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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Found them on your Moms personal hard drive...
  2. Just join SF and you can have a beard anytime you’re deployed! Time to nut-up or shut-up!!
  3. I haven’t seen this personally but I honestly don’t know why people (especially retirees) have such a problem with this. I know the military is different but Freedom of Religion is protected under the First Amendment. These are some of the questions that should be asked about these people: Are they loyal to the USAF and the USA? Are they hard workers? Are they doing the job to the best of their ability? If the answers are yes, then I don’t have a problem with them wearing turbans or having beards. —————————————————————— Also, beards DO NOT affect the seal on a gas mask or O2 mask....
  4. True, but this is a SOCOM request and people tend to do what SOCOM wants...
  5. Big Blue - Yes; SOCOM - No SOCOM wanting 75 aircraft for an Armed Overwatch mission.
  6. Yes Already not being done in ACC and now being pushed through AETC to take form landings out of UPT.
  7. 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/15/politics/navy-internal-investigation-hand-gesture-video/index.html
  8. https://www.defensedaily.com/u-s-air-force-experiment-avionics-networks-light-attack-aircraft/air-force/
  9. It’s finally official!! https://www.defensenews.com/air/2019/10/25/air-force-officially-buying-light-attack-planes/
  10. Sounds like Senator Blumenthal is already starting down this road...
  11. https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2019/9/16/upcoming-budget-could-shape-future-of-light-attack-aircraft-procurement
  12. https://breakingdefense.com/2019/09/house-members-seek-ndaa-language-to-force-light-attack-aircraft-buy/ “Phil Clay, a former Navy test pilot for the Imminent Fury/Combat Dragon close air support experiments, says the Air Force should purchase "at least a wing" (20 planes) of the Light-Attack Aircraft for SOCOM and the so-called foreign internal defense (FID) mission to combat insurgencies.” “the so-called foreign internal defense (FID) mission to combat insurgencies.” WTF...?!?
  13. http://www.airforcemag.com/Features/Pages/2019/August 2019/Air-Force-Air-Tractor-Move-Past-Light-Attack-Bid-Protest.aspx
  14. Tank


    Yes Was told that AFRC released too many pilots back to AD and now AFRC is having pilot manning issues. Therefore, don’t expect to be released to an AD flying billet. AFRC didn’t release a fully qual’d F-35 Traditional Reservist who applied to go back on AD to fly F-35s! AFRC sees their manning issues as being on the same level as AD (even though most are getting out and going from AD to AFRC and not the other way around).
  15. Tank


    Be advised: AFRC is releasing new policy on the VLPAD and is getting very restrictive in regards to who is eligible or not. Was told that the only positions that will be released are those going to Command, Joint Staff or ROTC. Stand by for more information from AFRC.
  16. You have the full article? You need a subscription to the WSJ to read it.
  17. This also could go under the “What’s Wrong With the Air Force” thread considering LA was supposed to fall under the new Rapid Fielding Acquisition process... https://www-military-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.military.com/daily-news/2019/07/26/air-force-wants-more-money-light-attack-aircraft-effort.html/amp
  18. Tank

    Latest Movies

    Just watched the Netflix Original “The Red Sea Diving Resort” about the true story of Israel’s Operation Brothers that occurred between 1979-1984 to save Ethiopian Jews. Very interesting story that I’ve never heard of.
  19. If I were a guessing man, I’d say they manage records...
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