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Everything posted by Guardian

  1. Agreed. However you don’t also force your will others. Since when can be offended for someone else? That just seems very weird.
  2. No one has guarantees they will get a chance at their dream. Grab a pair and make a decision. The bonus or chance and possibility of failure at your dream. Regrets are a bitch if you don’t make a decision, either way you go.
  3. Well when the boom falls into the ocean during testing that might throw up some red flags for some involved in the process.
  4. People aren’t leaving the Air Force. People are leaving because senior leaders and their decisions keep getting worse and worse. And the military is an ever increasingly bad environment to live and work in. People, even some of the most self centered, probably feel some sort of attachment to the military and service. This is getting out of control. The politically correct culture is destroying the ability to get the mission done. And one day will cause un repairable damage to our country. Finger’s revitalize the squadron was a nice thought. And could have worked except it failed from launch because it was all done in light of PC not the mission.
  5. This military has lost its mind. Was anyone offended? Did anyone in the unit have an issue with it? What was the CDI recommendation if the wing CC didn’t fire him because of it? Doesn’t that point to a lesser punishment until a general looking to protect himself got a hold of it? Wonder what people thought of the CC in general? Was this just the tip (sts) of the ice berg or something else?
  6. https://www.jqpublicblog.com/minot-bomb-squadron-commander-removed-replaced-the-same-day/ Who’s got the story?
  7. Go RPA. You’ll likely get the same assignments and be able to stay together for your commitment. Anything else will likely have you deploying on a different cycle. And I imagine you do want your marriage to last. So pick something that you guys will get to be together. Unless that ain’t important.
  8. They don’t realize or take stock that their very jobs depend on the flight happening.
  9. I think we should have no fly (I mean work) Monday’s or fridays in ops and mx. See how the rest of the Air Force likes that.
  10. It was deleted. Along with the original airline thread. I don’t call a real reason as to why it happened.
  11. And i bet it flew again too. What an awesome jet. No kidding one of the only airplanes out there that screams America.
  12. Not an advertisement. But read cockpit 2 cockpit. It will help you start. Ready set takeoff is a good resource once you get your resume together. I will say that 3-4 months is behind the timeline. You will be out of work for several months because of it unless you can stay with the military as a free agent. So save your money, prepare your stuff, and study your butt off.
  13. Agreed. And why have a chief parking spot when every person that out ranks him can park there. Never understood that one. Over powering senior E’s with a lack of guidance to properly carry out the mission is a major problem. As well as people and organizations who support the mission (which is essentially everyone) thinking they are the mission and forgetting they support something else other than themselves. (Again pretty much everyone)
  14. I agree and understand. And if something like that happens you would think it could be handled at the lowest levels. However I’m just talking about the person who got named and the general as according to the article.
  15. Notice the person of whose callsign was in question didn’t care? It was the general who assumed she really did care. It’s in black and white in that article. Then he made decisions based off that assumption. What a DB. Edit: I don’t know anything about said general except this incident. Anyone have outside opinions on him?
  16. By swapping one gay pic for another? How does that help?
  17. I’m not sure that level of funny is allowed on here? Remember all of the other cool topics that just disappeared?
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