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Everything posted by ClearedHot

  1. Another area to examine is the negative trend of their population and how the war has accelerated it. Russian's population has been in a slow decline for sometime. There was a small recovery a few years ago but the war will soon reflect on the demographics and will have a huge impact in years to come. At least 50,000 have been killed in Ukraine, many many more severely injured. They already have a huge age imbalance due to lower birthrates and a few other issues. Without immigration (which they don't like), they have a huge socioeconomic aging bubble moving through the system. While they are attempting to rebuild their military they will continue to face challenges finding qualified MAMs to meet their needs.
  2. Paywall and I will NEVER subscribe to that fishwrap.
  3. Well....we've responded to you for many years. 🥃
  4. Many would disagree. Judging by the damage inflicted with limited resources AND the semi-paper Tiger Russia appears to be, yes absolutely. In some ways they have defeated Russia, Ukraine remains as a country two years after being attacked by a Super-Power. But, as always in conflict, you have to define what defeat (victory), means. Our feckless politicians have let a very tired Ukrainian Army suffer in the field much like the Continental Army did at Valley Forge. If they had more resources earlier this would be a very different conflict. Russia has been rebuilding and without our help and equipment, the Spring offensive could be very bad for Ukraine.
  5. The you have to teach them how to fish...It is not like they know how to make the Javelin, ATACM, and M-1 Abrams...and maybe in the long run you don't want them to know how.
  6. Kiev claiming they shot down a TU-22M3, Russia says it was mechanical failure. Regradless, they have taken some big losses on the air side. Ukraine did heavily damage another TU-22M3 in a drone strike (bottom picture - note the used tire revetment). That is a big hunk of aluminum falling down. for-the-first-time-the-anti-aircraft-missile-units-of-the-air-force-in-cooperation-with-the-main-directorate-of-intelligence-of-ukraine-destroyed-the-tu-22m3-long-range-strategic-bomber-the-carrier-of-kh-22-cruise-mi.mp4
  7. Terramaster F4-423 with 4 x 4TB harddrives. The user interface is solid but I am have some issues getting it set up on my network. Initially it worked but knocked my network printer offline. My son needed the printer, he is doing all his end of year AP exams and projects and I have been traveling like crazy for work so I have not had a chance to sit down and sort the IP addresses and ports.
  8. I don't think they are crapping on the Mudhen drivers. This was decided in the community long ago and interestingly the Mudhens had a large part in setting that tradition. They have previous experience crushing UAVs and it as I understand, aside from a little bit of coolness factor, it was a non-event int he squadron. Given events in Israel and obviously Ukraine, that standard may change. I believe it was discussed in one of @Steve Davies podcasts.
  9. USAF shot down 70....repeat 70 drones last night. How many drone aces in the strike eagle community today?
  10. Democratic National Committee paid lawyers who represented Biden in special counsel probe Just a few weeks ago Biden's staffer/advisors/supporter were blasting the RNC for the EXACT same thing. "Only a con man and grifter like Donald Trump would be so brazen as to take campaign donors' money to pay his mounting legal bills before the financially strapped RNC even gets a cut," Floyd said in a March 21 statement. "His campaign and the RNC are already in financial disarray, and Trump is only making their never-ending problems worse by turning his fundraising operation into a begging cup for his legal debts."
  11. Iran’s attack seemed planned to minimize casualties while maximizing spectacle Such insightful analysis from CNN. I am sure the wall of Raptors, Adir's, Sufa's and Ra'am's, GPS spoofing, Iron Dome, David's Sling, Arrow, Jordanian Air Force and Air Defense had nothing to do with it.
  12. Great decision by Obama...I am sure none of that cash was used to buy/build drone/cruise missiles/TBMs that were shot at Israel last night.
  13. That is literally what I said...have you seen the movie? The Mullahs have really fallen out of favor the last 18-24 months so a very opportune moment for them to shift focus to an external enemy.
  14. Nothing brother...just a quick spike of the ball to give you shit.
  15. I guess some would advocate it it time to nuke Iran into a single piece of glass...I mean the people have free will and they support the Mullahs. Israel must immediately destroy every living thing in Iran to prevent the loss of a single Israeli life. In all seriousness Israel will not let this pass and I would think a proportional retaliation is already being planned. Iran's Mullahs (who are currently VERY unpopular in the country), are certainly capitalizing on a wag the dog moment but they are already trying to frame this and back away "we consider the matter concluded"...well my extremist friends I can assure you Israel does not. Lets hope this does not spin out of control. Interesting play by Jordon as well...
  16. We were never going to get anywhere. 🤷‍♂️
  17. You probably missed a few of my posts from the late 90's when I was banging BQZips, maybe you could go grade that homework out of context as well. You are right, kill all the Palestinians, especially the ones in the refugee camps, that will save all the Israeli's and create peace in our time.
  18. What the fuck are you talking about? 🤣😂 You are very good at twisting other people's words but you will NOT twist mine. Not once did I ever say or imply that Israel was intentionally starving people. I said they could try to do better. I have not minimized anything, unfortunately I've been in the middle of situations very similar and it sucks to high heaven. Likely derailed my career by yelling at Army Two Star Army prick who added even more friction to a situation like this, got four of my people shot, then ran off to the states two days later after having refused to meet with anyone who flew the mission or was wounded. I 1000% agree with you with regard to Egypt and the others players in the region, their concern and support fades when they have to put skin the game. To be clear, I am not talking about the fighting areas or the tunnels...horrific fighting and conditions. I am referring to the 68 camps and the slow progress getting aid to those areas. I in no way shape or form think what Hamas did was anything but horrific and despicable. Israel is in an impossible situation but if you think they are pure you simply don't understand what has happened. Certainly they were not going to integrate and let the Palestinians vote but 70+ years of expanding settlements, complete economic suppression, and a decades long blockade left 80% of the population dependent on international aid. People living in Gaza need permits to move in and out of the strip through two land crossing points controlled by Israel. Restrictions on the movement of people and goods, destruction of productive assets in frequent military operations and the ban on the importation of key technologies and inputs have hollowed out Gaza’s economy. Living in Gaza in 2022 meant confinement in one of the most densely populated spaces in the world, without electricity half the time, and without adequate access to clean water or a proper sewage system. It meant a 65% probability of being poor, 41% probability of dropping out of the labor force in despair, and for those looking for work, a 45% probability of being unemployed. Again you have solid points about who the Palestinians support and elected, they carry a great amount of responsibility, but in the grand scheme of great power competition they are simply pawns. I am specifically saying they (and we), could do more to get relief supplies to those 68 refugee camps. I said nothing about changing things on the battlefield...I actually acknowledged the Israelis have gone to great lengths to limit CD. I've seen the video, horrible house to house, room to room fighting. Understood, I just don't know what you are advocating at this point. All I've said is try to get food to some starving kids in refugee camps and you've bounced back to incinerating people...that is the failed moral equivalency.
  19. It is a giant shitshow, no idea what they are thinking. New AD did a magnificent job with NIL but this makes no sense. You guys beat us in a baseball thriller last night, play again tonight and tomorrow.
  20. I beg to differ...if they hit us over Qasem Soleimani, they likely have the stones to hit Israel over an attack on their Embassy. I HOPE I am wrong.
  21. Anyone watch FBI Director Wray's testimony yesterday on renewing FISA? "A coordinated attack on the U.S. is likely." He tried to say it without saying it, the border has let a lot of bad actors in and we are about to reap the outcome. The administration is now signalling Biden will come out with an executive order the end of April on the border so he can claim he fixed it...even though he has been saying he doesn't have that power for the past three years.
  22. This is going to be a VERY dangerous weekend. Iran is VERY likely to strike Israel in the next 48 hours...the depth of that attack and Israel's response could very well light the tinderbox.
  23. Exceptionally good at CDE, I believe at last count more than 50% of the munitions they have dropped do not have explosives. Do better in my context does not refer to combat operations, I would not trade a single Israeli life...however, they can probably find a way to make the refugee camps more viable. If nothing else it will help disarm some of the narrative against them.
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