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Everything posted by ClearedHot

  1. Crashed again this morning, faster reset this time.
  2. Gotta love Communist News Network...I can only imagine the stories MSNBC is running.
  3. Soldiers mistakenly kill themselves in Pakistan "Miltants fired on the convoy with machine guns and a soldier responded by firing a mortar. Somehow the mortar landed among the soldiers, killing them, Khan said."
  4. And yet more evidence that we are broken as a service.
  5. Only posting this reply because now under latest post info it will say "Iraqi General killed by Clearedhot".
  6. Well played Attorney Sues After Spending Almost $19,000 at Florida Strip Club
  7. Line of the AF Promotion list...scan through last names starting with "BE"...cruel parents.
  8. Valid shot, however,... Having done a two exchange tours with the USMC, I am often forwarded stuff touting their accomplishments and highlighting their failures.
  9. I meant to post this last week...the RAF is in a world of hurt. In short the RAF trained only eight...yes EIGHT Typhoon pilots in the ground attack role and ALL of them were non-current when the war kicked off because they could not get training money. The MOD was so embarrassed when the telegraph broke the story of the Public Accounts Committee report, they went on a "crash" training program and the Typhoon dropped its first bomb in combat 24 hours after the story was published. Libya: RAF bosses dismissed plan to train Typhoon pilots A harbinger of things to come...
  10. NATO's Bomb Supply Is Running Short ..."Less than a month into the Libyan conflict, NATO is running short of precision bombs, highlighting the limitations of Britain, France and other European countries in sustaining even a relatively small military action over an extended period of time, according to senior NATO and U.S. officials"... Libya “has not been a very big war. If [the Europeans] would run out of these munitions this early in such a small operation, you have to wonder what kind of war they were planning on fighting,” said John Pike, director of GlobalSecurity.org, a defense think tank. “Maybe they were just planning on using their air force for air shows.” UFB
  11. I've done PME inres every level (except ASBC not around for an old fart like me). SOS was a waste, but that is because I was from an Ops background. I think the non-ops folks actually learned something about the Air Force, most did not know the types of airplanes we flew. IDE was unfun...there were parts that had promise and I took a little time to understand the bigger picture in relation to political theories such as realism and liberalism. Beyond that, it was mostly a waste, but again because I came from an ops background. ASG was simply the best academic experience I've ever had. Very small student body, world class instructors, heavy academic load (read 273 books in one year). We spend five days walking the beaches at Normandy with PhDs who had written their thesis about the landing and eventual breakout. We walked Belleau Wood with a young Frenchman who has adopted the battlefield and truly loves Americans and the fact that they came to save France...twice. We walked the beaches of the southern landings with another PhD who wrote THE book about that operation. We traveled to Vietnam and walked the battlefield of Khe Sahn, stood behind the wall in Hue City where LtGen Christmas won the Navy Cross...with LtGen Christmas, and I stood on the Paul Doumer Bridge...looked up and took a minute to wonder what it was like when my old man rolled in on the bridge in an F-4 with iron bombs, winning one of his won one of five DFCs. SDE (not AWC), was a scratch because the leadership was so so...tough to revert to student mode and present a note for a doctors appt when your last assignment was as a Sq/CC. That being said, the access was unreal. We met personally with every service chief and got the chance to pick their brain. We spent time with SECDEF, a Supreme Court Justice, CJCS, Gen Pace, Gen Patraeus, Gen Zinni, and former President Bush (43). Tom Ricks is an idiot, but beyond that he does not realize what INRES PME offers that you would never get at a civilian institution, the opportunity to work with the other services and pick their brains. My SDE calls had several graduated Battalion CC's that were just coming out (sts), of AFG and Iraq, their insights were invaluable. The curriculum is dry at times, but it does focus on aspects of the DIME that you would never get at a civilian institution. Harvard, Yale, and Stanford all have outstanding programs and yes some military officers would benefit, but we do need a cadre of officers that understands the military system. I am not saying the current system is perfect, but there is value.
  12. I number of years ago while a student in the ASG program I had the unfortunate and very unsatisfying opportunity to sit down and debate the pompous egomaniac that is Tom Ricks. His is single-minded in his belief that everything is done wrong, no matter who does it, it is how he makes his living. His hatred of the Air Force was BLATANTLY obvious as we discussed and debated ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. His myopic view of the world is limited to a boots on the ground approach and after two hours trying to engage it was readily apparent he does not have a strategic bone in his body. I am not a graduate of Air War College, but I dare say this idiot could most certainly benefit from completing the curriculum...if nothing else the PT program would help him shed the 80 pounds of girth that seems to be impairing his thought process.
  13. If You Can Tell Boys From Girls, the Air Force May Give You 20 Grand Although I can see how it is a tough nut to crack...no sts.
  14. Christ...I get it...women fly fighters...so un-news. We are failing as a service...trying to hard when we keep propagating these stories. The best pilot I've ever flown with....well actually the second best, was a woman...she was a phenomenal pilot with great airmanship and instincts...but in the end who fucking cares....move on...we have so many other REAL issues to deal with.
  15. That bad? We were Capt's together, I have dirt on him but have not talked to him in years.
  16. Sounds like a no-gyro PAR...Fun. Jet Makes Blind Landing in New Orleans
  17. I truly thought someone would post "four empty kitchens", before the NOTAM reset.
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