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Everything posted by Standby

  1. I’m not vouching for the accused, and I believe there is a special place in hell for child molesters…but what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? This dude certainly looks guilty, but the allegations have yet to be substantiated.
  2. Obviously asking for a friend…anybody have experience with a CSF aka brain/spinal fluid leak? Specifically, if surgery is required what are the implications for continued aviation service?
  3. https://www.foxnews.com/health/new-york-stores-begin-enforcing-ban-sale-whipped-cream-canisters-those-under-21 Assault Whipped Cream Ban of 2022.
  4. There is no abstract interpretation of intent. The two examples I cited were quite specific regarding that notion. You probably think Snowden did the right thing too, huh?
  5. Being negligent with confidential isn’t the same as selling/leaking national treasures in the form of nuclear material or HUMINT case officers. If some shitbag decided to sell our plans for an operational NGAD (if it existed…right?) to the Chinese, where does that rank against some crackhead who stabbed another crackhead for a poncho?
  6. The world where classified isn’t just an ATO with standard load outs in a permissive environment dubbed the worlds largest live fire range. The world where US case officers have been executed as a result of leaked classified. In this scenario, you are essentially saying that the person who hired the hitman is less culpable than the person who actually committed the act. If you don’t understand, there isn’t much more I can say to convince you otherwise. Providing the name and location of a member of our intelligence community is equivalent to a death sentence in certain parts of the world…yet this somehow isn’t equivalent? Edit…the difference between murder and being a hero just depends on the side of the fence you stand behind. I’m quite certain AQ feels we murdered Bin Laden. Americans likely feel differently.
  7. Lmao. So you are saying that mishandling classified is a lesser offense than murder? If I released the names of case officers who were subsequently murdered…where does that fall in your spectrum of justice? If a critical capability was leaked to an adversary and then resulted in the deaths of thousands of service members…how does that compare to a single murder? I realize you probably didn’t mean that leaks of “just secret material” is not equivalent to murder. That being said, I’m also sure you don’t mean that equitable levels of scrutiny and punishment be applied to all offenders. Hypocrites everywhere these days.
  8. My brother sent me this…which one of you RIOs is this?
  9. Odds that they are going to grandfather us faithful servants into the new $ amount…0.00. Edit: instead of just sport bitching, I emailed my congressman. I’d encourage other suckers like myself to lobby for a heavier wallet.
  10. I’m more concerned that LiquidSky only cited the child molesters and sex traffickers. Chill out Dexter.
  11. I’ll remember your comments when you pin on O-6 MS69.
  12. Stop being insensitive Bashi. The rest of the world needs to suffer so that the .0000000000033% (repeating) of the population can not be inconvenienced with their personal problems. Also, please remember that high risk medical conditions did not exist before March-ish of 2020…and thus personal accountability for said high risk conditions was not required.
  13. That sounds like the perfect mission profile a newly-minted Lt (with no mutual support) who just went through a gutted UPT syllabus…what could go wrong?
  14. Tinfoil hat: do we think it’s a coincidence that the recent fleet issues crop up immediately after the injunction update?
  15. I was looking at mil comp and didn’t see 767 type rating for KC-46. Do you get one during IQT?
  16. People like this are allowed to vote…
  17. But but but but but…the airlines don’t do it this way, the FAA says we can’t, and I need someone to tell me how to properly report lasing accidents while I fly around lights on in Meg!
  18. Sign me up. Just because we’ve gainfully employed folks in the right seat on large aircraft, doesn’t mean they are necessary for safe and effective operation. God forbid the PF actually manipulates an FMS, or makes his own radio call. Bring on the downvotes.
  19. Soooo…where can I get some of these? Google Translate says the flavor is “Chinese Gas Pedal”.
  20. Speaking of homosexuality and world views: https://www.unilad.co.uk/news/gay-football-fans-death-sex-qatar-world-cup-20220621.amp.html Anybody that has spent time in the ME is laughing at the public messaging hypocrisy…not surprising though. Someone should send them our diversity training, and a recent copy of the Tongue and Quill for pronoun etiquette in electronic mail.
  21. As queepy as it sounds, I had to complete an aviation instructor CBT from the ADLS portal before my first IPUG. It mirrored a lot of the FAA instructor handbook and had some good stuff in it. Surprise, surprise…coach/athlete is more effective than continually shitting on your future wingman/co-pilot.
  22. Why does the 24 year old Spirit F/O get to use the known crew member access point, yet DoD pilots entrusted with weapons of war have to battle airport security checkpoints? I’ve gone through four separate concourses in one day, each of which required me to remove my laptop/belt/shoes while some neckbeard harasses the mom of an infant about “excessive” amounts of breast milk in the diaper bag. Thanks Bin Laden.
  23. Standby


    She isn’t cheap to fill up, but can’t beat almost 1100 ft/lb of torque and the long legs for road tripping.
  24. Standby


    Those $ figures mentioned were only for your Tesla? Or your other vehicles as well?
  25. No BS, that needs to be reported.
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