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Everything posted by GrndPndr

  1. Update? Panel: Cargo blamed in plane crash killing Mich. crew http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/nation/2015/07/14/shifting-cargo-blamed-crash-killing-michigan-crew/30134517/ As has been previously mentioned, these folks were based out of the former Wurtsmith AFB, in Oscoda. edit: minor formatting crap
  2. Holy crap girl! I was worried when you said you were an angry panda...
  3. GrndPndr

    Panda 06

    From the album: Humor_01

    Panda Pics
  4. GrndPndr


    Various Shit
  5. GrndPndr

    Panda 05

    From the album: Humor_01

    Panda Pics
  6. GrndPndr

    Panda 04

    From the album: Humor_01

    Panda Pics
  7. GrndPndr

    Panda 02

    From the album: Humor_01

    Panda Pics
  8. GrndPndr

    Panda 03

    From the album: Humor_01

    Panda Pics
  9. GrndPndr

    Panda 01

    From the album: Humor_01

    Panda Pics
  10. GrndPndr

    We Are Cool

    From the album: Humor_01

    Finding Pandas anywhere and everywhere...
  11. Very nice, thank you! Although, we may have an opsec issue with image #5, which clearly shows us deploying chem-trail chemical: "Delta 459."
  12. You should proceed immediately to a physician. Do not pass go, nor try to collect the rest of your career. Do you have any history of cardiac issues in your family? If yes, consider this another reason to seek help. Maybe it's nothing, unfortunately you may have to find out the hard way (sts) if you wait.
  13. Best part, is when you view her LI profile, and then look over to the "People also Viewed" section. It's all women in bikinis, short-shorts and just slutty looking in general.
  14. So sorry. They already ended (those glory days).
  15. "2" It always amazes me when I'm aboard any CVN, that many O's and most E's who have functions below the flight deck rarely if ever are permitted to get on the flight deck (or hanger deck for that matter). By the same token, everyone always seems pretty focused on their own stuff. When I start talking about something going on up there, they usually respond with something like, "I might get up there on our next dependent's day cruise." So how much do they stick their collective noses in other's business?
  16. Perhaps we should re-name this thread? "There are plenty of programs/platforms to cancel, list your favorite here."
  17. Sure seems like many of those A-10 capes are something to be proud of!
  18. Indeed, what a shame we cannot operate (or think) with the same vitality the Jordanians do: https://news.yahoo.com/jordan-executes-two-iraqi-militants-response-pilots-death-033203764.html Of course, they are playing by Sharia rules. Jordan's rhetoric was a bit stronger, counterposing the quote from our guy in command (see above): Eh, same old story, sorry to bring light to it.
  19. Well, POTUS is certainly coming out with a very aggressive tone - I'll go ahead and call that response one of the weakest possible ways to respond to something like this, that I can imagine. He would have been better off not saying anything at all, but was trapped (and therefore had to respond) because of the presence of that visiting head of state. See story (linked-to) earlier. Oh, and I feel like he's got our back, and he'll really let us go kick some *ss. I hope some of you young dudes you get the opportunity to degrade and ultimately defeat them (somehow). Seriously, for those downrange - I pray for your safety. FM edit: Didn't know this would start a new page, changed reference to "earlier" article, rather than "above."
  20. Yes, the old more than meets the eye. I bet it will end up costing far more than that. It's all about the winglets!
  21. Since Rainman left, the place hasn't been the same...
  22. Hasn't this (not Santa) been cnx'd over budget issues. Come on, White House tours, Demo teams and trackin' Santa. Hell, all that stuff is about how much pain we want to remind everybody about in the budget. Those mean ole Republicans. That mean ole Pres... Wait! Cancelling this is only an executive order away! FM Still proudly celebrating Christmas...
  23. So pleased he was able to live a long and free life. In fact, many continue to enjoy a long and free life due to heroes like Nick Oresko. God bless you sir. FM
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