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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2018 in Posts

  1. Funny how we've managed to stay free since 1783 with an all volunteer force. Do you HONESTLY believe that without draftees in WWII we would have lost that war? Feel free to argue with our founding fathers whether or not Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are God given rights or if you should have to "earn" it first by forced labor. What's the point of fighting for those principles if we're just going to ignore them anyways "for the greater good"? They just become hollow catchphrases with no real meaning. Either we're a nation founded on the ideal that we each make our own way through life with the freedom to decide what that path is, or we're an authoritarian nation in which you can only be free if you first sacrifice your free will to the government. "If I abide by a law I disagree with, I accept it." Patently false. There are a few laws I don't agree with, but that the penalty for disobeying is too great to risk non-compliance. That doesn't mean I accept that law, it just means I don't want to go to prison or pay a steep fine. So instead I lobby, or support groups that lobby, to change these laws.
    3 points
  2. If we would just get back to the Constitutional method of declaring war, the arguments for needing a draft lose steam. Right now we are engaged in de facto WW3 against militant Islam, but Congress and the general public have yet to realize that fact. Under an almost 20 year old AUMF, we now have troops and/or have taken action in Libya, Somalia, Niger, Djibouti, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. I’m sure I missed a few, and there seems to be no end in sight. The War Powers resolution limits troop commitments to 60 days without further approval from Congress. The 2001 AUMF specifically addressed those responsible for 9/11 and ‘associated forces.’ We’ve gone way beyond that in the last 16 years. If we started making law makers actually vote to send our kids into harms way like they should, they would have more to answer to their constituents for. While drafting Congressmen’s kids into the military may have more effect, at least making them go on the record about military action makes them take a stand and show leadership. We shouldn’t be fighting without a clear mission, a clear finish line, and then a clear exit strategy. If you’ve ready history about our involvement in Afghanistan, it illustrates how we just keep creating monsters unintentionally with short sighted goals. It kills me to see us making the same mistakes every 10 years. I don’t want my kids to have to suffer for that in the next few decades.
    2 points
  3. Tammy Duckworth getting in front of cameras to having a “don’t lecture me!” Session was completely BS. Like if anybody sitting in Congress knows what this is doing by simply turning off The continuous cycle of force generation it’s you. You were a LtCol... you sat at the head of the table during battalion staff training calendar development. You know exactly what you voted for when you said “no, I’d rather we shit it down.” The same dipsticks that were months ago screaming about why we didn’t have more help into Puerto Rico are now fine with the guard losing two training days off the Calendar to make a political statement. Guess when the guard in particular trains... the weekend. Guess who we call on to fill sandbags, put up aid stations, and drive aid convoys when the first line is overwhelmed... the guard.
    2 points
  4. I entered active duty in November, 1974. The draft was just winding down. The USAF never drafted anybody, but both the officer and enlisted groups were full of people who joined only to avoid the draft. You don't want to go back to the draft! These 'avoiders' didn't want to be there, most hated the service, and most did the minimum required to get by. Insubordination was rampant, and nothing could be done about it. It was bad in the Air Force, and I'm sure it was much worse in the Army. The military isn't some kind of reform school or social experiment. Baring some existential threat to the CONUS the last thing the military needs is a bunch of draftees!!!!!
    2 points
  5. Bake a cake for a same sex couple.
    2 points
  6. This luggage tag, presumably owned by "Viper Driver Tweak" was found by an associate of mine at the aeropuerto in Erie, PA. It is currently being held hostage by the Swedish Bikini Team, who are threatening to suffocate it with their boobs and/or thighs if ransom demands for its return are not met. If you know Tweak, and he cares enough about this $15 bag tag to save it from certain death from overexposure to soft, delicious Nordic flesh, contact me to help arrange to get it back. Photos/video of the bag tag torture threats unavailable at this time.
    1 point
  7. Correct. I don't expect it of others. I made my choice so that they can make theirs. You don't "earn" the right to have the freedoms we have in this nation. You are born with it - "endowed by their Creator" and these rights are "unalienable", meaning they cannot be taken away.
    1 point
  8. In my perfect little world that won't ever exist, if you graduate high school and enlist in the military, you get college paid for, if you want to go back in after college, you go in as an Officer. If you don't want to join the military, but you still want college paid for, you do some sort of peace corps for America. You go be a part of civil service programs all across the country, just like the military you don't get a choice where you go, then you go to college. Either way, we pull Americans out of their sheltered little lives and expose them to the rest of this country, while simultaneously serving the country and it's diverse population and needs. What does this do? Maybe after working side by side with people of different ethnicities, skin colors, religious etc, people get more tolerant. Vice just staying in their town surrounded by the same ol same ol. More buy in, more tolerance (hopefully), more leaders and generations who feel like they did something for the US and they want to protect what they invested in.
    1 point
  9. The 345th Bomb Squadron at Dyess AFB, TX is happy to announce that we are having a Summer hiring board to select applicants to join the “Desperados.” Applications will be accepted through 22 June 2018 and interviews for those invited will be held on 27 July 2018. This board will be to hire both off the street and rated aviators to become B-1 Pilots. Attached you will find the requirements to help you assemble your application package. Questions can be sent to 345BS.Hiring@gmail.com. Good luck to all that apply! 345th Bomb Squadron Request for Applications_2018 Summer Pilot.docx
    1 point
  10. One's liberty extends until it infringes on the rights and liberty of another. That's the boundary.
    1 point
  11. Soooo, I still haven't received a PM or email from anyone that can help me get in contact with ol' Tweak. The bag tag's about to start a world tour.
    1 point
  12. Fine. I'll fix this thread while you nerds talk about hotel pens.
    1 point
  13. I was told to expect to hear something first week or two of February
    1 point
  14. Hotel pen...clearly a solid airline pilot.
    1 point
  15. The all-volunteer military has resulted in never-ending conflict. The price of war is low. The eternal trickle of military involvement feeds the military-industrial complex, which is chairman-ed by retired generals mostly who know best how to manipulate the machine into industrial profit. The country must devise some form of civic service. Otherwise we will continue to have elected leaders send our volunteer men and women to die in fights where the largest military force in the world has no business fighting.
    1 point
  16. Clicking the American Flag wasn't good enough. That what very well done.
    1 point
  17. It also might not work on Huggy’s tablet.
    1 point
  18. This is my favorite video of all time No worries, there's other versions of it on U-tube!
    1 point
  19. as I said, noble, but not sustainable. i don't think you can legitimately argue that our freedom was free. it came at a cost. when you obtain something through sacrifice, it is the very definition of having been "earned". how you think or feel about a law is of no consequence. laws do not govern thoughts or feelings. how you act or behave is of consequence. if you abide by a law you disagree with, you accept it. would you mind giving and example of a law you are deregulating?
    -1 points
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