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Everything posted by TreeA10

  1. Tater tots with extra salt and all the ketchup you want.
  2. Was his sister Sal a firemans gal?
  3. 2! Qualifications and experience. A 737 type rating is just another qualification and indication of more experience but, other than that, no airline is looking at it any deeper. And everyone expects you to shotgun apps out there, also.
  4. The Brenner Assignment by Patrick O'Donnell. OSS working behind German lines to influence the war in Italy. Some serious BAMF's dealing with pro-Communist partisans, pro-Democracy partisans, huge mountains, deep snow, and double agents while being hunted by the SS and Gestapo.
  5. "While Europe Slept" is a good read regarding immigration into Europe.
  6. That movie was mentioned because it was funded out of Abu Dhabi and shown as such in the credits. The Hollywood types in this case did not want any mention of the financial source if they took the money. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  7. Currently building a summer travel list for the Kindle app on my iPad . As an author, do you have any insight as to why some books are available on Kindle and some, like your F-15s in Combat, are not?
  8. I think a person posing as a lawyer representing an individual from the Middle East and telling Hollywood environmentalists (Ed Begley Jr, Mariel Hemmingway, and some movie director) that the Middle Eastern individual wants to pay to make an anti-fracking movie explaining that an energy independent America is bad business for his Middle Eastern country and the Hollywood types agree to take the money to make the movie but the money source must remain secret is somewhat insightful as to the liberal thought process. Throw in audio and video and I think "out of context" is a stretch.
  9. The folks around Chicago are complaining about the noise due to the new runway configuration. I doubt those will make anyone happier with the noise.
  10. Environmentalists that would gladly sell out the US to anyone to support their cause. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2014/05/20/James-O-Keefe-Dupes-Hollywood-With-Fake-Anti-Fracking-Film
  11. CBT topics will include Don't Booze and Bank, Putting out Cash isn't the same as "putting out", and Sexual Assault is no Picnic.
  12. I live beyond the range of cable and sometimes wish we had it available. After reading some of that stuff, I'm glad I don't have to deal with it.
  13. Man sexually assaults ATM then picnic table. http://thesmokinggun.com/documents/sex-with-atm-machine-456932
  14. It seems to be important to Ukraine and a host of EU countries. Important to Russia, also, but they're in the "for" vs the "against" category.
  15. How about immigrants that formed their own army? Pro Russian forces made up up Russian immigrants have attacked Ukrainian military forces. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  16. Weird. One minute the article is going all lightness of human existence then sums up with attack Iran. Didn't see that coming. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App! The Ukrainians are in a better position to answer that question than me or some high minded theoretical argument. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  17. Nice lofty and noble reading article that even comments on the scourge of the welfare state. Why exactly do we need to declare war on Iran? Are they denying immigrants unfettered entry? Here's a list from the end of that article. Didn't cut and paste well. Repeal all laws restricting immigration; do away with all quotas, visas, green-cards, and the like; make open immigration the law of the land. Establish an objective screening process at designated points of entry along the U.S. border; turn away (or detain) only criminals, enemies of America, and people with certain kinds of contagious diseases.9 Grant unconditional amnesty to all so-called “illegal” immigrants, and apologize to them for the trouble our immoral laws have caused them. Exclude immigrants from receiving welfare and from using government schools—and exempt them from paying taxes toward these immoral programs. Declare war on Iran; eliminate its current regime; and announce to the world that, from now on, this is how America will deal with regimes that threaten our citizens, our immigrants, or our allies. Turn next to the Saudi regime. Repeat as necessary. Reading the harsh laws in Mexico regarding illegals, who does Mexico apologize to?
  18. Still haven't got the address to your house! Based on your theory, they really don't an invitation or a key and can just stroll right in so you don't even need to be there. We'll just send you the bills for our basic needs and services.
  19. Define "open immigration that is managed." Seems to be contradictory terms but I'm willing to be educated. Public vs private. You can't give anything to someone without first taking it from someone else but let's assume you are talking about land controlled by the Government. Are you going to force all new immigrants to move to Bureau of Land Management property? Are you sure they want to live in Nevada and Utah? Maybe Alaska?
  20. Let's see, I earn money that is my private property. The government then takes their cut. I'd like to limit that cut to those funds required for the operational needs of the nation and not any more. By allowing anyone and everyone to wander into our Continental Kegger and pull up a beer, we are now on the hook for education, for medical, and for ensuring basic nutrition and shelter. I could give you a quick little tour in our neck of the woods with a good number of non-english speaking elementary students or maybe hang out in the Emergency Room at a Fort Worth hospital with a whole lot more non-english speaking folks. Government is not some obscure, distant relative. Government is "We the People." By saying "We" should pay for something, you are saying "I" should pay for something. And I vote no. If you want to pay for it, good for you, knock yourself out. And if you are going to talk the talk, you should walk the walk. Open up your home and wallet to anyone and everyone who needs the space. Like Thatcher said, socialism is easy until you run out of other peoples money. That being said, I've had some nice conversations and associations with a PhD Chemist from Belarus, a couple engineers, Electrical and Nuclear from India, a doctor from Ireland, and a Veterinarian from Australia. All had amazing stories and are thriving here. I'll take all of those guys we can get.
  21. So your solution is to allow unlimited migration here which would be "self correcting." What type of self correcting are we talking? I've been to wonderful places like Haiti, Caracas, and Mexico City and I guess you would be happy if we corrected to the economic and political dynamics that occur in those wonderful tourist destinations. They come to the U.S. for a better life. I understand that. I also understand that resources are limited and would really like to use your residence for a demonstration of that principle. I am accumulating quite the list for moving into your house and you have yet to send an address with invitations. You'll take care of their healthcare, right?
  22. Name any system, a swimming pool, a car, an acre of land, an urban area of defined area, etc. that can take an unlimited/uncontrolled increase in population without the resulting chaos harming those that live there. We can experiment with your place. I'm sure I can find a bunch of homeless folks that would love the serenity and compassion of your hospitality. Post your address and we'll get this party started. I'm all for legal immigrants. I've met many that work harder, smarter, and happier than a lot of my fellow citizens. Those from countries that were oppressed with limited economic or political freedom have an exceptional point of view worth listening to. But in the end, I put my the health and security, financial and physical, over the very nice people that might want to come here.
  23. Free? Are you that limited and myopic in your thinking? Somebody, somewhere is paying for it.
  24. I think Vertigo just gave all of us the right to enter his house and we are entitled to shelter, food, and the use of his property with or without his consent. Damn nice of you, Vertigo!! I hope you don't mind that I'm bringing a Mariachi band with me.
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