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Everything posted by arg

  1. The chick on the far left is certainly an expert on big balloons. Would like to do balloon research with her.
  2. After googling that I'm proud to say I didn't know what it was.
  3. Bosnia, 18,000 feet in December in the whstling shithouse there were no naked people.
  4. I agree. But I noticed MTG caused JB to walk back his statement on SS a couple of levels.
  5. Dude, I told a couple of gunship stories in the 32 years ago thread. I'll update that in a couple of weeks.
  6. He mentioned a familiar name at about 10:40
  7. Fun fact. The Herks that left there in 1980 headed to Desert One all weighed about 195,000. Herk guys will know.
  8. Not sure what that has to with this topic but that is one of the funniest videos ever
  9. Does your wife approve of your user name or is that how you found her?😁 It's been awhile since I've been in close contact with 146 dudes and dudettes but the ones I did all liked their mission. So what if you're a step child. Hell, I remember when gunships were a stepchild of TAC/MAC. I think you'll have fun. Just don't confuse pounds/kilos of fuel.
  10. He's been showing other countries that they are for two years
  11. I thought the bar would be the place to talk about bacon and wine. It would take me an hour to type it all out so I'm going to provide links. I tried to find the first video I used to make bacon but I guess since it was 15 years ago it's gone or buried deep in the interwebs. You need pork belly if you don't raise your own and we run out. Any grocery store that still has a real butcher will have it. Shop around for price. Even if it's a little more expensive than ready made it's worth it due to shrinkage. Ready made bacon has a lot of water added and you pay for that, it says water added on the label, that's why it shrinks so much, the water steams out. Homemade bacon doesn't have that water. The fat will render out but you save that for other cooking uses. It's stupid easy. All you need is salt, that's it. Salt a pork belly for four or five days and you have bacon, the basic bacon. But who eats that? You got to smoke it right? We, I say we because my charming bride has pretty much took over the bacon making duties(God, I love her), use a Weber Kettle to smoke it. My wifes recipe is basically salt, prague #1(you need to be careful with that stuff but like I said you don't need it) and brown sugar. Token video for motivation. Trying to find that dress for my wife on amazon. Wine. The Desert Storm wine recipe is so far gone I could never remember it. We made it with pure grape or apple juice we got on the local economy. I remember we used the clear five gallon camping jugs to make it. The med techs donated some medical tubing to help with the off gassing. Our room looked like an episode of MASH. Here, we have grapevines and after making jelly we still had a lot of grapes left over so we searched homemade wine recipes and made some. Wow, that stuff made MD 2020 jealous. We may try it again. Here is a link to a cool website. I've used their recipes for curing a ham and to make pastrami. Both were absolutely kick ass. https://amazingribs.com/ We can talk brisket on a Weber too if ya'll want.
  12. She should have been more specific, it's in RV anti-freeze, the non-toxic stuff.
  13. Did they take 'and effective' away from safe? If you listen you can hear the drums off in the distance. Stay tuned. Also where do those places you listed get their funding?
  14. To be fair. Since some of the "women" he hired aren't really women, he's technically telling the truth.
  15. Lets get some beer and prove it. But can it RUN on beer!
  16. Can the M-1 do this https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=546114157471898
  17. At about 0625 Saudi(2125CST) time is when 03 went down. We didn't know it yet we just knew they overdue. Didn't find the wreckage untill March. I'll be toasting
  18. Interesting Edit My 97 7.3 Powerstroke got 14mpg pulling a trailer, combined weight 23,000. I'm surprised the Dodge got less than ten pulling that trailer.
  19. I'm in. New thread or continue this one?
  20. Some recent news about the virus in China. https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/27/china/rural-china-lunar-new-year-covid-intl-hnk-dst/index.html Nice ass
  21. My two visits to the Lubbock VA were good. If you don't mind posting,Which one did you go to?
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