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Everything posted by FLEA

  1. Gas prices are up in Europe but not nearly as bad compared to US. $6-9/gallon has always been normal in Europe. I just filled my tank in Croatia last night at $7/gallon. That's pretty good in Europe actually since normally you are paying per liter what the US pays per a gallon. COLA across Europe is going down despite cost of living going up. The reason is, from the DoD's mouth, is because the standard of living is dropping in the US compared to Europe. In other words, because Captains and SSgt's have a reduced standard of living in the US compared to last year, COLA drops because it's only meant to offset the normally decreased standard of living in other countries. I think crediting the Biden admin for doing anything to help the economy in comparison to Europe would be short sighted. Countries like Germany had massive cash reserves going into the pandemic. They were able to afford shutting things down longer because they paid from those cash reserves and didn't print more money or take loans to support their local commerce while this all happened.
  2. I could give you my own opinion but I wouldnt do it as well as this guy who is an actual attorney and works on use of force cases. There are several facets of Ashli's killing that are irregular with contemporary norms for use or force. https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/569827-justified-shooting-or-fair-game-shooter-of-ashlii-babbitt-makes-shocking/amp/ My point with the comparison to BLM, is if we are going to scrape through the dirt every time an unarmed person is shot by police I support of a democratic narrative, we need to do that in all cases. Not just ones that support our political party.
  3. Don't over think it. Go there, be a good bro like you already undoubtedly are in your squadron, and just try to help out where you feel you can. Don't gun for DG. Appreciate the 4 week vacation from flying the line which we all know can be fun but exhausting sometimes. Take what you can from the course, but don't overthink any of it. You might only hear 1-2 useful things there. You might hear a dozen. It depends how much AETC is guzzling their own bullshit at any given time and how comfortable as a leader you've already come into your own style. Do go out and drink, party, have a good time. This is 95% a networking event. Skills you get on making connections become super important in any profession. Even if you're not a drinker just go to hang out. Try and learn a bit about other AFSCs. You can hate them all you want at your squadrons next roll call but for now get some insights from them. I was surprised when I learned how much responsibility certain Captains in fields like airfield ops get. For the wife/little one.... Montgomery isn't a great place to bring them. You totally can but I don't think your wife would be comfortable/happy. I dunno just my 2c. My wife went but we didn't have a newborn. She was REALLY bored in the hotel room all day. Maybe see if you can send her home to her parents for a month?
  4. Nope. That's not how the justice system works. In fact she was on video discouraging the crowd from damaging property and taking things from the building. Look man, I don't like BLM riots either. But I don't get to shoot randomly into the crowd to tell them to get out of a private business. That's not how it works.
  5. Nope. Believe it or not, SF doesn't have authority to shoot people trying to force their way in a SCIF either. There is a Use of Force spectrum and it went totally out the window here because political leadership wasn't concerned with the victim. The only crime here was trespass and democrats have consistently held that trespass on its own is not a sufficient reason to use force.
  6. We need to be consistent. I didn't support police overuse of force in George Floyd and I don't support it here. Consistency is key. Without consistency there is no rule of law. You don't get to fire a random round untargeted into a group of rioters. Besides, protest are "supposed" to make you uncomfortable.
  7. As an Air Force reservist and veteran he has a responsibility to ask about what happened with Ashley Babbit, and I've yet to see one person on the commission ask why a woman/veteran was murdered by a federal entity on capital grounds and no justice was served.
  8. I was thinking they were going to put another pipe down the boom that plugged into some additional plumbing that filled a Rip It dispenser. Was that still not on the POM?
  9. Elon Musk has been very vocal about population decline recently and I'm wondering if this is connected.
  10. Something else interesting about the one child policy in China is it has been correlated with a huge uptick in crime and civil unrest. Turns out when you have a shit ton of men in a population without a sexual partner, they tend to get restless and express their frustrations other ways.
  11. Noone is saying that. Was just a side bar that more appropriately discusses the DoD paranoia with disease and biological warfare; a paranoia that is appropriate given the majority of casualties in warfare up until the last 100 years have been from disease. However, that paranoia is often not rational, resource consuming, and sometimes works to undermine trust in DoD leadership. The Soviet releases are commonly cited as a reason anthrax doesn't make a great weapon. It was 1.) Wildly underwhelming effects for how many spores were released. 2.) Proved that handling anthrax to weaponize it was higher risk than actually being attacked by it. 3.) Treatable after exposure meaning once identified, casualties can quickly be further mitigated. 4.) Not contagious amongst human beings. 5.) Dispersal removes meaningful concentrations to ensure casualty. This was one of the largest state funded bio weapons research programs in history and the leaked strains we know of havent proven to be meaningfully dangerous to staged forces.
  12. The irony of why we have a mandatory anthrax vaccine in the military now.....
  13. Sure if it sells books. But the biggest proof of it's impossibility is that the foremost expert on military applications of anthrax in the world, the guy the DoD contracted to make the vaccine, failed miserably to weaponize it himself.
  14. Anthrax is also impossible to weaponize. It's a myth of the intel community that it's a useful bio weapon, a myth that unfortunately won't die.
  15. Also look into UCMJ Article 138. Once I learned about this, I now share it with everyone. Its one of the most powerful tools, you, as the member, have to hold a negligent commander accountable if they are doing something unlawful. May not be vaccine related, can be for anything.
  16. Worth noting that if you've ever been vaccinated for small pox, the small pox vaccine has 85% efficacy against monkey pox. The viruses are in the same family.
  17. The big issue with the Russian collusion crap, outside of influencing an election, was it out a cloud on Trump's presidency that undermined the legitimacy of his official position. In other words, with every policy or effort he put forward, it was dismissed with skepticism his entire presidency because people believed he wasn't even lawfully president. That said, there is a bit of irony because that was the same play with the Obama birther hoax. However, this is a dangerous game to play and one that invites insurgency. Between this and election fraud claims, the trust that Americans have that their leadership is actually elected democratically is very low. When that trust is extinguished, you better believe there will be terrorism, insurgency and civil war by the people in am effort to restore the institution. It's stunningly dangerous to our democracy.
  18. Let's take all of the assumptions in your first paragraph to be true, then that order wouldn't be a lawful order because it lacks military neccesity. All orders have to have military neccesity, regardless of the context.
  19. I mean to some people money is the meaning of life right?
  20. What hasn't changed is how the Democratic party still strongly believes that race is a person's most important attribute in determining who they are.
  21. Prozac you've made some really phenomenal arguments that we can reduce social spending, back off student debt relieve and not worry about making housing more abundant and affordable. Thanks mate.
  22. Yeah I would agree with that statement. Completely irresponsible for a company to act that way. The FAA has historically given Red Bull a lot of slack to develop air sports. Maybe some of that needs reigned in.
  23. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/red-bull-plane-swap-faa-revokes-licenses-luke-aikins-andy-farrington/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab6a&linkId=164870016 What's even more WTF is the surprising amount of support these people have who believe "what you do with your private property is none of the FAAs business."
  24. Also other organizations have formed to fill that roll including the CSCE, the EU and the Council of Europe.
  25. In what world is societal economic collapse from excessive debt absorption considered security?
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