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Everything posted by DEVIL

  1. some other gems from CNN's viewer comments " One of viewers reported that jets have been flying low lately,sounds to me they are training for urban attacks most likely against Iran." " Funny a little jet slams in a building, one can clearly see wreckage . An Airliner slams into the pentagon and nada!" " Obama and Liberals did it." " With redundancy systems in place this is a very mature technology which really can't break down. The pilot has to make a mess of things, has to want to crash. I wouldn't even rule out a suicide/homicide scenario. The civil airline pilot who cracked up the other week, he was just the tip of the iceberg. Flying is an extremely stressful and essentially a dead-end job." " This guy can't be my wingman anytime..." < My favorite " It looks like major pilot error to me. Those crewmen may never fly again after this. They could even be disciplined and imprisoned but once again, no-one outside the Navy will know about that." " Of course you won't hear any explanation from the military about what went wrong further than CNN's re-worked Navy press release. But panic is widespread amongst pilots. " < Second Favorite
  2. I love this guy's commentary... http://cnn.com/video/?/video/bestoftv/2012/04/06/sot-nr-navy-jet-crash-zapatero.cnn "These planes fly over our houses every day, and over the last few months it seems like they've been getting more and more daring with their maneuvers, seems like their going fast speeds, seems like they are pushing these planes a bit too far."
  3. DEVIL

    Latest Movies

    This could be pretty good...
  4. nothing like a good ol' fashioned invasion force.
  5. I was under the impression that it was "someone, somewhere is sick of F*cking her"
  6. Taking it back to the topic: NASWF (after getting their orders 12 hours before they needed to pcs): 4- Toner 2- 38's Get 'em boys.
  7. Sorry for the poor video but the missing man always hits home, RIP brother
  8. This is the first call I'd make to validate that story... (Thread: hijacked)
  9. I'm more offended by the piece of a equipment behind the guy. RPA's are what the shoes strive for.
  10. I love the "Don't be a clueless LT" section, really riveting stuff.
  11. Has anyone ever seen a kilt incorporated into a service/mess dress for a dining out/ceremony?
  12. DEVIL

    Mustache March

    The other three were killed by his mustache.
  13. DEVIL

    Mustache March

    I have a RNLT date of 28 March, to shave or not to shave, that is the question.
  14. Turning your hard earned tax dollars to noise
  15. Or like the Navy used TG, we could use a movie to our advantage "Be an Iron Eagle" Oh wait, nevermind.
  16. Her .ppt is all well and good, but my greatest concern with whether or not she drives 30 or 31.
  17. "Air Force Official Says 9/11 Remains in Landfill Did Not Include Shanksville Victims" http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/01/us/air-force-official-says-9-11-remains-in-landfill-did-not-include-shanksville-victims.html?_r=1&ref=us
  18. Personally, I'm pretty weary of people who justify doing their job to their best ability, and generally being a good person because they are trying to keep on good terms with their god. Why not just try and leave the place better than it was when you got here with not an ulterior motivation. Seems pretty selfish if you ask me.
  19. "I personally like to know if a person is highly religious, it helps me to work with them better, then again, I feel that way about a bunch of topics, not just religion. " So if the person is an atheist, would you be hesitant to work with them as well as you would a religious person, simply based on their lack of belief in your religion??
  20. http://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2012/02/military-3-star-presentation-reference-god-021712/ My $.02 is that people should be doing the best the can etc. because it's their job and their supporting a mission, NOT because it is in the best interest of their god/religious beliefs... I know this could be a volatile one, but I'm looking for thoughts.
  21. I'm absolutely not into helochoppers, but those are some of the most incredible shots I've seen.
  22. I've been really getting into this guy (sts) lately, enjoying my UK heritage. What an animal, loses both legs before the Battle of Britain, during the battle shoots down 22. Bails out in France, is captured, tries to escape (with prosthetics) the Germans have so much respect for him they give the RAF safe passage to drop a new prosthetic off from a bomber when his is damaged. And of course the great quote about his initial crash, "Crashed slow-rolling near ground. Bad show. Excuse the source (wiki), but there is a great book called Reach for the Sky. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Bader
  23. University Air Center @ KGNV. Unfortunately full of Gator fans, but whaddayagunnado
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