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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2022 in all areas

  1. The vast majority of American's don't want any kind of mask mandate, and are happy the airline mandate went away. The minority of people supporting the mask mandate are: The current crop of Democrats Most of the mainstream press That minority of grown-ass adults who are impressionable and struggle with critical thinking, who buy into everything they are told by the government and the media. Those are the people in your Facebook feed, and quoted in such esteemed rags as The Atlantic and the NYT. White women tend to be overrepresented here, but that's a topic for another time. A special mention goes out to every mid-level white collar employee out there who has been able to seamlessly transition from poking at their laptop in an office building, to poking at their laptop in their home office, while wearing their pajamas. The so-called "Laptop Class." These are the people who are comfy in their homes, and only have to don a mask when going out for groceries, hitting the local Home Depot, or maybe the occasional trip to a restaurant. These are the people who haughtily say "What's wrong with you, masks aren't so bad!!!" They retreat home, with no thought for the rest of the populace out there working masked-up all day long in the grocery stores, restaurants, factories, and elsewhere. The midwits of the world can angrily post to Facebook all day long. No one fucking cares, except their fellow zealots. Everyone else has moved on.
    5 points
  2. National Museum of the United States Air Force™ > Upcoming > KC-135 (af.mil) Looks like the NMUSAF will finally have a KC-135R 60-0329, this jet did a buddy air refueling during Viet Nam May 67 having the drogue hooked up to an A-3 Sky Warrior, (USAF EB-66) who dropped its drogue to air refuel an F-8 Crusader which all receivers had fuel emergencies. The backstory I've read on this event was that in those days SAC had a death grip on all KC-135's and all mission planning had to be approved by SAC HQ Offutt. This mission was done on the fly by aviators in the air working this out. SAC was if there isn't a checklist you don't do it, so nothing is done on the fly. They wanted to crucify the crew, but CINCPAC intervened. As I grow older, I'm reminded of how much water is under the bridge that I have tail #'s in museums that my signatures are all over the 781's forms binder. NMUSAF will now have two tails I've worked personally, VC-137C and now a KC-135R. Awaiting a 3rd when they take ownership of a E-3 Sentry. My question is what gallery does go into, cold war, Viet Nam, Desert Storm and everything in between?
    2 points
  3. I don't have his youtube password....
    1 point
  4. They just announced their -46 version. However, not all of the watch works due to multiple FCIFs.
    1 point
  5. The whole idea of retiring EA-18 Growers en-masse seems like nothing more than a negotiating tactic by the Navy. It's been a long time, and my recollection is a bit fuzzy, but didn't the AF and Navy agree for the Navy to take on all responsibility for Electronic Warfare when the AF retired the EF-111 in the late 90s? Believe the Navy took on all responsibility for tactical reconnaissance, too, when the last RF-4's were retired about the same time. As part of the deal, I believe the Navy was promised some kind of additional funding, in exchange for taking the EW responsibility for the whole DoD. I'd suspect there have been some budget games afoot, the Navy isn't getting their promised $$, and so they're resorting to political gamesmanship. Maybe someone closer to the EW community can clarify.
    1 point
  6. I'm with Pooter. It's been a long time since high school, and even then, it's not like we went into the minutia of how the federal courts work vs state courts, the power of the federal judiciary below the Supreme Court, etc. I get that it happened, and I'm thrilled that it did. I'm just equally surprised at the scope of thing (a single federal judge overturning a Presidential EO), the long timeline, etc. Again though, glad that it was overturned. And, surprising no one, all the typical players are taking the typical sides, using the typical talking points. Such as: NPR: The judge who tossed mask mandate misunderstood public health law, legal experts say You see, she made the cardinal sin of the Church of Covid. The judge didn't listen to "the experts." Also, it was just her that did it. This one judge. Not like there is an entire legal system behind her. It was just the one rouge judge who is determined to kill us all. [/sarcasm] NPR: What to know about Judge Kathryn Mizelle, who struck down the travel mask mandate Another article looking at the judge herself. Nominated to the bench by Trump in Sept 2020, when she was only 33. Some questions raised at the time about her limited experience, but ultimately she was confirmed. Some comments about her right leaning views, because, surprise surprise, right leaning presidents tend to nominate right leaning judges. She's a....she, so it must be so frustrating that Judge Mizelle can't be Kavanaugh-ed out with some salacious #meetoo accusation. Although maybe they'll dredge up some law school classmate (male or female) with an accusation of impropriety. But when you can't use sexism, go to racism, homophobia, and the newest bugaboo, trans-phobic! It's all so fucking tiresome.
    1 point
  7. Nothing yet on my end! They said it’d be about 2 weeks after submission that we’d hear back, and my initial assumption was that’d we’d start getting word one way or the other this coming work week…so, hopefully we’ll all get some good news this coming week!
    1 point
  8. Possible some people started spamming comments about him and they removed it for the family. I get the accusations are very serious but I also believe to his family he was someone very important and I'm sad for their loss. Noone raises their little boy to be a sex predator. Whole situation is just tragic. Like I said. I knew him as a different dude. A little arrogant but overall decent. If the accusations are true, I'm truly sorry he didn't choose a different path because he had potential to be a decent human.
    1 point
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