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Everything posted by FLEA

  1. "Emma Watson Top Gun" came out to be a real winner.....
  2. This is what the AI thinks "Nellis AFB" looks like..... Actually.... not a bad job....
  3. I like that in #2 above I can't tell if thats a sword, a gun, or a really fricken futuristic electric guitar, but when I think of mall ninja, that 100% fits.
  4. Also if anyone has any prompt ideas, feel free to post.
  5. I've been messing around on Stable Diffusion AI and here are some of the more interesting results. Not passing any visrecce test anytime soon, but still a fun program to play around with. The ability to artificially create human faces at the bottom is a bit stunning. Prompt: Special Forces on the Moon: Prompt: C-130 Flying in the Sky: Prompt: F-16 bombing Antarctica: Prompt: Fighter Jet in Space: Prompt: USAF Thunderbirds over mountains: Prompt: Airline Pilot With Lots of Money
  6. I remembered when we were deployed we used to prank local workers and TCNs, grease toilet seat lids so they would slip if they tried to squat crap on them, or some other buffoonery. In light of reading this I sort of feel bad about that now. Imagine being coerced into modern day slavery via indentured servitude only to be humiliated and made fun of by uniformed members of a rich country that you will never hope to enter one day. I'm going to go drink some hard alcohol now. Good night.
  7. Bill Maher just described the political climate in the country as a Cold Civil War and I think that might be really appropriate. Like a Cold War, the violence is minimal, and often by proxy. But the contempt both sides of America have for each other right now would certainly indicate we are not in a period of peace and cooperation.
  8. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/private-contractors-are-accused-abusive-labor-practices-us-military-ba-rcna52110
  9. Well admittedly I haven't read the NDS yet but that would be a really tactical level thing to be in the NDS. Usually individual unit deployment falls under GFM and regional plans.
  10. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/10/23/retired-military-officials-are-finding-high-paying-jobs-saudi-government-and-can-make-7-figure.html/amp Sort of on the topic.
  11. You know we spy on our allies as well right? There was a big hoopla in the 2000's because France found surveillance equipment in their embassy from the US.
  12. I think we first need to address the elephant in the room which is WTF does baseops have a limit on how often I can wave my American flag emoji......gtfo my freedom!
  13. Somewhere behind DFRESH's account, there is 1000 OSI agents trying to honey pot the next Tail Hook '92. I'm really looking forward to this....
  14. I think the point being raised though is that the "vast majority of Americans" get an enormous say in who our enemies are, specifically by the fact that they get to vote for the one and only person that constitutionally is allowed to say who our enemies are. And to top that off, that person hasn't said China is our enemy. Competitor state is the term that is continually flung around. But competitor means many things apart from simple kinetic arms slinging. This drags us down the path of 1.) Is what they are doing illegal? no. and 2.) is what they are doing culturally acceptable, and while many of us in the DoD might frown on it, its unlikely to buy them exile from the greater US population at large.
  15. I dont think anyone on this forum believes that. My experience with DEI has been people doing the phenomenal work of addressing grooming standards, access to sanitary facilities like lactation rooms, ensuring immigration programs are being upheld to law within the DoD, etc...... Its the same basic crap you learned in OTS/ROTC/Academy, take care of your people. I don't necessarily promote putting people into a position just because they are a female, or just because they are black. I would say though, that if you are a white male commander, it is probably good technique to identify if you don't have those types of individuals on your command team, and if you don't have them, how do you plan to solicit feedback from those groups in another way. Likewise, if you are a black female commander, how are you going to get feedbacks from other subgroups you dont have readily available in your inner circle.
  16. You said diversity of thought; so I guess my first question to you would be do you think that a person's experiences will change how they think? If yes, than my second question would be do you believe that being a woman, or being black or Hispanic, might create experiences that you would not otherwise have being white, or being a man. In my opinion the answer to both questions is yes. For the second one, I will never be able to describe to you the experience of being pregnant, or being a child of immigrant parents, or an immigrant myself. Now in your eyes those might not be experiences relevant to military warfighting. But I would disagree with you there. Because at the end of the day an enormous part of the military's machine is leadership. And leadership is a human skill with human problems and human implications. Every single commander I know will tell you that fixing and flying airplanes is the easy part of their job. 90% of their time is spent on the human problems. So if your airman aren't top performing because they have concerns dealing with where they are going to pump breast milk during the duty day or they have concerns with how and when they file their citizenship paperwork tied to their enlistment, etc..... I would argue that we are not working at our best. When we had the draft we could afford to not give a fuck about people and their individual concerns. Its been an all volunteer force for a half century now and year over year it has been increasingly difficult to recruit. So I guess we have to treat people with respect now and actually give a shit about them and what's happening in their life.
  17. Ive found that outside of the military the majority of the US population and US government rejects the theory of great power competition and believes that we have an economic competitor relationship to China vs an adversarial relationship. He makes a good point. We may go to work every day planning how to destroy China but that is not how the majority of US society or the USG thinks. So is China our enemy simply because some random general in the DoD said they are our enemy? Or is there more to substantiate that.
  18. Wasn't the where the term hollow force came from? The absolutely gutted military that persisted through the 80s after fallout from Vietnam. It is worth noting the study was conducted by Heritage Foundation. They are not an unbiased source by any means. But its still a data point to consider.
  19. https://www.airandspaceforces.com/air-force-strength-now-very-weak-heritage-foundation-report-says/
  20. There are behaviors that happen within the organization that whether we like it or not that are discriminatory. Example: there are still many officers who believe shaving waivers somehow make someone less of an airman, despite the fact that it is a MEDICAL waiver used to treat what can be a very serious skin condition that disproportionately effects 1 subcategory of people. And those officers STILL believe that people on shaving waivers should be prevented from solid opportunities for career growth like being a first shirt, recruiting, working for the T-Birds, appearing in a news article. Neurodiversity is becoming another hot topic now. Why is the DoD still discriminating against adult ADHD when it's been proven this is a neurological condition that has strengths but is also professionally overcomable. Outside the AF though it's going to be your DEI officers who are going to ensure that if you are a disabled veteran taking classes at university you get accomodations to help you take exams. Perhaps you need a service animal, or more time because you write with your left hand now due to an injury. DEI officers are out in the Dept of Labor and US Chamber of Commerce right now arguing to employers how academically powerful military spouses are as an untapped labor resource.
  21. My guess is they also aren't 100% aware of what they're doing as well. Espionage is a tricky art. You need to convince someone that betraying their country is in the interest of public morality . The article is vague but some good concealment on the plan I see already is this is a PMC based out of South Africa, a country that has generally favorable relationships as a neutral party to both the UK and China. It's possible only 1-3 people in the whole operation are actually interacting with any Chinese officers on a human to human basis. The rest are there working as ADAIR or some kind of contract Red Air and believe they are providing valuable training space for some developing African country trying to finally create regional stability; using junk Chinese fighters from the last generation. That's how I would set this up anyway.....
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