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Everything posted by pawnman

  1. I'm saving over $1k, with the added bonus that I won't have to itemize deductions.
  2. Or another short-sighted personnel management program. At least you have control over your waist measurement.
  3. Only folks joining after Jan 1 don't have a choice. I'd tell people the same thing nsplayer said - if you're at < 4 years in, take the BRS and contribute the max to TSP. And for the love of all that's holy, don't leave it in the default G Fund. With less than 17% of the military making it to retirement, better to leave with a start on that nest egg instead of leaving with zero retirement benefits.
  4. It's not about credit card points. When there's a delay in my travel voucher paying out, I can pay $50/month to my own credit card company, or dig into the savings and pay the entire GTC immediately. Given the frequency of voucher shenanigans, I know which one I would prefer.
  5. Ironic, given PT Barnum's exploitation of those people in real life.
  6. Maybe we should stop writing so many bullets?
  7. I pity the poor exec in a flying squadron when it comes time to close out the captain OPRs.
  8. Certainly we don't need the force to focus on America's #1 vulnerability, right?
  9. Not at all, unfortunately. We're seeing a lot of skill/personality mismatches at the FTU... Guys who love the geekery and genuinely wanted an RJ sent to a B-1 instead.
  10. Would it surprise you if I told you that, much like joining in the first place, not everyone is concerned solely with money. A stable job at GS-13, with a retirement, might be plenty for folks who enjoy more challenging flying than pushing a button and letting the computer take over. Delta isn't going to let you do a split-S in their new Dreamliner, after all.
  11. More like flying a biplane, but the point remains. It's also a good example of how using too much force in a counter-insurgency creates new enemies. In the opening of Episode IV, Luke is being his uncle for permission to apply to the Imperial Academy. By indiscriminately targeting civilians, Darth Vader turns someone who would have been a decent TIE pilot into the Empire's worst enemy.
  12. Since the families are a huge part of retention calculus, I don't think your crusade against service members with families is likely to go anywhere.
  13. - $75 for a major with dependents at Dyess. Didn't compare all the other rates.
  14. Unfortunately, the pool of competent replacements is shrinking with every passing day.
  15. Might not be JUST the crashes, but that many that close are an indicator of a poor risk management culture.
  16. Well, it's OK if we plant F-16s in the dirt. They're all getting replaced by F-35s, right?
  17. You mean the $455K bonus isn't enough to keep people dealing with this kind of thing?
  18. Why would anyone expect FINANCE to be able to fix a PAY issue...?
  19. I'm curious what their reaction will be when you take the test, and you still won't be current 42 days after your arrive at your gaining location.
  20. Almost 100%. But given the track record so far, the chances of NOT messing it up don't really improve with time. So, may as well do it quickly.
  21. It's not like there was an Air Force base with a 12K' runway near the Dayton airport or anything...
  22. And federal law, as we're learning the hard way. Turns out a lot of those CBTs where congressional reactions to various "problems" within the military. Same with the voting assistance program.
  23. She also mandated that we stop doing a bunch of additional duties, yet we're still tracking every computer and signing people up to vote in the units...
  24. Show me in the first amendment where it says the only reason I can own a gun is to protect my family.
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