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Everything posted by Toro

  1. The way I heard, the Navy doesn't like it when you call their ships "boats", so calling it a "bo-at" is the alternative. I've actually only heard AF guys call it a bo-at.
  2. There you have it. AMXS/CC that telling everyone what a great cleaning job his peeps did would motivate the bunch. And in standard style, spicing the whole thing up with buzzwords like AFSO 21, "rapid improvement event", and "6S," makes it sound much more important than it truly is. I wouldn't be surprised if he puts them all in for an award. Glad that they're all exceeding at things my mom taught me to do when I was six. Oh yeah, and foul on Af.mil for printing that drivel.
  3. I realized this at 0000, but I didn't want to say anything lest my answer disappear into hyperspace.
  4. How appropriate for a beer that tastes like ass.
  5. Yes - the armies are rolling in now!
  6. Toro

    Signature Issues

    I poked around in the main Admin Control Panel and I couldn't see anything, but I was able to plug your signature block in for you. Send a PM to Baseops and ask him to take a look at this thread, he may have the answer.
  7. I disagree with the "different MAJCOMs" portion of it. DPs in the promotion zone (IPZ) compete much harder for school than those who get a DP below the zone, I would say it has more to do with her AFSC than where she worked. Now the one thing I will agree with is where she worked within the MAJCOM. You can be in ACC, but if you are working at the squadron level, that's average. Working at the Wing might buy you a little more clout. Working at the numbered AF or the actual MAJCOM (staff) is better for you.
  8. Toro

    Signature Issues

    Are you trying to add an image or just text? How much text are you trying to input?
  9. How ironic. Noob posts a completely worthless thread asking about programs that can't be discussed, then snaps off with a sarcastic remark on how useless my response to said useless thread is. Good luck with your Top Secret Super Squirrel medical problems.
  10. Actually, he's right. MWS is an outdated term - it's still commonly used, but officially the term is now MDS.
  11. So you're looking for information on a public forum about a program that can't be discussed? Does anyone else think this is not going to be a successful venture? And does anyone else think it's odd that this FFDO is also protected by the TSA?
  12. That's exactly what happened, but the problem was that now that they made it a weapon system, everything within the "Weapon System" was modeled after real weapon systems. So the AOC has an FTU, an MQ program, a Form 8 certification (it's actually a different form number but the same concept with Q), CT requirements, a Stan/Eval shop, open / closed book testing, and an AFI 13-1AOC V1, V2, V3 (modeled after 11-2MDS series). The bigger problem is that once these programs are created they are vulnerable to things like UCIs, so for six months everybody runs around trying to make sure we're in compliance with these regs. Don't get me wrong - some of this stuff is essential. For example, the AOC can train folks in house, but the FTU does a much better job of that. But a Vol 1, 2, and 3? At one point there was even a Dash 1 complete with chapter 3 emergency procedures on things like procedures for evacuation of the AOC. I shit you in the negative. There are also folks who - forgetting that the lifeblood of the AOC is the people who cycle through it with ongoing tactical knowledge - have tried to create an AOC weapon school. No joke, and I think I just heard ClearedHot puke in the corner. Somebody (I believe Mosley) came up with a loophole to get the AOC funding that worked to its benefit. Then somebody else just took the concept waaaay too far.
  13. Ugh. BTW - the CAOC/AOC is a Weapon System. No joke. It even has it's own AFI Vol 1, 2, and 3. I hear they're going to make the finance office and MPF Weapon Systems. Warriors!!! AAAARRRR!!
  14. Toro

    Party Bus

    It's not the attached photo is it? That's the FAIP bus that a bunch of us pitched in for in 1999. It was ugly as sin (Mardi Gras camo paint job), miserably hot (no A/C during Mississippi summers), and slow as hell (I'm pretty sure it topped out at 60mph), but it ran and allowed one DD to cart around 30-40 drunk idiots.
  15. I've never heard the analogy, and I'll let one of the docs give an official answer, but I can see the comparison. Both of them seem to work when you let your eyes relax rather than trying to focus on a certain point.
  16. You may be able to take your spouse/family on a TDY, but not even a spouse will go with you on a deployment. I'll let someone else smarter on ANG/AFR answer the eligibility question, but unless you're deploying for a 365 I wouldn't bother with housing. I imagine you can't even apply until you've got your orders, and at that time you could be looking at a wait of anywhere from a couple weeks to several months. Once you return, you'll be out of housing. We would you want base housing as opposed to just taking your housing allowance and keeping them where they're at? You'll run the full gamut on this one. Little bit of info here on helping out family with deployments.
  17. I liked their traditional method of dealing with terrorists better.
  18. Not a real radio call, but funny nonetheless... Atlanta ATC: "Tower to Saudi Air 511 -- You are cleared to land on runway 9R" Saudi Air: "Thank you Atlanta ATC. Acknowledge cleared to land on infidel's runway 9R - Allah be Praised." Atlanta ATC: "Tower to Iran Air 711 --You are cleared to land on runway 27L." Iran Air: "Thank you Atlanta ATC. We are cleared to land on infidel's runway 27L -- Allah is Great." ..Pause... Saudi Air: " ATLANTA ATC - ATLANTA ATC" Atlanta ATC: "Go ahead Saudi Air 511." Saudi Air: "YOU HAVE CLEARED BOTH OUR AIRCRAFTS FOR THE SAME RUNWAY GOING IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS. WE ARE ON A COLLISION COURSE. INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE." Atlanta ATC: "Well bless your hearts. And praise Jesus. Y'all be careful now and tell Allah "hey" for us! "
  19. F-15s and C-12s at Saudi under USMTM, as well as a lot of non-flying jobs that receive credit as staff and joint. Saudi gives a month.
  20. Moved. I was going to make it it's own thread, but it seemed to be a good contrast with this existing (albeit old) thread. I wonder what options commanders will have when a practicing Muslim enrolls in a formal flying training program. Having flown in Saudi during Ramadan, I can tell you that they severely limit their flying (no high G such as BFM, no manual low-fly, no extended sortie duration, etc). A student who cannot fly during this period would - in the least - wash back. Christmas is a built-in break to the current programs for us, Ramadan is not. So now we're in a pinch - do they allow the student to jack up a formal training schedule, or do they tell them to make a choice between the two?
  21. Toro

    Baseops Wiki Page

    tnny, Thanks for the catch on the spammers. We had a rash of spam several months back, including a mass PM spam that was dealt with. I'll notify Baseops in case he hasn't already seen this, though I don't know if there's a way to restrict the type of member edit the wiki page. Without reminders to get people over there, some of the information tends to get lost relative to the constant updating up the information on this board. If the RR facility is closed, I would recommend just removing the information (I don't see any need to archive it).
  22. Juan, The fact that you came here not just to defend TIB, but to call out a bunch of pilots on a PILOT forum just shows what a Class-A fucktard you are. You beat your chest as a veteran and slam on the true mission of the Air Force? You use words like “vociferous” while appearing to be a finance officer qualified as a life support technician who works in the hospital – and able to deny us service at any of the above? You think we contribute nothing to the fight and would seek to make our lives “a living hell”? You have absolutely no idea and I won’t waste more time to explain why you are wrong. Other than running a soundboard for this ongoing experiment in Fraud, Waste and Abuse, what have you done with your Air Force career? What would you say are the highlights of your time in service? What do you think you have contributed? Answer those questions and I am positive you will only further cement yourself as the epitome of EVERYTHING that is wrong with the Air Force. If shit-for-brains like you were force-shaped, maybe we’d have a fighting chance.
  23. 32 inch waste? That's one hell of a turd.
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