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Everything posted by ElLoco

  1. Between this and the club trying to charge triple for booze at UPT class events, it's a wonder studs bother with them at all these days..but then again I guess in places like Del Shitto, you don't really have a ton of places to go.
  2. Please...I went through ROTC and that was like a douche assembly line. They're everywhere.
  3. Even the term manager would be a little much in these cases.
  4. "It is all we have"........it's a shitter at the Deid, I pity you if that's all you have..
  5. Unless the organization is jacked from the start
  6. 2...didn't even know that was possible.....
  7. Uhhhhh.....your phone/iPod and a speaker cord..
  8. Wow...probably 110, never mind in the back of the aircraft...take your zipper by the name tag, uniform top on garbage and eat a dick
  9. Somebody mentioned him creeping on stage when lectures ran over their allotted time..that was probably my favorite thing, watching people turn around to find him creeping about a foot behind them
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