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Buddy Spike

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Everything posted by Buddy Spike

  1. It means you, as a reservist, could be involuntarily mobilized (not the unit, as is generally the case in the ARC, YOU) to do a 365 to the AOR or a ship. And it's not a rare or random thing - CNAFR gets a certain number of mobilizations per year. Some billets get volunteers, but others are involuntary and passed down to the units to pick candidates. Once you are picked, you cannot separate (IRR) or turn it down.
  2. Want to see this in real time? Check out the Navy Reserve. Individual Involuntary Mobilizations for all my friends!
  3. Never trust a fart, never waste a boner, and never pass up an opportunity to take a leak.
  4. Navy dudes leave the flap on due to a "FOD Hazard"
  5. The fact that you called this a "challenge" shows just how clueless you and the rest of the "leaders" truly are. If this is a challenge to you on any level, you're not qualified to stand in front and lead people. You're just a glorified manager. Leadership is setting the standard and trusting your people to do the right thing (and course-correcting when necessary). If you seriously have to get this worked up about "OMG WHERE DO WE DRAW THE LINE WITHOUT MICROMANAGING GUIDANCE!" then you have much bigger issues.
  6. Your leadership sucks. If you can't trust your people enough to say exactly what I said, then either A) You need new people or B) You're the problem. In most cases, the answer is B. You trust me enough to step up during war and make life and death decisions as an officer, but when it comes down to knowing that a picture of BQZip's Mom's Flaming Hot Box on a morale patch is inappropriate, you think I'm incapable of figuring that shit out on my own? Seriously?
  7. My advice - write this e-mail (and you have my permission to copy this word for word into your leadership by e-mail blast): Is it seriously that hard to lead without asking dumbass questions like the one you just posed?
  8. Great, now when will strippers and hot local civilian chicks be allowed back in the O'Clubs as legend has it?
  9. In all seriousness, I think he got a job as an Obamacare Navigator. They're pretty busy these days...
  10. His mom cut off his internet access.
  11. Motion to ban @RancidMACandCheese from BQZip's Mom's Box until he provides realtime footage of the librarian's ass or equivalent helmet cam footage with said librarian.
  12. It was gone this morning, but it's back now.
  13. What happened to it? Did you have to shut it down because rancormacandcheese failed to produce pics of the librarian ass? Is that why we can't have nice things?
  14. I don't even want to know what you were searching to find that.
  15. Based on what? That was his stated day one agenda. Your original assertion is still invalid. The woman had two candidates to choose from - one clearly in favor of the ACA, and one clearly against. Romneycare (which was not passed as written) is not relevant to the hypothetical of what Romney would've done.
  16. We're not talking about a lying community organizer. Both Romney and Ryan specifically campaigned on repealing Obamacare. Saying that he wouldn't have followed through just because he was part of a state push to do something similar (Romneycare) is stupid.
  17. You mean the guy who campaigned on repealing Obamacare? That guy?
  18. Just RedBoxed (Red Containered? So to speak? Fuck I don't know) White House Down. Is "insultingly terrible" a phrase that's been used for it yet here? Comparatively speaking, Olympus Has Fallen is more realistic (using the term loosely) and much more like the Vince Flynn book. White House Down was just garbage on every level.
  19. Noted. That's not really a huge media conspiracy. Were they supposed to cage fight on AF 1?
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