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Buddy Spike

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Everything posted by Buddy Spike

  1. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/sex-crazed-angelina-jolie-lookalike-forced-taxi-driver-sex-stabbed-article-1.1751735 WHERE DO I APPLY FOR THIS JOB???
  2. It sure takes them a while to process an order. I placed the order Sunday evening and it still shows "Processing" despite the items being in stock at the time of ordering.
  3. It might be time for a "What's wrong with the Navy?" thread so Air Force dudes will stop thinking the grass is greener.
  4. Not a derail. You specifically called out this guy's SA for flying an airplane. I want to know what you fly to make such a statement. I'm sure I'm not the only one since you dodge the question constantly. Please, share with the class your credentials on the matter.
  5. So I was flipping through skinemax the other night and came across one of their standard late night blue-balling porn shows... Laughed my ass off when I heard this song. It's definitely WTF. **NSFW** Although they don't actually show anything in this video **NSFW** Catchy tune.
  6. I flew with Venom as a student at Vance several times in T-38s. One of the best leaders, officers, and instructors I have ever known. This sounds like another "What's wrong with the Air Force" points.
  7. http://www.atlantamagazine.com/agenda/2013/03/26/exit-interview-with-darien-long-atlanta-kickass-mall-cop
  8. Is that smallpox on her right arm?
  9. Three fails here. 1) The chick you posted isn't naked. 2) Wrong Chick. I would like to see the above, naked. Preferably in some sexual position. Perhaps even via motion picture. 3) Fat fingered the downvote, just like BQZip's mom. Suck it.
  10. Why? Also, I believe we've found the missing MH 370 copilot in this video. Also, that chick is hot. Request nudes.
  11. Report to your nearest squadron crapper for remedial VID training.
  12. http://pix11.com/2013/04/12/watch-it-furious-mom-tosses-baby-across-bus-to-attack-another-rider-who-disrespected-her-baby/#axzz2XaCphdWc
  13. http://warfighterfoundation.wordpress.com/2014/03/21/debunking-the-israeli-women-in-combat-myth/
  14. The best way to prove you're not a "assholedouchebagfuckstains" is by threatening people on the internet.
  15. The ARC actually assigns a personal 1CO for you as part of the recruiting incentive. Not sure how it would work if you're bringing your own though. Could cause a conflict (unless flying with the Hill or SLC Guard bubbas).
  16. Not to interrupt a perfectly good rant, but thinking the grass is greener on the Navy side is just fucked up. The Navy didn't just go out and buy full up Super Hornets and call it good. They spent more money "phasing it in" with APG-73 first, no conformal fuel tanks as originally advertised, and outwardly canted wingtip pylons (great thinking boys). The Navy is notorious for fucking up acquisitions - often getting an upgrade for a jet but then only equipping half the squadron in a clusterfuck of combinations. For example - some squadrons would have half the jets with Link, a third with JHMCS, some with 9X, but none with all three. WTFO? It's funny reading all of this crying, because I've been on both sides of the fence, and it's just a different flavor of the same bitching. The Air Force is even better in a lot of ways while being the same in others.
  17. This is a strawman argument and has very little to do with the ACA.
  18. That must be BQZip's mom's maiden name.
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