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Biden jokes about Oath Gaffe


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Guest Smoke_Jaguar4
So how long before Biden gets the boot? I thought it was pretty funny but I've never claimed to be tactful.


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Biden's a smart guy but he's notorious for no filter between his brain to his mouth.

My prediction: Biden 'retires' in 2012; the Democrats run Obama/Clinton. If they win, this sets up Clinton/Whoever in 2016.

Yeap. I think his wife has the same problem. She apparently let the cat out at the Oprah show.

I am not sure it is going to be Clinton on the 2012 ticket. Obama by then will claim he now has experience to be CIC and look for another young, agile Democrat like himself.

Let us hope Clinton is engrossed in her diplomacy work and not interested in the VP job.

I don't think you are far from the truth.

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Dubya could laugh at himself. It appears Obama can't. Might be an interesting four years.

Obama wasn't avoiding laughing at himself. Biden's joke wasn't at Obama's expense. Obama was avoiding publicly making fun of the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Obama very well may not have a self-deprecating sense of humor, but this wasn't a display of that.

Agree with him or not, Obama is shrewd. You don't get to that position without being pretty smart.

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Obama wasn't avoiding laughing at himself. Biden's joke wasn't at Obama's expense. Obama was avoiding publicly making fun of the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Obama very well may not have a self-deprecating sense of humor, but this wasn't a display of that.

Agree with him or not, Obama is shrewd. You don't get to that position without being pretty smart.

Especially when he is going to need his help on various issues.

I think people forget this guy is a politician. His words and actions are measured.

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Ummm, what is Biden then?

I was referring to the fact that Obama clearly did not want to go along with the joke.

Big Joe is just big Joe. No one can change Joe.

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I was referring to the fact that Obama clearly did not want to go along with the joke.

Big Joe is just big Joe. No one can change Joe.


I think people forget this guy is a politician. His words and actions are measured.

doesn't mean "all politicians = measuring actions and words?" Then when used in the same context with Biden, it doesn't mean that?

See the Obama fixing the economy thread and logic, lack therof often exhibited by liberal posters on baseops.

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I actually think Obama didn't hear what Biden said... he kinda looked a bit lost when others were laughing.

Either way I thought it was quite funny!

He knew. Look at his body language. Pursed lips and a quick disapproving head shake, followed by nervous looking around with a fake smile. By Obama reacting the way he did, he just draws more attention to the joke. At least Bush was a light-hearted everyday Joe that could dodge a shoe to the face and still smile afterwards. If Obama doesn't lighten up, this is going to be a long 4 years.

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Yes and no.

The press was just as stupid/partisan as now.

But things happened at a lot slower pace so that leaders had time to consider options/develop strategies not in the instantaneous (sp?) 24/7 TV news we have now.

Lessons for military ops as well. (Not an original thought, classes often taught about the "CNN effect.")

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He knew. Look at his body language. Pursed lips and a quick disapproving head shake, followed by nervous looking around with a fake smile. By Obama reacting the way he did, he just draws more attention to the joke. At least Bush was a light-hearted everyday Joe that could dodge a shoe to the face and still smile afterwards. If Obama doesn't lighten up, this is going to be a long 4 years.

Is a 'light-hearted everyday joe' something we really need in office right now? I think we can all agree whether we're Republican or Democrat that Bush has said some AMAZINGLY stupid things that very easily merit a palm slap to the forehead in amazement. So thinking that Obama needs to lighten up I think is the last thing we need right now. Obama is probably trying extremely hard to make sure that he and Joe don't make the same mistake of letting some slip of the tongue/bad joke, be a focal point of the administration. Much like it was with the last.

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doesn't mean "all politicians = measuring actions and words?" Then when used in the same context with Biden, it doesn't mean that?

See the Obama fixing the economy thread and logic, lack therof often exhibited by liberal posters on baseops.

Yeap. How are you any different from Bill O'reilly? SPIN ZONE

What are you trying to pull out of this comment?

Anyone who has been around Joe knows about his charisma. Obama on the other hand knowing people like you will take off with it, kept a straight face.

I think your post is a typical example of the liberal lack of logic you are talking about.

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So thinking that Obama needs to lighten up I think is the last thing we need right now. Obama is probably trying extremely hard to make sure that he and Joe don't make the same mistake of letting some slip of the tongue/bad joke, be a focal point of the administration.

Seriously?! No humor allowed in the White House? Seriously?!

Much like it was with the last.

And who ensured the focus on Bush's malaproprisms (sp?) were repeated endlessly?

The same outlets who are not letting this little episode be re-run.

Seen in on any talking skull shows after the first day?

Any talk shows? Daily Show?

Hint: It's the same folks who proclaimed "they got a shiver down their leg" upon Obama's election. Or had "tears in their eyes" at his Inauguration.


cave, you wrote

I think people forget this guy is a politician. His words and actions are measured.

I then asked if Biden wasn't also a politician and thus his words and actions are measured.

You responded with

Big Joe is just big Joe. No one can change Joe.

As you wrote both that were completely at odds with each other, there did seem to be a lack of logic.

Please note I've dropped the grammar crusade as it's obviously beyond your capabilities.

I think the government should do something about that as it's not a personal responsibility anymore.

Edited by brickhistory
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He knew. Look at his body language. Pursed lips and a quick disapproving head shake, followed by nervous looking around with a fake smile. By Obama reacting the way he did, he just draws more attention to the joke. At least Bush was a light-hearted everyday Joe that could dodge a shoe to the face and still smile afterwards. If Obama doesn't lighten up, this is going to be a long 4 years.

Just so you know, Bush did not give the White House Press Corp a warm reception the first 2 years in office. He did not know how to handle the media so he stayed away. When he got comfortable,things got better. Mind you, the Press Corp was used to the open and free dialogue they enjoyed in the Clinton era. I think life became easier for him in the last 2 years when they finally opened the press room. I just don't see how a man that could not handle media could demonstrate his sense of humor in public. Do you remember his attempt at making fun of Cheney a year after the hunting accident? Pathetic !!

Have you not seen the SNL series that make fun of Bush and the way he laughs. It sounded fake. Don't even go there. Go watch them on Youtube.

I will probably dodge a shoe thrown at me out of reflex. Bush cracked a smile because he was happy he did not get hit. Now, I do not see a sense of humor in that.

Time will tell if Obama has a sense of humor. Too early to judge.

Edited by CAVEMAN
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Are you serious, everyone brought it up? Do you watch TV? Probably too liberal for you !!

If I was also blinded by my conservative beliefs, I will not watch or listen to news.

The local library needs more books for ESL students. Your taxes will be appreciated.

Pay more taxes so I can get an education.

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Pay more taxes so I can get an education.

The 'lord' will move in mysterious ways so I have no doubt my taxes will go up.

Whether it goes towards education (how's that system working for you so far?) or not, or how effectively is also a mysterious unknown.

All aboard the O-train...

Finally, regarding your posts, "Noted."

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Mind you, the Press Corp was used to the open and free dialogue they enjoyed in the Clinton era.

Caveman, I've been trying as hard as I can to ignore your rambling non-coherant posts, but when you say BS like this... I can't resist. WTF are you talking about? Slick Willy? OPEN AND FREE DIALOGUE!?!? You are talking about on of the most evasive, secretive, and slimy politicians of the modern era. Remember the Whitewater scandal, sex scandals, flat out lying under oath, etc. You think he was an honest upfront guy with the media? Man, you drink the Demo Kool-Aid.

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