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Everything posted by M2

  1. It doesn't stipulate OCPs, just morale shirts in general. Much like ATF rulings, it's all up to "interpretation!" 😎
  2. Authorizes Friday morale shirts with logo on the front and back: This expands the current morale shirt regulation by allowing logos to be worn at a larger diameter on the back of the shirt in addition to having a logo on the left side of the chest not to exceed five inches in diameter. Regardless of the logo, the shirt must be Coyote Brown. https://www.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/3336524/air-force-releases-102nd-uniform-board-results-for-airmen-guardians/
  3. No. Article 6 ("An armed attack on any party under Article 5 includes an attack on the territory, forces, vessels or aircraft of any party") specifies the agreement considered only European and North American territories "in the Mediterranean Sea or the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer," otherwise known as the "Tropic of Cancer loophole." According to the language of the treaty, the Soviet Union could have bombed Pearl Harbor without technically invoking Article 5. The same affects Hawaii. Other NATO-allied possessions that fall outside of the alliance's protection include a number of Caribbean islands, Puerto Rico, French Polynesia, Guantanamo Bay, Guam, the Marianas, Samoa, French Guiana and (still) the Falkland Islands. To note, the language of the treaty has been stretched before, given the entry of Turkey into the North Atlantic alliance...
  4. I spent some time at the Ft. Chaffee RTC. While there isn't much in Fort Smith, it's still a relatively nice area (or, in other words, I suspect most of us have been to worse places)!
  5. Ukrainian shenanigans are cheeky and fun! Russian shenanigans are cruel and tragic, which makes them not really shenanigans at all! Evil shenanigans! 😮 Окупанти вибухають на фронті.mp4
  6. And this, gentlemen, is why BaseOps will always be a valuable resource for the up and coming (STS)....
  7. OK, given other recent "protests" where the government didn't react when they should, I have a tough time considering 6 Jan to be "definitely violent and definitely a riot" or anything close to being an "insurrection." Anyone with a lick of common sense knows it wasn't, and compared to Portland and Seattle is was somewhat tame in comparison; but for some reason those "events" didn't garner a House Select Committee despite doing far more damage. No, 6 Jan was political theater from both sides. Trump is and will remain an asshole for stirring people up to run off like an angry mob of idiotic peasants, but there was a precedence for it being allowed. The Democrats are trying to garner sympathy and support by claiming it was an attempt to overthrow the government, but have no excuse why they didn't respond to Antifa riots. Neither are right, and we all know it! The question is, is there anything to gain through continuing with this nonsense, or like most government initiatives, it is another colossal waste of time and money?!?
  8. M2

    Gun Talk

    If that's all the ATF wanted, then why aren't they letting people register them under trusts for free?!?
  9. M2

    Gun Talk

    So you didn't wait like most are advising? How long did your Form 1 take to be approved? I presume you e-filed...
  10. M2

    Mustache March

    Tim Colceri. Sent me an autographed poster with "Get Some!" written on it several years back. A really nice guy (Vietnam USMC vet), but the Gunny (who I also met, and have his autograph on a grenade) was made for the role...
  11. We were using Vivarin back in the late 70s/early 80s, haven't heard that name in years! Didn't know they still sold the stuff! This was pretty popular as well...
  12. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/pilots-advised-of-large-white-high-altitude-balloon-east-of-hawaii-reports
  13. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/pilots-advised-of-large-white-high-altitude-balloon-east-of-hawaii-reports
  14. Isn't the Scott O'Grady Rule to get a confirmed air-to-air kill, the target has to cost more than the missile used to destroy it? Ironically, a quick Google search revealed the O'Grady Rule actually states "a drunken mistake can only be used to (partially) negate mens rea (and only for crimes of specific intent) and not to justify an unreasonable use of force in a plea of self-defence."
  15. https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2023/02/f-22-shoots-down-chinese-balloon-coast-south-carolina/382598/
  16. Unconfirmed claim it's been shot down. https://twitter.com/MMtTreasures/status/1621661908205195265
  17. M2

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    If it ain't got Glenn Plake in it, I'm not watching it!
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