ... very thankful to hear they are ok.
  2. Hyperloop: http://www.scribd.co...Hyperloop-Alpha From Elon Musk (paypal, Tesla, SpaceX). No plans to build it, except maybe a prototype... seems he is a little too busy with his other 2 adventures. Rides on a cushion of air, provided from the air in front of the "Capsule" by an electric compressor fan. No acceleration device provided organically, instead every 70 miles an external linear eletric motor (built into the tube) would accelerate it up to 700 mph.
  3. http://www.theverge....acht-off-course Not exactly cutting edge technology either.
  4. Coming in Sept... concentrated beer, just add water and carbonation. http://www.gizmag.co...centrate/28590/ Might be tolerable for back packing.
  5. http://www.flyingsqu...ead-this-first/ We're probably going where we shouldn't be going.
  6. Figured that out on your own, didja? Yes, no one would argue that, but you said, "many" missions... that still sounds like "a" mission (which it is currently doing), . I don't understand how expanding unmanned operations DIRECTLY reduces the # of pilots in an airliner (while that might be possible, I don't see how one influences the other). . You are implying that we would reduce the number of pilots on cargo planes before safety was assured? Either it is safe for both or it is safe for neither. Perhaps you mean, "once the public accepts the idea." Basically everyone's point against your argument.
  7. ALL? That is quite a reach... Many? Name them and justify why we can't do it today (i.e. why is the fact that RPAs can not fly in civilian airspace limiting our rescue aircraft to be unmanned?) There is plenty of military airspace where we can test, practice, evaluate RPAs... why aren't we using that airspace to prepare for the magical flight into civilian airspace that is holding everything back. Because.... drum roll please... we were/are at WAR, it was a necessity driven by a war with an unlimited budget (monetarily and risk). Unless you think we are going to be at war for the next 14 years, there will not be a necessity, the funding, nor the same drive to acquire systems that are not technically advanced enough to not crash and kill people. As an example I give you the cold war and space vehicles, how did that turn out for us after the cold war? Extrapolating that technological leap in that short period should have us landing on Pluto by now.
  8. Inconceivable... BTW, are we ever going to announce a winner? I've been waiting 5 years: http://www.flyingsqu.../page__st__1060
  9. It is not automatic though, I'm pretty sure your record still competes for school and if selected then they will look at your preferences... if your preference is credit, then that is what you get. And if you compete for school and get selected as an alternate... then credit is off the table and if someone drops out ahead of you and you are the next in line, you go. (probably 10% truth from the rumor mil) and if you are a Capt when you go through? I don't know...
  10. Nominee for SecAF: http://www.af.mil/Ne...-secretary.aspx http://www.saic.com/...rship/james-bio Attributes: "supervising a 100-plus-person staff"!! "Debbie has a bachelor's degree in comparative studies from Duke University and a master's degree in international affairs from Columbia University." -Only 1 AAD? For shame.
  11. Interesting turn for this thread... In 6 posts we've mentioned sequestration, a TOAD-minded response to the 911 attacks, the worthlessness of TIBs, and the rescue efforts of a pilot involved in a mid-air.
  12. Glad he made it out. Hats off to the recovery team, they make it look so easy... surprised they were that quick in releasing the video. ???
  13. Stop loss pay = $500/month/pilot? ACP = ~ $2,000/month/pilot That's a win to Congress. I'll take 8 months, Jan/Feb until the end of the fiscal year...
  14. A few days early: http://www.cntravele...ad-ken-jennings Giant Concrete Arrows across the US, were for early express mail delivery: Every 10 miles along this route: Each had a lit beacon on it "Even the dumbest of air mail pilots, it seems, could follow a series of bright yellow arrows straight out of a Tex Avery cartoon. By 1924, just a year after Congress funded it, the line of giant concrete markers stretched from Rock Springs, Wyoming to Cleveland, Ohio. The next summer, it reached all the way to New York, and by 1929 it spanned the continent uninterrupted, the envy of postal systems worldwide."
  15. That was my first assignment eons ago, and while the head-smashing idiots were not fun at times I really enjoyed living there (of course it was really a small community back then)... I'm pretty surprised it has gotten that bad for people to warn others not to go there. Usually downtown living, the beach, and hot southern... cooking were enough to overcome anything at the office (of course those things require you to actually be home to enjoy).
  16. I don't have a reg to give you, but I did the exact same thing during an en-route through Little Rock. Same set up, staying in legacy housing on base. The one thing that maybe I did differently was ask the housing folks for a reciept with the cost broken down by days, so it appeared as a day-rate lodging expense... Your cards are probably already played with that, but hopefully someone else can chim in with a regulation. I can see if you "signed in" to housing at Holloman and started receiving Holloman BAH how their argument would hold, but I assume you did not do that.
  17. not sure if in jest or not... my point was when your posts garner responses like: Then your posts are no longer helping your community...
  18. I have the death sentence on twelve systems... >150? You might want to check the title to this thread, it's pretty much the point. Yes you are. Still talking. BTW that WAS 10 years ago, so you either walked into SOLL II the day you got to CHS or you were Airland only at that point, most likely a new copilot augmenting a seasoned crew. How was the view from the RACM/LACM seats? Obviously. Bottom line, every community has their day. At any time any community might suddenly find themselves not relevant to the current situation, (and arrogance is the first sign that your community is no longer relevant) but every community is still a critical part of the team regardless... except maybe TIB.
  19. It's in the news, it has to be true: Air Force aims to land more top guns amid pilot shortage http://www.latimes.c...0,2152468.story That number seems low, but it is in the news.
  20. What is this, a moon for ants?
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