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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2013 in Posts

  1. Don't worry, I don't think there are enough navs left in the AF for this scenario to happen.
    4 points
  2. He brought it up on his FB after he got caught...that's why what he said 'doesn't make any sense'. He's a hypocrite, regardless of what happened to his wife. And of course he can buy a legal firearm in a State that supports our Rights, just like all of us non-criminals can (at least for now)--so what would he have been trying to prove? And who buys a gun just to turn around and give it to the local police? Is he going to try to buy all the firearms available just to turn them all in? And this is the BS from his FB page...you know, the one he posted 3 days after he made the purchase: Oh, and did he coordinate with the Tucson PD prior to the purchase? And if he did, did he in fact make a straw purchase if he lied on the NCIS form? Oh, and there is no 'loop hole'--it's just the way the law is, nothing secret/tricky about it. I can only hope that he gets in front of another legislature and tries to spew his propaganda so that he can be grilled for his hypocrisy.
    2 points
  3. The fact that she's "volunteered for multiple deployments" but never been downrange should answer that question. I wouldn't send a 12-year old girl to AFG either, the dearth of access to My Little Pony, Claire's & her YouTube channel would be too cruel...
    2 points
  4. They must still be looking for that Viper...
    1 point
  5. Well, in fairness, he is a liberal so the "mental issues" thing is questionable.
    1 point
  6. We'll have to take your word for it. Navs seem to know a lot about stool and ass.
    1 point
  7. -Not the federal government's job. The federal government was created by sovereign States (not the other way around) to protect the Rights of all (obviously originally dicked up with slavery, but it's not like it was a secret) and to serve the States (ie border protection)--try reading a book man. Giving a massive federal government money just to turn around and have them give it back to the States is inefficient and allows for many more opportunities of corruption. Or is it a person's Right to be given food, healthcare, shelter, etc? -I firmly believe that 80-90% (throwing a number out there) of poor people are poor because of poor choices they make. Trust me, I have a brother who doesn't do nearly as well as the rest of us siblings because of the continued amount of poor choices he makes. Being lazy is just one of the many potential poor choices that some poor people make. Having children when you can't afford to care of them (often out of wedlock) is another poor choice. Drug and alcohol abuse is another poor choice. Not studying much and/or dropping out of high school. Not living within your means (ie buying lottery tickets for example) is another poor choice, just like having cable, a smartphone, a vehicle that is not the cheapest one you can find that still works, etc. Not buying your clothes at the goodwill stores is another bad choice...do I need to go on? Please show me quotes for 4 out of the 5 people on this forum said anything of the sort with regards to the first 2. The Kenyan part is the most interesting in terms of a discussion because some of Obama's own folks up until around 2005ish were saying he was Kenya. For example, his Harvard Law Review biography said he was born in Kenya. I think it's interesting for a discussion because there is proof to argue it either as true or as several 'errors'...but my problems with the President have nothing to do with where he was born...he could have been born in the Soviet Union for all I care as he is in fact the President--I take issues with his policies and lack of leadership. But again, I do not believe the country is in a bad situation because of where the President claimed or currently claims to have been born, it's irrelevant. Do you argue that there are not government folks who want to take away various firearms? Feinstein said she would take them away if she could. As for the President, look how he voted when he was in the Illinois State Legislature and what he said before he ran for President. He was definitely for restricting the Right to bear arms, even handguns. So even if he isn't actively trying to take guns away at this moment, he has shown in the past that he has little respect for allowing people to have this Right. So at a minimum it is accurate to say that there are many government officials trying to 'restrict' our Rights to bear arms, even more so than have already been restricted. It's called incrementalism. The Democratic Party ran on a message of free stuff! Did you not watch their convention? The national party ran on free healthcare, free college education, free birth control, etc. 81% of those who believe 'Government should do more to solve problems' voted for Obama. Did he not run on what the federal government would, could, and should do for people? Especially for the people already paying the least amount of federal income taxes? To be honest, I don't know what the 'average' Republican believes in anymore, hence why I am no longer one. In most cases they have shown that they can be the party of 'Democrat-light'. I do know that the traditional Republicans still support corporate welfare. I feel my lack of personal education in the past led me to once be a rubber stamp for the GOP, just like how I duped into believing that Lincoln was an honest man and truly believed in a government 'for and of the people'. Sadly I also thought years ago that he started the Civil War to free the slaves. It's amazing what some personal research will do for you. Then again, I understand you are 24...but almost 25 if I remember correctly. It took me a few more years after my mid 20's to actually see things correctly.
    1 point
  8. there's actually some pretty sweet ones out there...
    1 point
  9. No, those are things that make Republicans...Republicans. The things that I disagree with are things like...the federal government shouldn't try to feed hungry children, poor people are only poor because they are lazy, women that are "legitimately raped" rarely have babies, Obama is a Muslim, Obama is from Kenya, the government is trying to take away all our guns, and 47% of Americans are moochers and voted for Obama because of all the entitlements they get. You know...Crazy shit that 4 out of 5 people on this forum seem to believe in. The average Republican does not believe in this nonsense.
    1 point
  10. Exactly...The AF wants to sit on two stools with one ass. They want an educated force but then don't want to dedicate time/appropriate resources (250/credit hr is a joke) to have people get degrees they need for true career development. I think the answer is for the AF to recognize folks that get into competitive programs (i.e. AFIT, CSAF prestigious PHD, Olmsted, IDE masters, etc...) by displaying these programs on SURFS, DVBs as they currently do. This gives credit to people that are selected for these programs while not punishing people that didn't get masters. The masking system would definitely work. Today, the system has evolved into a "for profit" joke where the air forces' intended goal of creating "warrior scholars" evolved bureaucratically into a money maker for diploma mills and an AF that celebrates box checking over tactical proficiency.
    1 point
  11. It is so pointless to argue with these dipshits. There is a small group on this board that serves no purpose other than to throw shit and wait for a reaction.
    1 point
  12. I don't think that's much different from what the "lower class" in places like Chicago are accustomed to.
    1 point
  13. First off : TIB Sucks. I hate them with the fire of 1,000 suns. Second: Suggest we lay off (On her YouTube page at least). She's an early 20's enlisted kid who probably joined to "See the world" and TIB offers that. She hasn't gotten a "chance" to deploy yet, and seeing all those places they spend our tax dollars on to get to sounds pretty exciting to some kid fresh off the farm. Can't exactly blame her for that. The stupid YouTube video, on the other hand is a different story. Standing by for spears.
    1 point
  14. Look at the bright side of going to war with N. Korea again... new episodes of M*A*S*H
    1 point
  15. These are classes that were somewhat small. There was a brief time at Pensacola when they didn't have very many students and after May of 2012 they had a big influx of people from OTS and ROTC. After 13-12 all the classes started with 25+.
    1 point
  16. I personally have worked for a CC with little experience and no credibility in the jet (senior pilot wings with less hours than most FPs was the first indicator, always on the NMR list was the clincher.) This person compensated for their lack of competence in the jet by emphasizing the queep. "Lets rework the entire Sq organizational structure. Let's rework the actual physical layout of the Sq. Let's develop this... Let's develop that... I want one of these over here and somebody come up with a better way to do this...blah blah blah." The "bright ideas" were endless, but it was always somebody else's job to execute. Never any focus on ops or improving anything to do with the flight line. This, IMHO, is the danger of having an Ops Sq/CC who's emphasis is not on flying.
    1 point
  17. That's pretty cool, that you were there for both the original run & this heritage run of the same patch....
    1 point
  18. TIB 3-1 is a great read. Starts with BFM, Basic Fabulous Manuevers, for individuals. Stuff like jazz hands. The moves to more advanced concepts like ACM, Assembled Cast Manuevering, which covers singing and dancing as a group.
    1 point
  19. Yes. Their threat reactions and notch timing is better than most of the CAF, I'd say.
    1 point
  20. Do they have a 3-3? Or do they just just the AFTTP 3-3.Shoe? Creative writers out there can have a good ol time drafting one up. Out
    1 point
  21. Happy Friday everybody.
    1 point
  22. Thread bump. Fourty years ago today.
    1 point
  23. I love seeing a military unit that celebrates its heritage. Anyone recognize the Major's name on the canopy rail of the VFA-214 Commander's bird? (Seen by my Dad at the Mesa Gateway airport in AZ a week ago...)
    1 point
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