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The "New" SOS Gouge


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Does anyone know where to find some?


"Are we drug dealers? No, we are not. Thank you for asking, though."

"Is there anything else we can help you with? Perhaps you'd like an 11-year old prostitute sent to your room. We can do that. Or maybe we can off someone for you. Huh? How's that sound? I've got it. Why don't we start small? Would you like a fresh towel? Maybe you could roll that up and smoke it."

...oh "Gouge"? Nope, don't have it.

"so don't go spending all your cash on needles and guns just yet."

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Read the books and forget it all within 6.9 secs after the tests.

Better yet, don't even read the books first. Take the test, and if you don't pass, then figure out what areas you need to study, take the cellophane off the books (assuming you even get paper copies these days), then retake & pass the test. Basic math: With three-answer, multiple-choice tests, you need to know less than half the material. The half you know, you'll get right. For the other half, you have a 50% chance of guessing the right answer (one of the three answers will be obviously stupid, giving you a 50/50 chance of guessing the right one from the remaining two. PME by correspondence ain't tough; take the tests, pass, and move on. That simple.

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AF question answer priorities:

1. All of the above

2. The longest answer

3. The most general and non-committal statement (never choose an answer with "always")

4. The complicated answer that doesn't make any sense (because you didn't do the reading)

Edited by drewpey
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