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Majestik Møøse

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Everything posted by Majestik Møøse

  1. There was a heinously bad chick in my T-6 flight. Somehow got through contact with luck, sort of made it through instruments, then washed out of low level phase because she still couldn’t fly an ELP on recovery. So I’d argue that those failed ELPs saved a plane at some point in the future because she never flew it. ELPs are a screener. Is it a required skill? Probably will never have to dip into that bucket of knowledge for real in your career. Do I want a guy in my squadron that can’t figure them out when 90% of everyone else does? Hell no.
  2. Because the hyper-emo left isn’t complaining about weed.
  3. ...so “roll inverted and pull” isn’t a valid COA during an EP? I need to get back in the books.
  4. DTS is getting better, some of the screens like the per diem one have been reworked. But the requirement to login with a CAC on a windows pc must go. It’s 2018 and I can move $thousands of my own money around with my fingerprint. Move DTS onto an iPad, use current location to check in and out of per diem locations, take photos of receipts, book flights/cars/hotels using personal cards and points programs.
  5. You cut out the queep at home. All of it. No more burger burns. No more fundraising of any sort. No more booster club. No one in the squadron hears about an award or medal unless they’ve won it, as determined solely by the CC. No one is ever informed about a volunteer or “professional development” opportunity. Hire civilians; one per shop can basically handle all of the admin in Training, Mobility, Stan/Eval, and Scheduling. Certify the largest office space in the building as a vault, make Comm give you some SIPR laptops. If there’s only one entrance and no windows, go for open storage. Ask the Wing to force the Comm/Sq to do the work for you. Tell the NAF or MAJCOM when they don’t. The Sq/CC takes stands like that because he’d rather tell the boss “no” than look like a pussy in front of his guys on the line. The guys on the line create that culture. The current push-pull for your time is “Flying vs Queep vs Deploy vs Personal.” It could be “Proficiency Flying vs Improving Mission vs Deploy vs Personal,” and that’s solely up to your community.
  6. My green boots are almost brown now anyway.
  7. There are tanker squadrons out there that don’t have a classified space in the building.
  8. So here’s the spear: both tankers have a bit of a rep for scoffing tactical planning and employment. Typical tanker dude: “Just plan me a track that’s safe from danger and tell me when to be there. Somebody else knows what those threats can do and the AWACS will tell me to scram if I have to. Well maybe, but I honestly don’t even care so I’m not even going to try to load HQ. Make sure you prioritize my receiver timing for me and give me enough fuel. If any of this plan doesn’t go perfectly, I will bitch about it publicly on the AOR freq but not attend any debriefs or further planning sessions. Where’s dinner?” At least it was that way in 2014, maybe things are better now.
  9. There is no plan to retire the U-2.
  10. It’ll make the bad drivers better and the good drivers worse. Overall accident rates will get better, but good drivers who currently pay attention will be lulled into complacency (Children of the Magenta stuff) and their cars will crush children frequently enough that many people will decide that self driving cars aren’t worth it. Cars will swerve to avoid trash, won’t be able to figure out mud and snow, can’t figure out construction zones, and will flat out never see things. And that’s when they’re new. Take them out of California to the 3/4 of American states that see 100° summers and -10° winters with 80% humidity, add 5 years, and they’ll work about as well as your 5 year old cell phone does. Right front lower camera not working? Car bricked, see your friendly dealer for an exorbitant repair estimate.
  11. I’m not sure why we don’t just erase all the reserved spots and just let the O-6s park curbside by the front door.
  12. Hey I’m just glad to see that the B-52 program is so squared away that this guy can spend all of his time on scraping pennies worth of care package garbage from the dark corners of Al Udeid to help out the USG’s underpaid indentured workers.
  13. The AF knows it’s about money. Every pilot at HAF has read the airline pay charts out of morbid curiosity and knows how much money is out there to be had. But the story they’ve sold to Congress (with our help) is that it isn’t about the money, it’s about additional duties. So Congress (and Enlisted dreamers) think “if money’s not the problem, and pilots just want to fly with no officery stuff, let’s bring black WOs and The Flying Sergeants.” Now the AF is chasing it’s own lies and using excuses like “we don’t have the data on how many guys are going to the airlines after they separate” or “the previous guys in charge underestimated airline hiring” to cover their asses. Which in itself is contradictory, of course. Edit: I’m not fixing it.
  14. Seven years and a $100m study. Then you can purchase a mil-spec DJI Phantom from an NG shell company.
  15. I think it’s a safe bet that the Space Force won’t actually be putting people into space.
  16. Ah, no, the coverage is fine. I was referring to the relative ease of denying the signal with a jammer over a large area.
  17. Does a Space Force mean we get more satellites? If so, does that mean the military budget will increase by that much? Is there a reason the USAF is unable to use that same money to gain whatever capability the Space Force would bring? Seems like a USSF would just bring the same capes to the table (still can’t count on GPS!) while building a huge personnel bureaucracy.
  18. It won’t. You can’t create a military branch with a Tweet.
  19. The suit is definitely weird at first; you first fly with it on ride 8, and it feels like a brand new jet again. Like you’re in a cocoon and disconnected from the world. Then it becomes normal after a while and you don’t really think about it. The tolerance for this varies among U-2 guys. It seems proportional to your mass; some taller or wider guys complain a bit more about tired backs and shoulders. And some are totally ok, it differs from person to person. Go figure. The good thing about the suit is that it was designed to accommodate an 8-10 hour single seat flight as well as could be expected given the constraints. The methods for eating, drinking, pissing, and temperature control are pretty well sorted. I’d guess that the 6-9hr missions that some fighter guys are doing in the desert can be less comfortable. The worst part is being on the ground when it’s hot/humid. Cockpit starts to swelter pretty quick, and the suit air doesn’t get cooled on the ground. The U-2 doesn’t like being anywhere near the ground. It likes to go up. Once it’s going up, everything is as it should be.
  20. Probably? When I was at Travis, it was queep only. Straight from the slides, the #1 Wg priority was OPR/EPR timeliness. The Wg/CC himself was editing 2Lt OPRs to get rid of white space, literally working through the night to do so. Every Sq had to submit full-up 1206s for every possible award (think Blacks In Government, Airman of the Week, Verne Orr’s Wife’s Award, etc). By the time I left, there were 18 quarterly awards categories in addition to the 69 bullshit stand-alone ones. Each was boarded at the OG, with nominees showing up in service dress to the board. Of course, it didn’t matter if the nominee personally kicked bin Laden in the balls, because the squadron with the best copywriter/secretary/chief editor (aka FltCC/Exec/SqCC) combo who were most in accordance with the mandated “Brown Bag” (yak) bullet writing style won anyway. Additionally, every Sq sent up weekly mandatory “Weekly Activity Report” bullets to be run up the flagpole. We’d send up deployment successes and one-off first time mission stuff, but the only things that ever made it out of the Wg were volunteerism bullets. I kid you not, in a Wg with “AMC’s Largest Ops Gp”, well over 95% of what they chose to report to the NAF was decidedly non-ops. They may as well call themselves the 60th Mission Support Wing. The only two Weapons Officers worked as the Wg Exec and Wg DS. There was no mission discussion anywhere; our Sq didn’t even have a room certified to discuss classified information. This was a place where the guys returning from AETC white jet tours were the voices of reason.
  21. No one is arguing that we haven’t done good work. Lots of good guys alive; lots of bad guys dead. The argument is whether or not it was worth the financial cost or the loss in ability to wage/deter a war against a peer enemy.
  22. And people can’t understand why some guys like the T-38A better.
  23. If you think of it from an opportunity cost standpoint (the cost of the opportunity forgone), you’re essentially paying $1m to stay in the AF. Then it becomes absolutely about money.
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